Saturday 16 August 2014

Payau Exotica

Payau - In Sabahan dialect it is an animal which we call a "deer".
The girls started calling me "Payau" or "Yau" just to spite my Bambi-legs condition. I swear one of these days I'm gonna kill 'em.

This is Fida'iy situation all over again.
Maybe I just have to accept that all guys that are attracted to me only sees me on the cover.
They want the "perfect" girl.
The girl that they can change to suit their taste.

I really, really wants to cry on Ricchan or Amir's shoulder right now.
I want to tell Amir,
"Please tell me one of your crazy jokes just to make me distracted".
I want to tell Ricchan,
"Can we fast forward our backpacking to Istanbul, because I'm scared I won't make it to 2016."

Even if there are many guys around the corner that notice my existence,
They notice my appearance.
Do they even want to see the inside?
Hell no.

That is why people who are not attracted to me,
Are the people who loves me the most.

Couple of days ago I was still so immersed in my future single life,
And now my negative thinking gets the best of me.

I want Amir.
I want Ricchan.

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