Thursday 19 September 2013


And then Steve asked Tony to marry him.

It went how one might imagine; flowers, lights, music, down on one knee and a ring that probably cost SHEILD a fortune.

Tony said no (of course) because he knew for certain that he would be a dreadful husband.

Unlike in his attempts to make Tony go to dinner with him, Steve didn't wait very long to ask again.
In fact, it went something along the lines of:

"Will you Marry me Tony?"
"Uh... No."
"Marry me, Tony."
"How about let's not."
"Steve, Stop it."

It went on for a while before the Captain pulled his ace.

"Tony, this is either where we're going or we're going nowhere."
"Steve... are you breaking up with me?"
"God Tony, I'm trying to marry you!"

The banter continued for near half an hour, Tony being difficult and Steve being long-suffering.
Finally the good Captain took Tony's hands in his and the genius shut-up promptly.

"Tony... for the sake of America... Marry me."
"Oh ha ha, I see what you did there, stars and stripes, and you know what I have to say about that?"

They got married on top of Avengers tower. Everyone showed up.
Nick Fury and Agent Hill. Phil Coulson and his cellist. Thor and Natasha and Clint and Bruce and Pepper and Happy... They all sat in first-class folding chairs as Tony was reluctantly walked down the isle by Rhodey, bitching the whole time about how he may as well have been wearing a Vera Wang gown.
Oh yeah, when it was mentioned that everybody showed up, everybody showed up.

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