Thursday 24 July 2014

Of Getting Married Early

When we drove back to IPG for the last time for this year's Ramadhan,
Jai asked me;
"Kau perasan tak kenapa takde sorang pun dalam geng kita yang cakap 

I was taken aback by her question.
And after some thinking,
I answered,
"Maybe sebab kita jenis yang tak pikir sangat pasal benda ni.
Maksud aku,
Even kau, Saba & Zetty yang dah ada calon pun,
Korang tak terhegeh-hegeh nak kahwin awal.
Kau ada hobi lain yang nak dibuat dengan duit selain dari kahwin,
Saba nak kasi duit kat mak ayah dia dulu,
Dan Zetty jenis yang tak kisah mana-mana pun,
Maksudnya dia berserah je kat boyfren dia nak buat apa nanti.
Said is on top of the social status,
So kita tahu dia takde masa nak layan pasal lelaki ni semua,
Aku dan Dila,
Kau tau la gila kitorang macam mana,
Dan frankly aku rasa hati aku dah tertutup since Syidi."

That was my answer.
We talked some more about how our little circle is not like any other girls,
Girls our age (20s).
That Jai voiced her uneasiness of us not being "Perempuan Melayu Terakhir",
Or "Gadis Ayu".
But we aren't even real Malays, literally.

Saba and Dila are Bugis,
Said is Minang,
Jai is Bisaya,
Zetty is, well, Penang,
But you get my idea,
And I'm still blur about my bloodline (LOL).

But her inquiries made me think about it for awhile.
We have more important things to do in our youths,
Rather than getting married at early age.

But to counterattack my own words,
There is an Islamic saying that,
"If you want to get rich, 
Marry early."
The problem is,
None of us think like that.

I want to do so much things when I have money,
Rather than spending it on my dowry.

And so do they.

It is just that our minds doesn't only restricted on getting married.
But with different ideas,
Different reasons,
Different causes.

Maybe the reason is our parents,
Maybe the cause is traumatic due to brokenhearted,
Maybe there are many things that can be achieved when you are not in commitment,
Maybe you just feel the other party can do whatever they want,
Or maybe you're just comfortable being on your own.

I can't promise if in the future I will still think like this,
But for the present,
This is my idea on getting married early.

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