Sunday 1 September 2013

I Thought I'd Lost You

Steve stood back, staring at Tony in careful awe.

Tony grinned smugly at his gawking husband, waggling his eyebrows. “Remember how to talk, Cap? Didn't know I looked that good.” He removed his helmet.

Steve ignored his husband's playful banter. He swallowed the massive lump in his throat and used all of his brain power to try and form coherent words. “I... I thought you were...”

“Dead?” Tony added in, lifting his eyebrows.

Steve just nodded slowly, his eyes burning. He took slow, cautious steps forward, as if he moved too quick, Tony would disappear. It seemed like years to probably both of them, but Steve finally got close enough to trail his fingers along the arc reactor. He ducked his head.

“I thought you were gone.” He choked out. “I thought I would have to go home and tell Peter that you weren’t coming home.” He drew in a shaky breath and Tony watched him, face tight. “I thought I'd have to hold him and hear him cry and know that there was nothing I could do to make the pain go away.” Steve finally met Tony's gaze, uncaring of those around him listening, “I thought I'd have live the rest of my life knowing that no matter what I did, I'd never be able to love someone again like I loved you.”

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