Thursday 16 October 2014

Jackson and Lydia

The power couple (and of course, Alpha couple) will always and infinitely be Sterek,
But somehow if I could relate the others with mine,
It'll be Lydia and Jackson.

She feels connected to Lydia the most.
She could have anyone she wants, if she works on it.
Not saying that she is highly attractive,
But with the right amount of flirting and adequate appropriateness of facial expression,
She could seduce any men she wants.

But Lydia,
The one who has ever loved her and the one she loves back,
Is the one that got away.
Now we all know Jackson is the frickin' king of douchebags,
But he loved her.

They are the ones that "are meant to be".

Not saying that her one failed real relationship is meant to be,
But why can't she use her charms and face to have anyone she wants?
Why do she resort to depression and loneliness?
She doesn't even know.

What she does know is she could never have anyone as good as he was,
And she doesn't generally buy "lottery tickets" anymore.
Because she couldn't take anymore heartbreaks.
Because she doesn't want to forget him.
Because she doesn't want to get over him.
Because he is her Jackson.

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