Sunday 13 November 2011


Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have nothing to fear.
- Baron Humbert von Gikkingen


I would transform into a cat if it means to be with this cool cat~ Baron Humbert von Gikkingen~!!


"I will bring you there"

"Will you stop me?"

If I knew that he had no one to reach out to but a 17 year old girl...
Then I had no reason to cry out my own name like a bird and cried.

If you know,that I, like an idiot, who cannot get over you, were you amused?

Because I don't know how to get over you.

I might end up hurting him.

Because it doesn't matter how many years will pass by, how many guys I dated,...

The place that I reserved in my heart still belongs to you.

Thank you for making me miserable,yet so stupidly happy.


1- Kemunculan Iman Mahdi,
2- Kemunculan Dajjal,
3- Kemunculan keturunan Hazrat Isa (AS),
4- Kemunculan Yajooj dan Majooj,
5- Terbitnya matahari dari Barat ke Timur,
6- Pintu pengampunan akan ditutup,
7- Dab'bat al-Ard akan keluar dari tanah & akan menandai muslim yang sebenar2nya
8- Kabut selama 40 Hari akan mematikan semua orang beriman sejati shgga mereka tidak perlu mengalami tanda2 kiamat lainnya
9- Sebuah kebakaran besar akan menyebabkan kerusakan,
10- Pemusnahan Kabah,
11- Tulisan dalam Al-Quran akan lenyap,
12- Sangkakala akan ditiup pertama kalinya, maka binatang2 & org2 kafir yang tersisa akan mati, semua gunung & bangunan akan runtuh,
13- Tiupan sangkakala yang kedua kalinya, akan membangkitkan semua ciptaan Allah danbertemu di dataran Arafah menuju saat penghakiman mereka.. dan Matahari akan mendekatkan dirinya ke bumi.

Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW telah bersabda:
..."Barang siapa yg mengingatkan ini kepada orang lain, akan
Ku buatkan tempat di syurga baginya pada hari penghakiman kelak"....

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Do it gently,please...

Maybe I have known it was not going to last long.

Still, I hold on to it.

One night, I had a dream. My friend was being dumped by his lover.Let's call my friend is A and his lover is B.

Well,as a good friend,I tried to reason.But in the end, what really happened was ugly.Because in their relationship I saw mine.

"Even if you wanted to dump him,at least do it gently!"

A was the same as me.That time,if he wanted a break up,do it properly.If not,I will hold on to it,even if it shatters me apart.

But of course,with him,I finally established my personality well.

I shouldn't keep my hopes up,so I won't have a broken heart that cannot be healed in the future.

I should be ready to get dumped,rather than clinging on something that surely will disappear.

If my feelings for him doesn't change,it'll be harder  for me to let go.

And that's what exactly happened.I have a good lad waiting for me to be his lifetime partner,Mohammad Mursyidi b.Osman, but still...

It was stupid,and it was crazy..yet,being stupid was the only way. I already lost him in reality, let he be mine in my dream.

The only thing that is different is HE told me doesn't want me,but with A...

The bastard just left..without a word.Not a single word uttering "Let's breakup."

Can anyone be more evil than that?

All this time,I've been waiting for a reply.A word of farewell.All this time..

me:How could you??
B:A isn't a girl.He can live.
me:But could have dumped him gently!!Not running away without a single word!
B:I think it was for the best.

And all I could remember was a guy behind me,whispering words that made me hate myself.The same voice that comforts me all the time,belonging to a man who gave me the nickname,..

"Velvet,the words you're saying to B was actually the words you wanted to tell HIM right?"

                                       Being hopelessly in love,was the previous me.Not the present me.

-The Name Issue-

Why Junni?Who the hell is Junni??

If it was Ryuki,some would've known..even if it was Seth, some also would've recognised..but WHO THE HELL IS JUNNI??


Let me explain first.I am very prone to liking  something regarding to TWINS. While watching Ouran High School Host Club, I envied the Takagi twins who played Hikaru and Kaoru.


So, I was thinking,..wouldn't it be good if I have a twin?But I want a male twin!!It was like, we lived in our own world, without anyone in our territory.

And having a twin with different gender will not make us fall in love with the same person. That is,if he's gay or I'm lesbian.Lord spare us..

Okay,dah lari topik..what I'm stressing here is, I pick the name Junni simply because she had a male twin; Junnichi.

Their story was similar to Kikaru-Kaoru, only their genders differ.
And one thing about twins, they're co-dependent. Like what Haruhi said to Hikaru.

Hikaru:(realising Kaoru isn't with him) Kaoru!!Where's Kaoru??!!KAORU!!
Haruhi:Hikaru, be calm!!
Haruhi:Hikaru,u're so childish!
Hikaru:Whaddya mean Im childish??Besides,Kaoru's the same also!
Haruhi:Well..Kaoru,if he's alone himself, he's calm and composed..Hikaru,when you're not with Kaoru you're noisy and cannot shut up.

That's sooo sweet~~!!

The devil-twins-who-has-too-many-times-on-their-heads...

Tomorrow starts with LDS paper,..heck,I didn't open a single "holy book" of reference book,let alone my folder. Yes, I did revise a bit while at home, but still, it was not right to do this.Even today,I didn't know what hit me,I just,like, "hell,whatever.I'm going to flunk anyway..might as well enjoy last days with these kids."

okay,so I have a negative mindset..

But,putting that aside, I really want to pass the exam,just thinking about when my assignments' marks  aren't so "flying colors"blah blah...

Plus, the holiday and the classes lately were always intersected, so I was thinking, "WADDEFAK???"

if you want to do holidays, do it straight laa!!Now I have no mood of getting back home...Damn this retarded IPG lifestyle!!Damn it all!!!!

I'm not so hyped thinking I was the only one will be home,cuz Kakak Tasnim,Amar n Asyraf (my-all-stars-4-cousins-group) won't be coming home..Alas~!And I'm sure I'll miss Saba,Jai,Dila,Said,and even Zetty. hahaha,who would have thought rite?

But yes, being with them is a bliss.It is different when I'm with Muya,KC,Amir n Imah..but friends are still friends.It doesn't matter.

So,here I come,LDS!
I wonder how my "ENERGETIC POWER OF STUDINESS" will carry on..


All these times,being with Amir became a habit.His presence was something I  used to, so when he was not around,something felt...OFF.I thought it was something usual for friends missing each other, let alone he's like my Hikaru. (So you're Kaoru?) Well, I am a little bit clingy..hahaha...

But then, I have second thoughts. Because Ranmaru(Kizuna:Bonds of Love) also said Kei's presence is something he's used too..only they were lovers.

But Amir is my bestfriend.Like Fazir to Adinda, like Kapten Gaban to Miss Kentang, and like Fiqrun to Miss Bawang...only then, I realize whenever I couldn't take stress anymore, I miss him more.

If we were like Usagi and Hiroki, I want to be Hiroki who Usagi cherishes as his childhood friend~

So today, I asked them..

me:guys, if you're used to someone's presence among you, is it because you're in love with them?
Saba: no, that my friend, is what you call "FRIENDSHIP".

Jai: yup,yup..the difference is whenever you're with your friends, they accept you for who you are.You don't need to be hypocrite or someone else just to grab their attention. if you're with the one you love,you can change because of them.
Saba:yeah,just like how Jai suddenly become silent whenever she's with Mr.F!hahahaha~

So that's about it..I think I do love Amir,just as much as Cain loves Abel, and just as much as Seth loves Kent. 

Saturday 5 November 2011

~Second Tryout~

The sound of the rain was chilly, yet it gives inspiration to that boy-cut haired teen. She was 19 and a month this year, yet she behaves like a 10 year old boy. This is her 2nd time creating a blog, after she half-heartedly gave it up. No reason, she just liked to write it out, old school style. Now, she gave it another chance. Who knows, a virtual diary might be as good as the red-cover notebook she always clung onto?