Monday 26 August 2013

A Day With Uncle Clint

"Cool Uncle Clint. Say it. Co-ollll Uh-un-cul Cl-in-t," Clint enunciated his name slowly at the young toddler in front of him."You and I aren't leaving here until you learn my name."
"Kwool 'ncle Cwuin." Peter shrieked and then laughed.
Clint sighed. "Close enough," he muttered as he scooped up the giggling toddler and climbed down from the platform of Stark Tower's antenna.
"OK kid, it's important that you're prepared and fast because if a motherfucking super villain is shooting your ass down from the top of the building, you won't have time to double check or else you're spider-patty. Got it?"
"Got it," Peter mumbled as he mentally went through his checklist. His harness felt secure, the ropes were all in place. Should be good.
"Now, every other abseiling instructor would tell you to walk down the side slowly and carefully, but trust me - when a little shit like Loki is firing at you, you're not going to have time to play safe. So it's a run off the ledge, push on the handle, down you go for today's training. And for gods sake don't touch the rope because I don't want to be the one having to explain to your dads why your skin has shredded off," Clint said. "Ready?"
"I don't really have a choice do I?" Peter replied.
"Nah you don't. You'll be fine though," Clint gave him a wink. "Remember, the rope's not going to be long enough, so don't worry when you suddenly feel like you're bungy-jumping back up. Just hang in there, give me your position and I'll open the window for you. Ready? JUMP!"
Peter ran, turned and jumped off the ledge of Stark Tower, with his hand on the handle. Down he went, almost as fast as free falling, mimicking the effects of how the webshooters would feel like. Free - except with ropes and harnesses, for now.
The fall was only for a few seconds, and it ended too soon when he felt himself being snapped back up by the rope. Then, he was dangling from side to side, the momentum of his fall slowing down until he was barely moving anymore. He released the handle and his breath, then reached up to the com attached to his ear.
"Hey Uncle Clint? I've stopped falling," Peter said, sounding breathless.
"Great, how'd it feel?" he heard the grin in his uncles voice and broke into a smile himself. Finally, he understood why his uncle liked free falling from the sides of buildings so much - it was an exhilarating feeling, falling down from a perch but knowing at the same time that there would be something to keep him safe, whether it be grabbling hooks or a team member.
"It felt great! Can we do it again?" Peter said excitedly.
Clint laughed. "Yeah, well you need to give me your position first so that I can let you in and up."
Peter squinted his eyes. The UV-protected reflective glass used on the windows of his fathers tower made it hard to see what was inside. Peter cupped his hands over the sides of his eyes and leaned in, then yelped at what he saw.
"Uncle Clint - er how do I say this - um you might want to leave me dangling out here for awhile. Maybe get a longer rope," Peter spluttered.
"What's wrong kid? Where are you?"
"I'm outside pop's room."