Tuesday 22 May 2012


Ini ialah latest obsession aku.
Lately tengok tenimyu.
Bukan semua season,cuma Dream Live 4th.
Yang lain takde chance nak tengok lagi.
Tapi memang serius.


Well,selama ni aku tengok acting dia dalam Takumi-kun series 1,2,3,4 n 5.
Tapi tak pernah pulak perasan existence dia.
Maybe sebab dia selalu jadik serius,and not of main couple.

Yang ni time Tacky buat show dalam Youtube japanese version.Diorang main Seigaku Game.
Dari kiri: Tacky,Mao,someone i don't recognize and Yuta.
Dalam game ni,Mao memang kiut sangat-sangat!!
Memang budak tu blur.Patutla Dai-chan selalu kene jaga dia.
More like a husband rather than a senpai/brother.

   Dalam Dream Live 4th,Tacky dapat watak Oiishi Shuichiro.He is the partner of Kikumaru Eiji (Seto Koji).                                                                                                                        
                                         GOLDEN PAIR
First aku tengok Dream Live 4th tu,dorang ada nyanyi lagu yang 2nd -sebab Echizen nyanyi lagu "My Pace's Tension". Dorang nyanyi "Golden Pair".Aku kenal Seto time tu,muka dia memang recognizable. Tapi aku kena ulang video tu like...4-5 times to make sure whether Oishi is Tacky or not.And then,..it just hit me.

Ni Oishi and Kikumaru in anime.
I was busy worshipping Tezuka Kunimitsu, so I didn't focus on them much.

Tacky and Seto behind the scene. Tacky said he and Seto are still in touch even after tenimyu was over.

DAN INI...INI IALAH WATAK TACKY DALAM TAKUMI-KUN SERIES. nama dia Akaike Shouzo,besfren Gii. Karakter dia sebagai penasihat dalam hubungan Gii and Takumi, and he is a loyal friend. Tapi dia takde pair dalam citer tu, so aku memang..LANGSUNG tak perasan kewujudan mamat ni. Altho he is a handsome dude,I focused more on the main pair.

Hensem kan??Serius hensem...
Tapi aku fall in love ngan dia bukan time dalam Takumi-kun or Tenimyu.
Tapi dalam talk show yang include dia,Yuta,Mao and Dai-chan.

Tacky memang banyak cakap. In talk shows or something of the sort, he is the mood maker. He always have ways to make people pay attention to what he's talking about.And his smile,,..it's too beautiful that my eyes hurt.If I can make an impossible wish,I'd wish for Yukihiro Takiguchi to drop on his knee and ask me to be his wife.Kikikiki~~

Monday 21 May 2012


Lingo today was DAMN hard.
And I..on the other side,rather than answering the questions given..
Can only smile and laugh at the paper,..
Because the paper laugh at me also.
That is my limit.

I'm becoming more and more crazy each day.
Assuming I haven't reach Crazyland before.

And just like the title, I now am officially giving up.
I'm giving up on EVERYTHING.
On love..
On friendship..
On career...
On study...
On life.

I give up.
Standing and holding on, it was too long.
Too hard.
And it hurts.
I hate pain.
But no one does, right?
I tried to do my usual poker face.
Never let anyone see what I have in mind,in heart.
I tried to be open minded.
I tried to be positive.
But I just can't.
Maybe my negativity dominate my physical and mental.

I'll just stay like this for awhile.
No one will notice.
Please don't let anyone notice.
I know,one day it will burst.
All these feelings,these thoughts,that I kept bottled inside.
Until I found that person,
Until I am prepared to shed a tear,
I'll just let it subside inside.

Like I said earlier,
I lied to everyone and I  lied to myself,
By saying that I don't need anyone.
By saying that I'm okay by myself.
When my lie came true,
I lied again to protect my heart.

"Isn't this what you want?"
"You'll be okay,you were alone 6 years ago."
"And you can go through this too."

Saturday 12 May 2012

Exam again..

Uwaaah,lusa dah start philo.
Bukannya aku ready 100% pun,but enough not fuck myself up.
So,instead of brooding over exam,imma talking about my..how should i put this?


Y'know when a J-Pop shipper like myself,tend to have idol groups that i toootally adore??
Like the visual kei band [SID],our senior [ARASHI], the ever going 10-adorable kids(i'm not a pedophile!buT if i am,..don't blame me,they're too CUTEEE~!) [HEY!SAY JUMP], [NewS], Ryo-chan's [KANJANI8], and so on..(if i don't stop,the list wouldn't stop also..kikikikiki~)


basically i knew this group from their song for anime Fullmetal Alchemist, Uso. and then it gets wilder and wilder with the gothic videoclip Otegami and THEEENNN~~I found out they were the one singing Monochrome no Kiss for anime KUROSHITSUJI~~kyaaaaa much??o yeah.
And the lead singer,Mao,is choo kawaii~ほんとに~!
but i still love Aki,the guitarist.his eyes,oh-so-sexy-demonic-suck-my-soul-in~~!

                                                             Then we have Kanjani 8.

It's Ryo-chan's 2nd idol group!!But i didn't found out about it from stalking Ryo-chan.
I stalked this guy.
His lips,...his sexy lips!!Even GUYS couldn't resist him!!

Yokoyama in bridal gown.
i don't know what to say,is he HANDSOME,OR BEAUTIFUL.

i stalked Yu-chan after watched him act in Yuukan Club together with Akanishi Jin.and then i searched for EVERY dramas and movies he acted.but well,most of Yu-chan's characters are EVIL.like BAD-ASS evil.he always do the *smirk* *smirk* thing with his side-glance smile.it WAS evil,yet so damn hot.his only NATURAL character was the MAD-HATTER-LIKE-IN-ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND midnight drama;0 Goshitsu no Kyaku.But meaning i ALWAYS STALKED YU,not that i dislike the others.i totally love Ryo,but in NewS.not in Kanjani8.there is also the cute Ohkura Tadayoshi-so feminine!!

I won't talk of other idol groups for now,need to study.hahahaa~and im totally ROOMATE-LESS now!!my rumate has gotten herself a new room.YESS!!I GOT THE ROOM ALL FOR MYSELF!!!

anyways yah i've been watching [MAOU] the past couple days. from that stack of DVDs i got from my cousin, i've decided to watch this drama first because well, i wanted to keep the best for the last. last as in Ryusei no Kizuna starring Ninomiya Kazunari, Nishikido Ryo and Toda Erika. Nino, my ni-ban (or Aiba, depending on my mood really)! i even stopped watching Aiba's [My Girl] halfway because its so beautifully heartbreaking and i dont want it to ever end so imma save it for later days. i have weird logic, i know hahahaha. anyways, i was all sceptical of MAOU because well, im not that  into Ohno (though i love watching him in motion) and honestly the cover of the DVD's not that enticing.
its like this and its like that and Ohno's oh-so-sigh and then suddenly its like that already!
dont get what i mean? me neither. nothing makes real sense when fangirl-mode in MAJOR ON. but thats the beauty of it! :D
so MAOU (vaguely translated into er Demon King la wtf) its basically about this guy seeking revenge. his plottings and schemings to indirectly kill the loved ones of his main target, all the while keeping his reputation as the "Angel Lawyer" intact. i love it, the subtle changes of his facial expressions. the walls that the character builds, with his calm, controlled self. and how those walls break down when he's alone, reminiscing about the past. watching him fall for the girl and fighting his inner demons; you can clearly see what is he thinking just by looking at his eyes! call me a Do-S, but i just like to see them boys all emotional and angsty 
 who knew this guy could act yo.

to me, he'd always been the quietly random, spaced-out Leader of ARASHI, occasionally dorky; the one that every member somehow fawns over. possibly the most talented one and yet, the way he always look so genuinely surprised when his solo/drama/dancingskills/voice get praised, or tops a chart or two  didnt he once said in an interview that he didnt like being looked at and he'd prefer it if nobody really notices him? the one that wears whatever clothes his mom buys for him and whose hobby is getting a tan then being scolded by the Jimusho fishing & painting. the one who goes for second (even third!) helpings of food in TV shows and has a tendency to stay quiet throughout those TV shows as well! to sum it all up, he's the most unidol-like idol ever; but that's his major charm that earns him that  many crazy fans, i suppose. 

i think pretty much everybody would think that they already know from the start the real identity and true motive behind all the schemings, BUT i dont think anybody expect them to twist it that  way. like i said, i got hooked. it kept me wondering, like, "ehh wait a minute, if he's that person..then why did he..?! or is he not that  person really?!"   and the heart goes all boomboomboom and excited, you know. and this kinda suspense/mystery/whatever genre of drama was never exactly my cup of tea. the things being a fangirl does to you (*´ο`*)=3 *sighs

i like him way better here than in Hachikuro. though i seemed to notice that in about 80% of his scenes as the detective (and target of Naruse's revenge), he's always always  running around! everything also must lari sini lari sana, cannot take train or drive or grab a taxi whatever is it! as if tokyo's so small like that right hahahah assuming that it is  set in Tokyo, that is. but whatever; angsty emotional Touma Ikuta is uber watchable. so yeah, im hooked. *repeats self 

 special note 

yes, behold the power of Ohmiya. as in Ohno + Ninomiya. as in awesomeness. as in they're friggin' holding hands! 
(and Nino's holding a pack of cards. probably in the midst of practising his magic tricks again?)

 uhm..kiss? ;D

ok the end hahahaha other than these drama, i havent really been getting my doses of happysparklyrainbowsandsunshine boys (aka ARASHI, duhs.) due to the recent blocking of those file-downloading sites by this certain hotspot! cisness! i seriously think im addicted to them! though i did downloaded the KeyHoleTV programme that lets me watch japanese tv+radio channels in live time, but the quality's so-so only and the ARASHI media-time-schedule dont really fit mine FML. on the bright side, i was randomly surfing the channels and suddenly[To Be Free] was playing on BayFM!! got suuuuuper excited!! now im just hoping to catch VS Arashi and Himitsu no Arashi-chan this thursday! because no ARASHI = low テンション! (*) *prays

by the way i totally love my new roommate! because she's hardly ever in the room and she often doesnt even come back at nights hahahaha not that she's a bad person or anything, i just really enjoy being alone in the room. like, really really enjoy hahahaha! xD

HAHA cant believe this is Naruse!
(the character he plays in MAOU)
(this is one of those behind-the-scenes thing)

plus, Touma Ikuta = eye candy

it was just a guest-starring role in the first episode, absolutely no effect on the plot whatsoever, but still, very very notable. i mean, i totally ship the Ohmiya duo. and do let me know which Ohmiya-shipper wouldnt like a scene where one of them is pushed against the wall by the other? kyaa-worthy much? absofuckinglutely.

Friday 11 May 2012

exam?yes..but there's still something else.

yeah,exam semakin mendekati..

philosophy dah cover.

sekarang otw menghabiskan Child Development.

bukannya aku nak exaggerate,tapi aku rasa aku boleh..erm...how should i put this? "excel" dalam Literature.

Literature has been my passion.

Always wanted to be a literature book editor.

Whether a chemical engineer, or book editor.

And now, I'm talking about "farewells."

I am still waiting.

Yes, I'm still waiting for Ahmad Syakir bin Zainudin.

Not for a word of reconciliation, but for a bade of farewell.

Because he never truly bade me "goodbye".

And because of that, I never was really ready to let go. 

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Confuniasm(not Confucianism)

Masalah internal betul..

Stress sendiri.
Pastu frust sendiri.
Sakit hati sendiri.
Carik ubat sendiri.

Pastu berulang kembali.

Jeng jeng jeng!!