Thursday 16 October 2014

Jackson and Lydia

The power couple (and of course, Alpha couple) will always and infinitely be Sterek,
But somehow if I could relate the others with mine,
It'll be Lydia and Jackson.

She feels connected to Lydia the most.
She could have anyone she wants, if she works on it.
Not saying that she is highly attractive,
But with the right amount of flirting and adequate appropriateness of facial expression,
She could seduce any men she wants.

But Lydia,
The one who has ever loved her and the one she loves back,
Is the one that got away.
Now we all know Jackson is the frickin' king of douchebags,
But he loved her.

They are the ones that "are meant to be".

Not saying that her one failed real relationship is meant to be,
But why can't she use her charms and face to have anyone she wants?
Why do she resort to depression and loneliness?
She doesn't even know.

What she does know is she could never have anyone as good as he was,
And she doesn't generally buy "lottery tickets" anymore.
Because she couldn't take anymore heartbreaks.
Because she doesn't want to forget him.
Because she doesn't want to get over him.
Because he is her Jackson.

A Letter To Aiman Azlan - Rebuttal To The "Curse" Post Into "Test"

I was first introduced to this blogger by Saba,
Who was concerned about me not being able to let Syidi go,
Or rather the memories of us.

Recently I sent him an email,
And this is his reply:-


Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah.

Thank you for your honest confession. 

I think you have identified your problem when you said "negative mindset". Negative things happened to all of us, and each of us face different negative things. We all have our battles. I have mine, you have yours, and others have theirs. Your battle is your beauty. 

But at the same time, your blessing is your beauty as well. Allah gave you a beautiful face and you should be grateful for it. At the same time, you should realize that humans are innately attracted to beautiful things. Just like what Prophet Yusuf faced during his time. 

Prophet Yusuf was a very handsome man and people were attracted to his handsomeness. But he didn't find his beauty a curse, but he did see it as a test from Allah. If he passed, he knows that he will have a better relationship with Allah in the long run. That should be your goal as well, to have a better relationship with Allah, by facing this test and not running away from it. 

I speak for all men when I say that we are attracted to beautiful women, just like women are attracted to beautiful men. But I wouldn't that is our curse - that is our test. We as men shouldn't let our affection for beauty cloud our better judgment. That is why the Prophet advised men to prefer a women with Deen than a woman with only a beautiful face. Because in the long run, the Deen will help you get to Jannah, not the beautiful face. But that is our test.

Your test, as a beautiful woman, is to not let your beauty define you. Yes, people will look at your beauty but don't let their preference for your beauty stops you. You should prove that you have much more to offer than a pretty face, and I believe you do. Don't think too much about your beauty, and definitely I hope that you don't obsess yourself over it. Because beauty will fade, whether we like it or not. Beauty will fade, even if we take very good care of it. It is the nature of beauty. But if we take good care of our Deen, Insha Allah it will not fade. 

I think that should be your main focus. In fact, that should be our main focus. 

Work on your relationship with Allah and work on developing your full potential so that you may realize it in service of your community. Focus on that, and Insha Allah there will be a man out there who will appreciate you for what is outside and inside, and not just for what is outside.

May Allah grant you strength and may Allah surround you with good company who will help you get closer to Him. Ameen.

So here it is,
I don't want to be depressed anymore.
I want to be grateful for what I have.
I want to think that this is a test,
Not a curse.

I will do better.
I will love myself before I am capable of loving other human being.

Pretty Please?

I missed you. 
Can we please stop this cold war thingy? 
Although we don't know how to reconcile, 
I still wanna talk to you.
I want my best friend back. 
Can you bring him back to me? 

I have just been the most douchebag in the history of douchebagery towards someone. 
But still there are people who never learn that I am a siren that is unable to love. 
You're the only one who was never captivated by my siren song,
And you loved me the most. 
Please, can I have my best friend back?
I missed you dearly.

Monday 13 October 2014

How Did It Come To This?

I was so, so, so tempted. 

When all these craziness starts corrupting my head, 
There will always one person I want to turn, 
And I never failed to feed my ego to not to.

Apa Kau Rasa Apa Kau Cakap

"Saba, sebelum aku cakap apa-apa bodoh baik kau tampar aku." 
" Apa benda kau merapu ni?" 
"First time aku nampak dia since a long time, 
Hari ni dia nampak smart pulak duduk depan aku." 
"Kau memang macam ni kan? 
Bila dia kau punya, kau lari. 
Bila dia dah takde baru kau nampak betapa hensemnya dia."

Bila ada takmau cherish. 
Dah takde baru sedar. 
Aku lah tu.

Tapi aku tau. 
Aku takkan survive kalau dalam relationship. 
Samada kekal sendiri atau terus berkahwin.
Sebab tu satu-satunya cara aku akan dicorner,
Dan tiada tempat untuk lari.
I have no choice but to love. 

Fikiran yang berubah-ubah. 
Terlalu dalam. 
Tiada tali to tether me to this world.

Kau mahu aku jangan ajak aku membuat dosa. 
Jumpa ibu ayah. 

Walau aku rasa mentaliti aku membuatkan aku tak layak untuk bercinta, 
Dan dicintai.

Saturday 11 October 2014

A Curse

After everything that happened,
I came to a conclusion,
That this face is a curse.

It's not that I'm not grateful,
To have two pair of working eyes,
A nose,
And a mouth that never ceases to blab things.

It's just,
This frickin' face,
Attract so many unwanted attentions,
That I began to despise it.

Because of this face,
I lost faith in humanly love,
That people only wants the physical looks,
And failed to see what's beneath.

And that is probably my fault too,
Because I hide the truth about who I really am,
Behind Miss Little Perfect,
And the broken little girl was dying behind the faltering smiles.

I don't wish I look differently,
I know it would be ungrateful,
But I don't know how to see things positively.
Everything in this world only has its bad side.

What am I supposed to do?
Please, please, please,
Someone tell me what to do,
Someone help me before I destroy myself and everything,
Until there is nothing left.

I just wants to graduate as soon as possible and run away from reality to create my own world where there is no one and nothing could penetrate it,
So I could be sane for once.

Friday 10 October 2014

Just. No.

Never in a million years,
Would I imagine this would happen.

I was kidding when I said I could get anyone I want!

When someone confess to me,
All these always happen.

My hands are shaking,
My feet are cold,
I feel like I want to cry,
And pass out,
And hyperventilates,
And run away to Cuba.

And it always happens when I JUST got out from a relationship.

It's like the universe trying to say,
"Yeah kid, we know you're afraid of people liking you,
So we're gonna make people like you."

I need a pool.
Anything with water so I could drown.

A Little Thought On Anthropology


Some people has their unique quality that differs them from others.
Some are extroverts,
Some introverts,
Some a little bit of both,
And then there are maniacs.

I take times to observe what I am,
What kind of people I socialize,
What kind of people I avoid,
Humans in general.

I like watching how they bring themselves,
How they interact with others,
Just because I'm simply curious.

Watching them doesn't bring benefits for me,
Because I have nothing that I could manipulate or extract from them.
I'm not a sociopath.

Usually I keep to myself what I see in people,
There is nothing to say,
And nothing to memorize.

As I grow older,
The company I keep,
And the intrapersonal skills that I have,
Baffled me to no end,
Until now.

I learned from experience that sometimes I share too much background information,
So sometimes I filtered it,
Or just omit the facts,
Replace it by something else.

I don't lie,
I just don't tell the truth.

Socializing with a sociopath makes me think,
That sometimes I am a masochist,
For abiding by his words and reluctantly debates with him,
To stand up for my principle.

And some other times I think his sociopathic traits rub off on me.
Like masking my own antisocial self to blend in,
Mimicking people's reactions so I would seem normal.

Mingling with people of my own gender taught me about feminism,
And arguing on how to treat myself and different gender normally.

Someone who is fairly perceptive of my own person told me that I am a peculiarity.
A mix of sociopath, introvert, depression, and something new.
While he psychoanalyzes me,
I think that it is fair for me to ostracizes his thoughts by giving me information,
Helping me to understand me better.

A sociopath never feels guilty of committing an immoral act.
So the depressed can never be a sociopath.
But I have both qualities.

So what am I?

And the mindset of playing with humans,
Emotionally and socially,
Even when I am not aware of it,
Is something new, he says.

Being bored of people after using them is a sociopathic trait.
But as I am easily bored with people,
I don't use them for personal entertainment per se.
I don't enjoy crushing people's hearts and leave them broken.
But I don't feel sympathetic nor empathetic about it.

I don't understand when my friends keep feeling pity about something,
Because I don't feel their sentiments,
I only care about what I feel.

Because it happens every day,
To everyone.

So I nod and agrees to everything,
Because I am lazy to argue anymore.
Unless it excites me so,
Or the topic intrigued me.

I'd like to see if the people I'm socializing with have different views on themselves.
Or what I see is what I intercept.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

To (ex) Mr. Panda

You told me you could be friends.
I gave you a definite answer.
I want to be friends,
But at my own pace.

You doing all this,
It's suffocating me.
I don't like it one bit.

I'm sorry but if you continue behaving like this,
I'm afraid we can't even be friends even for exes.

I'm just so tired,
So please stop doing all this.
Live your life.
There's more to this rather than just a couple weeks of fling.

You're 22,
Not 100.
Don't be like me.

You don't love me,
You're only infatuated with me.
They all do.
Physical attraction, 
And that's just about it.
There is no such thing as love.
In my book,
It doesn't exist anymore.

People fall in love,
People fall out of love,
It is a common thing,
It's just a matter of perception whether you can be strong about it,
Or chasing the thing that has been gone for awhile now.

There will be someone better for you,
But if you keep on doing this,
I might start hating you.

Frickin' MQA

Why is this happening to me? 
Yes I said yes for the substitution for MQA Interview. 
I did it for the sake of our class. 
I did it because I am so Goddamned tired of people shoving it off to others' faces (read: Syafiq). 

It was just for substitution. 
Until it became permanent. 
What am I supposed to do? 
Our class didn't even do the stupid folder,
So we're flying blind here. 

I'm not good with verbal.
I will screw this up. 
This is supposed to be my month.

I sure well need goddamn sugar after this.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Behind The Mask

Who could have anyone she wants,
Chose to be alone instead.

Who could have all the happiness in the world,
Chose to feel hurt instead.

Who generally have no problems in the world,
Chose to feel burdened instead.

Who could be the heroine of the story,
Chose to be the villain instead.

Who could attract the warmth of companions,
Chose to hide behind the mask instead.

Who could have a bright future,
Chose to wallow in past instead.

One of my classmates,
Who has quirks for observing people,
Says he cannot read me.

He starts calling me "Batman" because of the mysterious aura,
But the truth is,
I've had enough with nicknames.

Vet and Ana are enough,
Because those names stick with me since forever.

I was actually intrigued by his remarks,
Because usually people says I'm just a bubbly, child-like, people-person.
Though them girls,boys, and my sister knows that is actually bullshit.

But with his observation saying I'm unreadable,
Makes me feel inferior more than ever.
I'm scared he will starts trying to reach out and grabs my mask,
To see the little girl I've been hiding all these times.

I don't want that.
I want to keep her as long as I live.
Away from other people who cannot climb my wall.
Stop trying to cross the lines.
Stop coming any closer.

I'm scared.
Yet perplexed at the same time.

Teenage Years

There is this weird dreams I had recently after meeting with little Amni of 3 weeks old.
I'm a little bit squirmy around newborns.
Which makes it easier to just makes it "poof" when they reach teenage years.
So here,
A little gift for my Widget.

I dunno why but every time I picture Widget in his teen years, the image I had was always Isaac.

There’s a monster, because there’s always a monster, isn’t there, and Velvet doesn’t even watch it hit the ground, down and out, before she’s moving for Widget.

By the time she reaches him he already babbling apologies, and Velvet brushes them off and instead grabs his face in her hands. She twists it left and right, searching for bruises or cuts or burns or whatever he could have gotten, and his jaw moves under her hands. 

“Ibu. Ibu, quit it, I’m totally fine-”
He tries to bat her away, but Velvet just pulls him closer, circling both arms around him and burying her head in his curly hair, squeezing her eyes shut and letting herself have this, this one stolen second before shit hits the fan. She feels him and how he doesn’t even hesitate, just hugs her back even harder.
“I’m fine,” he says into her shoulder, muffled, and it’s then that Velvet realizes she’s been talking all this time.
She draws back. “You’re not fine, you-” she presses a kiss to his hairline, talking all the while, “made a sentient killer robot-”
“By accident-”
“An accidental killer robot is still a killer robot,” Velvet says, louder than necessary, her heart practically beating the samba, Jeez, she had nearly had a heart attack when the call had come in. Yes, sorry, gentlemen, I have to exit this meeting due to my son fighting a giant killer robot with a secret version of the suit that I was not aware he had.
He squirms, his face still framed by her hands. “Yeah, but-”
“But nothing,” Velvet says over him, nearly shouting now. She tilts his face so he is forced to look at her. 

“But nothing, Cariad Dhiyaul Islam, but absolutely nothing, nada, zilch. I told you not to mess with that technology, I told you it was dangerous, you are strictly forbidden to mess with magic-laced technology, you know that. And I told you, along with the law, that you are not allowed to do mechanical suits until you are at least twenty three! At least twenty three, you are sixteen-”
“I’m old enough-”
“You are by no means old enough, what the hell were you thinking, you could have gotten seriously hurt, you could have gotten killed-”

“But I didn’t, I’m fine! Ibu,” he says, shaken and desperate and alive, “I’m totally one hundred percent okay, I’m not even bruised or anything, I was awesome, you worry too much-”

“I worry just enough, I watched my son almost get swatted out of the sky by a robot the size of a skyscraper, I’d say that warrants me to worry a little bit more than the average mother,” Velvet says, and her voice keeps rising, her fingers keep stroking lines into his cheeks like if she stops he’ll suddenly be lying on the ground with his limbs at odd angles after all. Her eyes rake over him again, sees everything in its place, and she suddenly forgets to be mad. She swears into his hair, pulls him close and just breathes, breathes the wonderful soot and the underbite of his shampoo that he always makes them get, even though it makes his hair oily if he uses too much. But he doesn’t mind, because the smell makes up for it, he says, he has said so many times before, and Velvet always catches a whiff of it when she kisses his cheek before he leaves for school, and she nearly lost that in one downcut of a metal hand coming down.
It had been so close, less than an inch away from him as he narrowly escaped out from under it, suit glinting glossy red and gold in the afternoon sun. Velvet’s breath had gotten stuck in her throat watching his curls through the tops of the buildings, whooping and curving in fast circles.
She barely even blinks, soaking in the sight of her son, with his bright blue eyes. 
“You,” she says. Stops, has to swallow. “Are grounded.”
He actually has the audacity to groan. “Fuuuuuuck. Fine. For how long?”
“Until you grow old and die.”
“Until you grow old and die,” she repeats, sternly, in her best I’m-Your-Mother-Hence-I-Know-Better tone. 
“Odes will be written about you. People will come for miles around to see the grounded son, grounded for the rest of his natural born life, we could start a tourist attraction-”
“Ibu,” he says, and this time he’s almost laughing, giggly with it. Colour is high in his cheeks, he’s still panting slightly. He’s flushed and gorgeous and streaked with grit, and Velvet has never been more relieved in her life. 
“So grounded.” She peppers his hair with kisses until he’s full-out laughing, shaking with it. 
“So, so grounded. Grounded times infinity. God, I am so mad at you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says into her neck. “Didn’t mean to make you worry.”
“Yeah, nice job.”

Wednesday 1 October 2014


You know the worst part of getting your heart broken?
The inability to fall in love again.
You thought time will help you being on track again,
How wrong are you,
When you realize nothing will ever be the same.

You're not the person you used to be.

Your feelings are numb,
Your head is a mess,
And your heart is empty,
Because you gave everything away,
Until there is nothing left for you.

You lost hope in waiting,
You lost hope in practically everything,
And you just wants it all to end,
Because nothing matters anyway.

Sometimes you lie to yourself,
Just to be reminded by your subconscious,
That you are pathetically being an idiot,
And have no qualms whatsoever showing it to your dearest ones.

Even if he apologizes,
He could not return you to who you really were,
And you don't know whether to be grateful or to loathe him all your might,
Because he showed you the true harsh reality of life,
Or the part where he took away the little innocence you had,
And crushed it beneath his feet,
Like an insignificant vermin.

You speak with brilliant words on keyboard,
But when with your lips,
All you can do is grunt and growl,
Like an injured puppy,
You know you're wounded,
But you refused help.

There are people who tries to replace him in your heart,
But you sealed it away,
You became wary of their presence,
You want to block everything out,
Because you're afraid of what could have repeated,
Of their expectations,
Of opening yourself up to another people,
Of being with someone again,
When you've been alone for so long.

He and I are not friends nor enemies. We are just strangers with memories.