Tuesday 22 May 2012


Ini ialah latest obsession aku.
Lately tengok tenimyu.
Bukan semua season,cuma Dream Live 4th.
Yang lain takde chance nak tengok lagi.
Tapi memang serius.


Well,selama ni aku tengok acting dia dalam Takumi-kun series 1,2,3,4 n 5.
Tapi tak pernah pulak perasan existence dia.
Maybe sebab dia selalu jadik serius,and not of main couple.

Yang ni time Tacky buat show dalam Youtube japanese version.Diorang main Seigaku Game.
Dari kiri: Tacky,Mao,someone i don't recognize and Yuta.
Dalam game ni,Mao memang kiut sangat-sangat!!
Memang budak tu blur.Patutla Dai-chan selalu kene jaga dia.
More like a husband rather than a senpai/brother.

   Dalam Dream Live 4th,Tacky dapat watak Oiishi Shuichiro.He is the partner of Kikumaru Eiji (Seto Koji).                                                                                                                        
                                         GOLDEN PAIR
First aku tengok Dream Live 4th tu,dorang ada nyanyi lagu yang 2nd -sebab Echizen nyanyi lagu "My Pace's Tension". Dorang nyanyi "Golden Pair".Aku kenal Seto time tu,muka dia memang recognizable. Tapi aku kena ulang video tu like...4-5 times to make sure whether Oishi is Tacky or not.And then,..it just hit me.

Ni Oishi and Kikumaru in anime.
I was busy worshipping Tezuka Kunimitsu, so I didn't focus on them much.

Tacky and Seto behind the scene. Tacky said he and Seto are still in touch even after tenimyu was over.

DAN INI...INI IALAH WATAK TACKY DALAM TAKUMI-KUN SERIES. nama dia Akaike Shouzo,besfren Gii. Karakter dia sebagai penasihat dalam hubungan Gii and Takumi, and he is a loyal friend. Tapi dia takde pair dalam citer tu, so aku memang..LANGSUNG tak perasan kewujudan mamat ni. Altho he is a handsome dude,I focused more on the main pair.

Hensem kan??Serius hensem...
Tapi aku fall in love ngan dia bukan time dalam Takumi-kun or Tenimyu.
Tapi dalam talk show yang include dia,Yuta,Mao and Dai-chan.

Tacky memang banyak cakap. In talk shows or something of the sort, he is the mood maker. He always have ways to make people pay attention to what he's talking about.And his smile,,..it's too beautiful that my eyes hurt.If I can make an impossible wish,I'd wish for Yukihiro Takiguchi to drop on his knee and ask me to be his wife.Kikikiki~~

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