Monday 27 May 2013

A Future Her

She was tired from being a primary school teacher,
But what to do,
That is her daily routine.
She comes home to a small cottage,
Far in the woods,
Away from the city and civilization.

The small cottage she called home is not as beautiful as other teachers',
But she was content and felt closer to nature.
In the small cottage,
There is a particular room full of books.
It's her beloved private library.
She spends most of the times in that particular room,
Sometimes she sleep in the study slash library,
Leaving her bedroom empty and dusty.

And at evenings,
She will step out of her small little cottage and manage her relevantly small garden.
It was located behind the front yard and her small car where she use to go to school everyday.
There were her favorite Casablanca, his purple violets (which he claimed to be similar to her nickname), and the other person's reminder; Baby Romantica;the princess of roses.
There were also some small fruits and vegetables, in case she's too lazy to go to the market.

This is her life.
Or a life she simply wanted.
And she's happy.

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