Who was concerned about me not being able to let Syidi go,
Or rather the memories of us.
Recently I sent him an email,
And this is his reply:-
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah.
Thank you for your honest confession.
think you have identified your problem when you said "negative
mindset". Negative things happened to all of us, and each of us face
different negative things. We all have our battles. I have mine, you
have yours, and others have theirs. Your battle is your beauty.
at the same time, your blessing is your beauty as well. Allah gave you a
beautiful face and you should be grateful for it. At the same time, you
should realize that humans are innately attracted to beautiful things.
Just like what Prophet Yusuf faced during his time.
Yusuf was a very handsome man and people were attracted to his
handsomeness. But he didn't find his beauty a curse, but he did see it
as a test from Allah. If he passed, he knows that he will have a better
relationship with Allah in the long run. That should be your goal as
well, to have a better relationship with Allah, by facing this test and
not running away from it.
speak for all men when I say that we are attracted to beautiful women,
just like women are attracted to beautiful men. But I wouldn't that is
our curse - that is our test. We as men shouldn't let our affection for
beauty cloud our better judgment. That is why the Prophet advised men to
prefer a women with Deen than a woman with only a beautiful face.
Because in the long run, the Deen will help you get to Jannah, not the
beautiful face. But that is our test.
test, as a beautiful woman, is to not let your beauty define you. Yes,
people will look at your beauty but don't let their preference for your
beauty stops you. You should prove that you have much more to offer than
a pretty face, and I believe you do. Don't think too much about your
beauty, and definitely I hope that you don't obsess yourself over it.
Because beauty will fade, whether we like it or not. Beauty will fade,
even if we take very good care of it. It is the nature of beauty. But if
we take good care of our Deen, Insha Allah it will not fade.
I think that should be your main focus. In fact, that should be our main focus.
on your relationship with Allah and work on developing your full
potential so that you may realize it in service of your community. Focus
on that, and Insha Allah there will be a man out there who will
appreciate you for what is outside and inside, and not just for what is
May Allah grant you strength and may Allah surround you with good company who will help you get closer to Him. Ameen.
So here it is,
I don't want to be depressed anymore.
I want to be grateful for what I have.
I want to think that this is a test,
Not a curse.
I will do better.
I will love myself before I am capable of loving other human being.
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