Sunday 13 January 2013


Sometimes you wonder whether you are simply too nice or too stupid to fulfill their requests, but you continue to do it anyway, “So what does that makes me? An idiot?”. Sabariah Kese asked herself as she tied on the apron strings at the back of her waist.

She opened the fridge and peered in for a while, before her hands started to reach out for the items that she would need in order to make each member her specific breakfast, while at the same time her mind was ticking off their list of orders:

Jai wanted grilled cheese and tomato sandwich.
Ana wanted half-boiled eggs on brown toast.
Said wanted turkey and cheese sandwich.
Dila wanted EVERYTHING, thank you very much.

She checked again the note pasted on the fridge, the one that she asked them to write on after she went to bed early last night.

Saba, do you think you can make me that tasty grilled cheese with tomato sandwich that you made last time? with extra cheese???

Saba, half-boiled eggs and brown toast, please??^^
p/s: I’ll help you with the dishes later, promise!!

Sabaaaa~, how about some turkey and cheese sandwich, like the one we had at that deli last week. …and thanks for making breakfast again, MOM!
p/s: Don’t worry, if Ana breaks her promise, I’ll do it!

Saba, I’ll eat anything you make!!!! As long as it’s food!!!....mouth-watering, taste-bud licking food!!! Ahhh, am getting hungry already, and it’s only 2 in the morning. Wish you would wake up and make breakfast now TT___TT.
p/s : from food-lover Dila to the ultimate chef Saba.^______^
p/s 2 : Oh,Oh, I want EVERYTHING in my sandwich,Thank Youuuu!!!!!

Yup, she got all the orders straight, alright. She sighed once, wondering why couldn’t they just want the same thing for breakfast? Like fried rice for instance? That would certainly make her job easier. But NOO, they simply had to ask for different things. Oh well, its too late to take back her offer to make breakfast anyway, so she might as well get started on it, before the rest of the brood wake up and started nosing around in her sparkly clean kitchen.

She took a saucepan, filled it with water, and started to boil the eggs. Then she moved around the kitchen and busied herself with the others’ preferences, slicing various pieces of bread and rinsing the salad leaves under running water. Thinking that Said might want her fruits salad as well, Saba opened the fridge again, grabbed some dark olives, kiwis, a ripe peach, a green apple, a packet of strawberries and a small tub of fresh yogurt. Then, thinking about the stares that she would be getting from the kids when they realized that only Said’s portion contained the fruits salad, she grabbed more items, enough to feed five persons.

Saba started to chop the salads and tomatoes into small pieces, and again she cut the strawberries into heart-shaped ones, always heart-shaped ones, she does not know why, but they look nice that way.

She was slicing a big chunk of turkey meat for the sandwich, when she felt a figure entering the kitchen and creeping up behind her shoulder. However, she pretended not to notice until a few seconds later, when a naughty hand tried to grab a slice of turkey, just as she predicted. A swift swat scared the wanna-be-thief away.

“Owwww. That hurts.”

“Serves you right.”  Saba replied as Dila wailed the hurt away.

“What’s wrong with just a bite?” the younger pouted her lips.

“A bite? You called a BIG slice of turkey salami A BITE? HAHA. Very funny. You know how I hate for anyone to spoil---”


“I SAID, Don’t touch it!”

“But I’m starving, wait, no, I’m famished, up to the point that I couldn’t take it anymore. My stomach exchanged itself with Ana’s black hole of a stomach last night and I’d die if I don’t have a slice of that turkey right now----.”

 Dila was shut silent for a moment as she munched on whatever it is that Saba just shoved into her mouth. She was thinking happy thoughts, of big fat juicy turkey slices dancing in the air when her taste buds finally registered the fact that it was no big fat juicy turkey slice.

“ That doesn’t taste like turkey.” The pout made an appearance again.

“No, of course it doesn’t.” Saba refused to rise up to the bait and continued with the task at hand, her eyes never leaving the chopping board.

“Go and do something else, watch the TV or something while I finish preparing this”.

“Awww, Sabaa~. How about just one piece? Just one, huh?”.

Slowly getting annoyed, Saba turned her head slightly to face the persistent younger;
 “Dila, I’ve told you before, you ca----.”, but the protest died on her lips, as a pair of swift hands quickly grabbed a big flesh of turkey salami right under her nose and the thief quickly ran away to Said's room.

Meanwhile, one big fat juicy slice of turkey salami is missing and the naughty thief is nowhere to be found in the kitchen.

i always loved kitchen scene

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