Sunday 1 September 2013

That's How Much I Love You

“Pepper?” Steve’s voice was incredulous as he looked up from behind the bars at the woman standing on the other side. “Why are you here? Peter isn’t here, is he?” He asked suddenly, his face losing all color at the very idea of his son seeing him locked up like a criminal.

“No, no. Tony has Peter.” She quelled his panic as quickly as it had begun. “And honestly?” She glanced at the concrete floor. “I don’t know.”

Steve stood and walked over to her, resting a hand against the iron bars, looking down at her sullen form. He could easily bend them apart and leave simply if he wanted to; he was a super soldier after all. But Steve was a good man. He wouldn’t do that.

“SHRA’s dead, Steve.”

Surprisingly, Steve’s reaction was bleak. “It shouldn’t have gotten as far as it did.”

“I agree with you. You know I agree with you, Steve.” She reached her delicate hand through the bars to rest it on Steve’s chest. “What happens now? What will you do?”

“What I do best. Put my faith in Tony Stark and have it slammed back in my face.”

“Don’t say that. Tony is just… he’s loved you for years. You can pull through this.”

“How do you know that? It’s like he hates me, Pepper.”

“You don’t hate each other.” The words were like poison in her ears. “Do not say that because it simply is not. True!”

“Ssh, Pepper, okay. Okay. You know I don’t hate Tony.” He worded it carefully and watched as she reached into her small purse and pulled out the photo from his fridge door. It seemed even more weathered around the edges.

She bit her lip as Steve took it and stared at it for a long moment. Finally, clutching the picture, he turned away from her. “Do you still... love him? Steve?”

His back to her, Steve focused on the treasure in his hand. “Of course I do. Sometimes… it’s hard.” His shoulders jumped in a small, choked laugh. “Sometimes it’s too hard. But I love him so much, Pepper. He could shoot down the moon and I would still love him.” He turned around then to study her face. “It could land on me,” He murmured with finality, “And I would love him.”

“Then everything will be fine. Just have faith, Steve. I have it.” She said, and it assured him. Just a little.

“We’ll see. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.”

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