Saturday 2 March 2013

Platina Data

Nino's first movie since 2012!!

Well, I am not his no. 1 fan like my super-duper-extra-fangirl sister, but lately I've been out from stalking the famous 嵐 events and this and that, due to my...err, let's say, other stuff.

he acts as a genius again. in glasses. Nino wears glasses. FRICKIN' GLASSES. and oh, he's a fugitive.

But I haven't seen Aiba-chan's drama "Last Hope" either. So not in the mood for suspense.

Gomen, Aiba-chan. But to see him in doctor's labcoat and that oh-so-serious expression, I think I'm just gonna laugh. Like, we all know Nino is the most childish of them all, but Aiba can make other people laugh even when he didn't mean to. Because of his obliviousness and should I say....stupidity? (sorry Aiba fans)

who knows this super blur guy can be so serious? nyahahah.

I guess I haven't seen MatsuJun's drama either since Bambino. I HATE HATE SUPER HATE HIS STUPID UGLY CURLY HAIR IN HANA YORI DANGO. So I didn't watch that drama.

Sho-chan? Well, the drama about him being bitch-I'm-fabulous-and-have-a-very-sharp-tongue-that-can-cut-through-your-heart-and-guts butler, haven't watch that either. I have the drama though. But of all dramas, Sho being insomniac MC in Quiz Show 2 was totally the best. Because he always gets the cool character, it's good to see his crazy side.

Riida? Well..hahahaha. About Riida then, I am still puzzled about his character in Kagi no Kakatta Heya. So mysterious LOL and even though I thought the audiences will finally know his character well in the end, he just like, vanish into thin air. And that smirk. THAT SMIRK. He reminds me of his coolness in Maou.

who knows who-play-what-character??let's play a game~!

I've been neglecting my obsession for awhile. Due to some inevitable circumstances. Now let's get back in the game, shall we?


  1. O.M.GEEEEEEE~~~!!!! xDDDD
    chou kawaii~~ >3
    from the left:sho,jun,riida,aiba n MY nino~~~ xDD

  2. stupid.your nino is on the most left.the one in bowtie is sho,not your nino.and the one holding cat is AIBA not come other than MY OHNO you got all wrong?

    1. I KNOW WHO is WHO.I just put the wrong direction,I meant right,not left.Im bad with directions,u noe that.
