Saturday 12 April 2014

Friends? Or Foe?

Everyone has ego.
Even the smallest, tiniest bit of it.

But there is one type of ego,
That is just abominable to the people surrounding it.

Why do people hurts everyone around them?
And me?
Am I bound to be everybody's scapegoat?

I asked to help.
To make your work easier.
Your ego forbade it.
The next thing I know,
You dragged me down to the pit of hell.
I swear to God I will never forgive you if I have to re-do the assignment.

And her.
Why is it she always have the need to be the small little devil into people's relationship?
She really does like seeing other people's friendship fallen apart,
Does she?
I am mad enough at her.
Do not provoke me.
I am not that stupid to be your puppet.
Thank God for my introvert behavior.

I am not anyone's puppet.
I have had enough.
Having whims on all of your fucking behalves.
All of you.
I want to go back,
Where it was just me,
Me alone,
Me in my own world.

Because when I open up the door to my world,
They came with various purposes.
To hurt,
To abandon,
To stab you in the back and leave your body lifeless. 

thanks for the memories
thanks for teaching me how evil humans can be

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