Wednesday 12 March 2014


Someone *cough Amir cough* used to tell me few things;

" people change. Opinions change, that's life.
  We move forward, but not you, no.
  You have to linger in what happened to you.
  So hurt by love that you shut it out,
  Close it down,
  Run away because you're so scared to feel." 

" you're so cold,
  so cut off from everything kind, loving, sweet, honest, 
  that you're just a mess of darkness.
  Your hatred for humanity is like a disease.
  How could anyone show you any kindness when you show none back? 
  How could anyone show you any love when you could never show it back?" 
What he said was a hurtful truth.
He knew I could never digest if he sugar coated the words. 
But it was an insight, 
Him being scared that I'd be too withdrawn from the world, 
Too messed up until there's no turning back. 
And I see it. 
The way he says, 
"I am scared for you. I want my happy little girl back." 

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