Monday 30 September 2013

Teen Wolf: Sterek




Hey, "Teen Wolf" fans: We need to talk about Sterek. If you've been living under a rock (or, you know, you just don't have Tumblr), "Sterek" is the fan name for a potential romantic pairing of Stiles (Dylan O'Brien) and Derek (Tyler Hoechlin). 

On the show, the characters are written as straight guys -- but some very passionate fans of the show see them as soulmates who complete each other. And who should totally make out like, all the time.

Even MTV and the actors have gotten on board with the phenomenon. If you were watching closely this week, MTV featured a fan's drawing of Stiles and Derek snuggling on a couch on national television. At Comic-Con, O'Brien and Hoechlin were asked about the possibility of a Sterek hookup, and they reached across the table to hold hands as Hoechlin said, "Honestly, on this show it's 50/50," as to whether Derek would get a girlfriend or just date Stiles. 

Of course, when we got showrunner Jeff Davis on the phone to talk to him about Season 3, we couldn't resist the opportunity to ask him about all the Sterek-friendly moments that were written into the show. The characters clung to each other in a pool, exchanged loaded glances all the time, and at one point found themselves lying on top of each other for most of an episode, paralyzed by supernatural forces. One of the season's major villains even commented that they'd make a great pair.

Davis swears that he didn't write those moments in to toy with fans' fraglie emotions. In fact, Season 2 was already finished and locked by the time he discovered just how devoted the fans were to the potential coupling. 

"What's funny is that I really didn't know anything about that until a few months ago," he laughs. "All of that stuff was already written! It's funny, because the fans treat it as if we're making it now, but it's not true at all. All that stuff is done, months ago, and I didn't know anything about it." 

Now that he does know, though, he's certainly not going to avoid writing those, uh, tense scenes between the reluctant allies. "Now that I know, it'll be interesting to see how knowing will influence the writing later on," Davis teases.

What you didn't know is that Stiles and Derek were supposed to get even closer in Season 2 than you saw on screen. Davis tells us that the scene where Stiles and Derek are paralyzed on the floor, with Stiles lying completely on top of Derek's body, was going to take an undeniable turn.

"They would've gone bonkers for the scene that I had originally planned," Davis laughs. "You can print this. The idea was Stiles paralyzed on top of Derek, and Stiles says to Derek, 'Wait a minute! I can still move my tongue.' So the scene would have been Stiles pushing his tongue against Derek's face, trying to get himself off using just his tongue."

Trying to get himself off of Derek, you guys. Simmer down. 

"Eventually, the tongue ends up in Derek's ear, and Derek's saying, 'Stop. Just stop. Just stop,'" Davis tells us. "Dylan loved that idea when I pitched it to him."

Ultimately, the scene was cut for two reasons -- one, there wasn't enough time to fit it into the episode. And two, it wasn't a good fit tonally. "I felt like it would be just a little too silly in the midst of this otherwise very traumatic, drama-heavy episode," Davis says.

But hey, at least it's fodder for your fan fiction now, right?

Monday 23 September 2013

I Pretty Much Am

"I have someone here who wants to know you."

You are NOT setting me up with one of your friends.

"It won't hurt to just know people, getting new friends.INTROVERT."

Shut up.And I already have you and Ricchan. That's plenty, even for me.'

"You're being difficult here."

I give up in loving people.

"And here comes the craziness."

-Amir bin Ibrahim, 9.39 pm, 23 September 2013-

Sunday 22 September 2013

That Love.

I knew I have watched it too many times,
uncountable times,
And I still well up each time Izzie and Denny says goodbye.
They didn't even made it in time to say goodbye.

But they loved each other.
An emotion I used to have,
But lost it.
And the words Alex uttered to Izzie,
It was sad,
It was the truth,
But it was also soothing.
And I fell in love with Denny DuQuette.
I fell in love with his words,
His smiles,
Everything that I know he is an illusion made for heartbroken girls.

Thursday 19 September 2013


If Tony's father was any indication of what he would be like around children, he wanted nothing to do with it.
As usual though, Steve managed to push Tony right into those situations he never felt qualified for.

"Steve, no."
"No, not happening, I wont."
"Please, Tony!"
"Uh uh, I went to dinner with you, I refrained from having sex, I even married you... you cannot do this to me. Steve."

That's how Tony and Steve, Iron Man and Captain America, adopted a five year old boy named Peter Parker.

So the Super Husbands became the Super Family.

Peter was a good child, loud, rambunctious, opinionated, but very intelligent and very well behaved.

Except for the times he would crawl across the ceiling and leave Steve gasping for air from a near panic attack while Tony chased him with a ladder.

Tony made a point to always tell Peter how handsome, intellectual, and brave he is. Basically, everything Howard Stark had never said to him.

When Peter wanted something, Tony made sure he got it. Steve would always accuse him of spoiling the boy, but let's face it, if Peter ever so much asthrew the word 'hate' at Tony, well, Tony wouldn't be able to handle it.

So when Tony was in charge of mealtime, Peter never ate his carrots. When it was Tony's turn to put Peter to bed, he'd read as many bedtime stories as the boy asked for until sleep took him in it's own time. So on carrot nights, Steve fed Peter, and when Tony took more than thirty minutes putting Peter to bed, Steve would knock and steal his husband away with a stern glance at their adopted child.

As much as Tony spoiled him, the boy never argued with Steve, or either of them really.

"You're a good man and a great father, Tony. You don't have to keep trying to buy his affection."
Steve told him one night, his arms wrapped lazily around Tony's waist.

"You thought my father was a good man also."
"That's different, Tony."
"Would you have slept with my dad, if you had the chance?"
"God Tony, if I thought of Howard that way at all, I would not have asked you to dinner. It would have been too weird."

Tony grumbled and buried his face in his pillow.
"Stop calling him Howard."

He didn't see Steve roll his eyes.

When Peter was ten years old, he asked Natasha why his dad never got yelled at him when he broke into his lab and exploded things, despite the obvious anger in his expression.

The woman didn't think to sugar-coat the concept for him.

"Your Dad is afraid you wont love him."
"Why would he think I wouldn't?"
"I think it was around your age when he stopped loving his own father."

Tony never asked why Peter started eating his carrots around him without being told, he didn't ask about Peter being satisfied after one bedtime story as opposed to four. Tony just thought it was part of growing up.

When Peter told him one day for no reason whatsoever, "I'll always love you, Dad." Tony was a bit more curious.

"Is there something you need, Pete?" He asked slowly, as if tip-toeing on ice.
"Yeah, I needed you to know that."
Tony may or may not have cried that night, but if he did, Steve kept it to himself.

So Tony stopped worrying somewhat.
He'd take the chastisement of Steve any day.
He took it when he bought Peter, well, GameStop.

When at eleven he dropped Peter off on his first day of Middle School... in the Iron Man Suit.
Steve yelled especially loudly when Tony made him a dirt bike... he said that thirteen year-old boys should not be racing around Manhattan on a dirt bike.
It's a good thing that Peter asked Steve and Tony for permission to go anywhere or Tony would be shipping him off to whatever party he wanted.
Hell, he'd provide the helicopter.
At least one of them was sensible.

At Sixteen, Peter got a car.
Thankfully this time Steve was in on it, even helped pick the model.
Tony figured he was doing pretty good, so when Peter was seventeen, he helped him design a suit and web-shooters.
Steve was not happy about that one.
Steve was so 'not happy' that Tony slept in the common room for two weeks.
"Thanks, Dad."
It was worth it.

It took a while for Steve to adjust to the fact that his baby was now a superhero. Six months to be exact, six months in which Tony secretly had JARVIS keep tabs on Peter every time he put on the suit.
When Steve found out about the extra feature he had forgiven Tony wholeheartedly, then demanded that JARVIS keep him updated as well.
All in all, Tony was doing the whole 'Cool Dad' routine spot on.

Until Wade showed up.

In Texas, they have shot guns, in Marvel New York, they had repulsors.
One could imagine Peter Stark-Rogers' reaction when for the first time in his life, not only did Tony flat out object to something Peter wanted, but had that something tossed from a 99th story window.

"Dad! Why would you do that!?" Peter had yelled, almost concerned for his boyfriend's safety if only out of habit.
"It won't kill him." Tony grumbled, raising the security by two hundred percent.
"Peter, if he's really that serious about you... he'll climb back up." Steve teased, wrapped an arm around Tony.
"How do you know, Pop?"
"Let's just say I've been there before. He'll try again."
Tony positively glowered at his husband.
"JARVIS, up security to three hundred percent and train the machine guns on Pete's window."

That night Steve laughed at Tony's inability to sleep, for once understanding it.

"You picked a hell of a time to be responsible."
"Wilson has grabbed my butt on the occasions we've run into him. There is no way Peter's butt is safe."

Steve laughed and tried to keep away the mental image.

He wouldn't trade witnessing Tony being over-protective for the world.
Over his laughter, the sound of machine guns went off, ruining the moment for the both of them.
They looked at each other, listening to the firing and shouts of curse words as clear as day.

"Put on the suit." Steve growled.
"Yeah." Tony responded.
Wade Wilson wasn't prepared for the guns, and he most certainly wasn't prepared for the two uniform-clad Super Husbands careening toward him.

Peter just covered his eyes.


And then Steve asked Tony to marry him.

It went how one might imagine; flowers, lights, music, down on one knee and a ring that probably cost SHEILD a fortune.

Tony said no (of course) because he knew for certain that he would be a dreadful husband.

Unlike in his attempts to make Tony go to dinner with him, Steve didn't wait very long to ask again.
In fact, it went something along the lines of:

"Will you Marry me Tony?"
"Uh... No."
"Marry me, Tony."
"How about let's not."
"Steve, Stop it."

It went on for a while before the Captain pulled his ace.

"Tony, this is either where we're going or we're going nowhere."
"Steve... are you breaking up with me?"
"God Tony, I'm trying to marry you!"

The banter continued for near half an hour, Tony being difficult and Steve being long-suffering.
Finally the good Captain took Tony's hands in his and the genius shut-up promptly.

"Tony... for the sake of America... Marry me."
"Oh ha ha, I see what you did there, stars and stripes, and you know what I have to say about that?"

They got married on top of Avengers tower. Everyone showed up.
Nick Fury and Agent Hill. Phil Coulson and his cellist. Thor and Natasha and Clint and Bruce and Pepper and Happy... They all sat in first-class folding chairs as Tony was reluctantly walked down the isle by Rhodey, bitching the whole time about how he may as well have been wearing a Vera Wang gown.
Oh yeah, when it was mentioned that everybody showed up, everybody showed up.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Nothing is more devastating knowing she's somewhere I cannot reach her,
I cannot soothe her when she's writhing in pain,
I cannot make her laugh when she's cranky,
I cannot touch her when she cries.

Nothing is more frustrating knowing your kin have already met her,
While the only thing I can do is calling Umi and Abah frequently and include her in my prayers.

Along miss you sayang,
Along wanted to see you so badly.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Yes, It Was Miserably Painful.

That's why it is easier to focus on other things,
But it was only for temporary.
Until you find other obsession,
The same thing held you on that same spot.

It wasn't easy.

Saturday 7 September 2013


My dear,
There is a difference between bruised, hurt, and broken.

Florance and I were sitting side by side,
We were looking at the same direction,
But at different people.

She looked at him with a flutter in her eyes.
While I looked at him with a sad thump inside the hollow of my heart.

Although I know I shouldn't,
I still look for his silhouette,
Gazing at his direction,
Searching for his back.

Even after all these times,
Seeing him like this,
I missed him.

I missed the memory of him.
September 4th, 2013.

but still, I gave up in searching for love, in loving anyone.

Monday 2 September 2013

I guess this is one of the main reasons why introverted people like us are scared of..well, people.

Sunday 1 September 2013

The Day I Could Call You "Mine"

Steve’s eyes were beautiful and full and blue as he spoke. 
“I promise to love you and cherish you.” Tony bit his tongue as he remembered the words, the look on Steve’s face as he spoke them, his smile, the way his hands were fitted into Tony’s on that wonderful day.

 “No matter how hard I may try, I’m not half as good at anything I do unless I’m doing it next to you.” Tony wanted nothing more than to always remember those words, remember the day he handed his heart to Steve on a silver platter, the day he was finally able to call the person he loved and who loved him in return husband.

Tony looked like he was going to say something Tony Stark-like. Crack a joke, say something inappropriate, anything. But his eyes were hazy in their seriousness, heavy in their devotion as he looked into Steve’s blue ones. 

“Steve Rogers, I’ll never fully understand why you chose me to love.”

 Steve squeezed his ring again, fighting the urge to look to his left and study Tony’s face again for the hundredth time. 

“You’re the greatest man I’ve ever met. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I promise to love you every day in the least basket-case way possible.” 

Steve’s eyes clenched as he laughed, and Tony was so beautiful as he watched him. “You’re stuck with me, Cap."

Tony placed his hands on Steve’s neck, while Steve guided his grasp to the other man’s hips. Tony’s was an open mouthed smile as their lips came together, and Steve’s intake of breath hissed against Tony’s face. Tony’s perfectly trimmed stubble rubbed along Steve’s chin as they angled their heads, causing chills to run up Steve’s arms underneath his thick tuxedo. Their eyes closed and everything was perfect, perfect, perfect.

That's How Much I Love You

“Pepper?” Steve’s voice was incredulous as he looked up from behind the bars at the woman standing on the other side. “Why are you here? Peter isn’t here, is he?” He asked suddenly, his face losing all color at the very idea of his son seeing him locked up like a criminal.

“No, no. Tony has Peter.” She quelled his panic as quickly as it had begun. “And honestly?” She glanced at the concrete floor. “I don’t know.”

Steve stood and walked over to her, resting a hand against the iron bars, looking down at her sullen form. He could easily bend them apart and leave simply if he wanted to; he was a super soldier after all. But Steve was a good man. He wouldn’t do that.

“SHRA’s dead, Steve.”

Surprisingly, Steve’s reaction was bleak. “It shouldn’t have gotten as far as it did.”

“I agree with you. You know I agree with you, Steve.” She reached her delicate hand through the bars to rest it on Steve’s chest. “What happens now? What will you do?”

“What I do best. Put my faith in Tony Stark and have it slammed back in my face.”

“Don’t say that. Tony is just… he’s loved you for years. You can pull through this.”

“How do you know that? It’s like he hates me, Pepper.”

“You don’t hate each other.” The words were like poison in her ears. “Do not say that because it simply is not. True!”

“Ssh, Pepper, okay. Okay. You know I don’t hate Tony.” He worded it carefully and watched as she reached into her small purse and pulled out the photo from his fridge door. It seemed even more weathered around the edges.

She bit her lip as Steve took it and stared at it for a long moment. Finally, clutching the picture, he turned away from her. “Do you still... love him? Steve?”

His back to her, Steve focused on the treasure in his hand. “Of course I do. Sometimes… it’s hard.” His shoulders jumped in a small, choked laugh. “Sometimes it’s too hard. But I love him so much, Pepper. He could shoot down the moon and I would still love him.” He turned around then to study her face. “It could land on me,” He murmured with finality, “And I would love him.”

“Then everything will be fine. Just have faith, Steve. I have it.” She said, and it assured him. Just a little.

“We’ll see. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.”

Some times you think you know the other person so well you could practically read them like an open book.
Other times,...
They seems so far away.
Like a stranger.

I Thought I'd Lost You

Steve stood back, staring at Tony in careful awe.

Tony grinned smugly at his gawking husband, waggling his eyebrows. “Remember how to talk, Cap? Didn't know I looked that good.” He removed his helmet.

Steve ignored his husband's playful banter. He swallowed the massive lump in his throat and used all of his brain power to try and form coherent words. “I... I thought you were...”

“Dead?” Tony added in, lifting his eyebrows.

Steve just nodded slowly, his eyes burning. He took slow, cautious steps forward, as if he moved too quick, Tony would disappear. It seemed like years to probably both of them, but Steve finally got close enough to trail his fingers along the arc reactor. He ducked his head.

“I thought you were gone.” He choked out. “I thought I would have to go home and tell Peter that you weren’t coming home.” He drew in a shaky breath and Tony watched him, face tight. “I thought I'd have to hold him and hear him cry and know that there was nothing I could do to make the pain go away.” Steve finally met Tony's gaze, uncaring of those around him listening, “I thought I'd have live the rest of my life knowing that no matter what I did, I'd never be able to love someone again like I loved you.”