Tuesday 8 July 2014


It's funny how gossips spread like a wild fire around this dilapidated place I call campus of IPG KDRI.

And it's not even the latest one.
But God, 
They really knows things fast, didn't they?
Only not the truth.

For example,
When I broke up with the present YangDiPertua a couple of years ago,
People assumed I was the one who called it off.
When we were together we incessantly plays this game called "tarik tali".
Sometimes it was him,
And most of the times it was me.
But we pulled it through.
It was only the matter of family's blessing.

But when Munee told me Jak asked;
"It was Ana who break up with him, right?"
I was kinda wanna cry and laugh at the same time.

I always knew that people thought I was the villain in the break-up,
But knowing it with my own ears,
I now know I really am the villain of this book.
Not only in one chapter,
But the whole book.
A static character that never changes.

The same goes with the recent break-up.
Ricchan told me it is the way of life.
Amir said it wasn't anyone's fault.
But I know the truth,
If I never start any of this,
He would still living blissfully happy,
Not feeling down or regret falling in love with the wrong girl.
I was the trigger.
The bad guy.

And now Jowy knows it too.
And he only thought I was seeing someone.
Talk about old, lame, spoiled gossip.
I can lie to everyone else,
Give them what they already heard from others,
But to those who matters,
The truth is important.

It's just I feel that what I do,
Everything I touch,
I break everything that loves me.
They all goes out wrong.
I know I was never made to love someone.

Hate me if that makes you feel better. Please.

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