Saturday 30 November 2013

The Artist and The Engineer

The Artist and the Engineer
Circling, they never come near
A precise sweep of brush
Cog that settles with a gentle push

The Engineer and the Artist
Teetering on the edge of Creation
Inches away from a fateful tryst
True love's manifestation

The Man and his Equal
Standing, side by side
Each ignoring the other's pull
As they trudge forward and fight

The Soldier and the Billionaire
Whose stories fables tell
They could conjure smiles from thin air
And make all things well

The Genius and his Protege
Awoke upon a dusky morn
Secure in knowledge that each would stay
In the other's arms, evermore


The room was dark. Tony was glad. He stumbled forward and sank into the visitor's chair. "I do not want to be an Avenger anymore," he said. "I am quitting. I'm just going to be your kept man, okay?"

"Okay," Steve said, easily enough. "I've got seventy years of back pay. And I can always get a job, I don't need much sleep."

Tony pulled off his gauntlets and set them aside. "You're not supposed to agree to that, Rogers. You should be horrified by such a tawdry concept."

"Yes, the idea of you, safe and sound and perpetually naked in my bed-" Steve's lips quirked up.
"That's just terrible. What was I thinking?"

"I know, clearly you weren't in your right mind when you agreed," Tony paused. "But if you'd ever like that full-time job, I've got some openings in the art department at StarkIndustries."

"That is a horrible idea." Steve fumbled at the side of the bed, and Tony took his hand.

"I just want to be able to sexually harass someone and not get sued," Tony said, grinning. "C'mon, you always say you don't know what to get me for my birthday."

"You're seriously trying to add me to your staff just so you can come and grope me during work hours?" Steve was trying hard to be stern, but he wasn't quite pulling it off. "That's pathetic, Tony. Even for you."

"Hey, I've got class. There wouldn't be groping. Just some hovering and dirty jokes and the occasional implication that a guy with a mouth like yours could go places if he felt like putting himself out there every once in a while."

"Do not push your luck right now."

Tony sighed. "You're not going to take the job at StarkIndustries, are you?"

"I promised I would. Pepper brought the paperwork around yesterday, and God help me, I signed it. I will be doing contract work when available at the high salary of a dollar per year," he said, with a faint smile. "Unlike some people in this room, I honor my commitments."

"I love you. So very, very much," Tony said, his voice reverent.

Steve gave him a look over his shoulder, but he was smiling. "Tell me when you're not feeling well, okay?"

"Okay," Tony agreed, his lips twitching. "But only so I can whine for sympathy and attention."

"Making it no different from any other day," Steve said, and when Tony gave him sad, pathetic eyes, he grinned. "I do not fall for that. Anymore. Mostly. Stop it, your eyes are gigantic, it's very disconcerting." He crossed back to the bed, leaned over Tony and planted a hard kiss on his lips. "I love you. Even though you're determined to make me insane."

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Thin Line

Because they said the lines between love and hatred are thin...
Sometimes you mistook one as the other.
The feelings you thought was hatred,
May be because you yearn for it.
And when it lost,
You find reasons to hate.
Things to leash out anger,
Pushing people away.
Wearing smiles in front of others,
Sighing hazily,
Staring off in distance,
All because of stirred up feelings.

My chest felt so tight it was hard to breathe.

But I can't produce tears anymore.

Monday 25 November 2013

They Didn't Teach Me How To Deal With Feelings

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing....

You don't look sad because you cry when no one sees.
You don't look depressed because you faked smiles.
You don't look crazy because you talks to hallucinations.

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?
I'm falling to pieces
Cause when a heart breaks no, it don't break even

For some reason when you try to mend it over,
There will always be hindrances.
The biggest achievement was when you forgot his handphone number.

It felt like something heavy was lift up.

When your friend makes fun of when you and him were together.
And you flashed back a grin,
Making fun of her too,
But inside all you want to do was kill her.
And not meant it as a joke.

Please stop existing.
Please go away.
Please leave me alone.

There was a part of me that departed with sanity.
Some who knows me sees me as a child.
But the darker part where insanity meets,
It's not a child.
It was a corpse.
Living corpse.

Where were you when I needed you?

Redemption: Chapter 11 - Been Waiting On Him A Long Time

*sobs* This is the end, I cried during typing.

“What are you doing? Stark?!”
The voice rang out angry and worried through his helmet, yet it remained distant, faraway, and completely meaningless as he looked upwards into the vast gaping hole in the sky. The terrifying maw looming larger and larger over the lone figure, still he stood tall as the world disintegrated into panicked chaos around him.
People fled for safety in droves as a single lone figure in the black and silver metal armor, stood motionless, waiting. A familiar iconic shield on his back, now tarnished, and faded with age. He made no move to get away, staring calmly towards inevitable death.
Just like before, it had all happened so fast, the gathering storm over the city erupting violently. A large gaping hole between worlds meant to bring about the end of days. And it had all occurred exactly as he had predicted.
Only he’d neglected to tell Avengers the entirety of it.
He had lied to them about exactly when the attack would happen, and he’d felt not qualms with that. This was his fight. 
As the hour had drawn near, he’d quietly suited up, waiting patiently under where he knew the storm was going to break.
“Stark, get out of there!” the voices in his helmet were ceaseless, pointless noise. His entire being focused on the space above him, the black oblivion opened wider.
“What the hell was he thinking?” Clint yelled through the link as they flew at top speed towards the figure.
“It looks like Stark plans to take on the entire invasion himself,” the archer grunted, trying to focus on getting them there quickly.
The others grew grimly quiet, as they got their first sickening look at what was to come.
Suddenly, a crackle of static broke sharply across the link, a voice so different yet so familiar to them. It came raspy and low. “Are you with me, love?”
The question was so quiet and tender it was heartbreaking. Steve felt his breath hitch in his chest. 
All eyes focused on the solitary man in the heart of the storm. The comm crackling again with static, hissing as if it was malfunctioning. Yet, under the back feed, very quietly they heard another voice; one they knew all too well.
To hell and back.”
His blood turned to ice as Steve Rogers gasped, freezing and unable to look away.
“I’m seeing double,” Tony breathed, landing next to his lover heavily, trying to reconcile his mind to what his eyes were seeing. Stark wasn’t standing alone anymore. Another person was beside him, hazy and indistinct, yet wearing a very distinctive suit. Only the red, white and blue were covered in blood, dark gaping wounds visible on the back of his costume.
Steve opened and closed his mouth several times, but no sound came out.
The portal was open now, he could see them beginning to crawl outwards. Stark tightened his hand around the small device. Taking a deep breath, he pressed several buttons, watching as the timer began to tick down.
Without hesitation, he took off straight into the portal. Pushing higher, he made directly for the main ship, that ever-present voice in his head.
“I’m with you, love.”
Clenching his jaw, he put all power to his thrusters, the large warship growing bigger in his field of vision. Chest aching, heart thrumming, he tasted blood. Gritting his teeth, he used the last of his strength, hurling the device at the hull of the beast. Flipping out of the way as several smaller ships took exception to him.
Turning, he began falling back through space, a smile curling his lips as he plummeted towards Earth. An ironic sense of déjà-vu pulling at him. In his head he counted down. “Showtime…” he muttered, a scant second before the yellow and red explosion engulfed the war machine.
Laughing, he closed his eyes, stretching his arms outwards as the blast rippled through him.
The Avengers stared uncomprehending upwards at the spot where the dark metal figure had disappeared. Tony swallowing thickly as memories boiled in his mind, it had seemed like yesterday he’d flown that nuke.
They couldn’t see Stark, but they could see the enemy coming. Each crouched hands tightening around weapons as they readied for battle. Steve was all business, working through a strategy as they approached, preparing for a hard fought siege.
When the explosion threw all his plans to hell.
Shocked, they watched as no more than a dozen or so small vessels made it through before the large ship ponderously approaching, dissolved in a ball of fire. The ominous portal in the sky disappearing instantly.
“Holy shit…” Clint breathed, as the few attackers disoriented and confused by the sudden turn of events hesitated.
“Well, let’s deal with these guys,” Steve said softly, managing to collect himself.
Tony paused a moment. “Steve, I’m going to see if he made it through,” he spoke softly, his voice saying he was not all that optimistic about the possibility.
“We got this Cap, you go too…” the Black Widow was already moving Hulk, Thor, and Clint hot on her heels.
Without a word, they were off. Iron Man flying the perimeter of the blast radius, carefully checking from above, as Steve worked from the ground up.
“Anything?” Tony asked a while later, disheartened to hear Steve replying in a negative.
The Cap was slowly beginning to think Stark hadn’t made it back. Trying to come to terms with the idea, he hesitated when something caught the corner of his eye.
Turning quickly ready to fight, he paused lowering his shield cautiously, spotting the shadowy figure several feet away. Raising his shield again, he carefully approached but whatever it was seemed to grow more insubstantial as he got closer.
Beginning to think it was some sort of trick of the light, Steve was turning to resume the search when he thought he heard the small moan. Freezing ears straining he waited, barely daring to breath. It came again, faint, barely there, but discernable.
Quickly, he was amongst the rubble of the collapsed building. “Stark?” He called, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. The noise was fainter this time, but Steve had finally spotted the battered figure.
“Stark! Tony, I found him!” he yelled over the comm, hurrying to the man’s side. It took the soldier a moment to realize what he was seeing. The metal clad man lay amongst the debris with a large iron bar jutting through his chest, very near where his heart would be.
“We need medical,” he said shakily, falling to his knees beside the other. Carefully, looking for a way to remove the helmet, before finally just using a tear in the metal to pull it the rest of the way off.
The familiar scarred face was deathly pale, as Stark panted breathing shallowly. Blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, making a startling contrast to his gray complexion. “Stark? You with me?” he asked gently, reaching out to touch that beloved face.
Slowly, the injured man opened his eyes, the glowing red orb whirring as he painfully turned to the big blond beside him. The blue glow in his chest flickering weakly. “Steve…” he murmured, normally sharp gaze hazy and unfocused.
“I’m here,” he said softly taking a metal hand in his own.
His eyes closed, before struggling to open again. “…did…it…” he wheezed, chest hitching as he struggled to breathe around the metal bar running through his lung.
“You did, you saved us,” Steve confirmed before pressing on. “Why, Stark? Why didn’t you wait?” He couldn’t help it, why had the man done something so foolish? It had been a suicide mission.
The pale, scarred lips pulled in a smallest of smiles. “Make things right.” He coughed, the wheeze getting worse, chest pumping hard trying to work.
“Steve!” Tony cried, landing beside them tugging his helmet loose. “God…” he hissed, face grim as he spotted the metal bar pinning the man down. Red staining the concrete below him.
“S’ok…alright,” Stark managed, eyes drifting closed again. He squeezed Steve’s hand in his tightly, gasping, gurgling as his chest filled. Steve held back just as tightly, tears gathering in his eyes.
He could feel his Tony pressing close to him, as the man who saved them all gasped wetly, one last time chest stilling. The flicker fading out completely. The tears fell as Tony, his Tony, held him tight.
“I’ll take it from here.”
Both men started at the voice, staring uncomprehendingly as a man crouched opposite the body of Stark. Steve shocked to find himself looking into his own eyes, cloudy and lifeless. He jerked back into Tony, who was eyeing the apparition before them.
It was Steve, Captain America, or at least at one time it had been, before the three large gaping wounds in his chest.
“Tony...” the man said, looking at the dead man pinned by the bar. Lovingly, he reached out, touching him briefly.
The pair watched, detached as the body disappeared, leaving only the iron bar. 
“Thank you,” the dead man said, standing slowly as those dead eyes turned to look towards a figure standing a few feet away. Steve and Tony glanced as well.

“Been waiting on him a long time,” the dead Cap grinned at them.
Steve finally managed to find his voice. “It was you, wasn’t it? The one he was always talking to.”
The ghost simply smiled. “Good bye, Tony and Steve…he gave us a second chance, don’t waste it.”
He was walking away, towards the waiting other.
As they watched the pair clasped hands before fading out completely, leaving them alone amid the debris once more.
Tony exhaled, feeling like he’d been holding his breath for hours. “I’m not sure what just happened…but after the last couple weeks, I’m willing to believe in the impossible,” he mumbled
Steve nodded slowly in agreement.
“It feels like it was some sort of dream,” Steve mumbled, speaking for the first time since they had left the ruins. Tony hadn’t forced him, as he too was still trying to come to terms with what had transpired.
After all, it wasn’t everyday your future self showed up to save the world, and a dead Captain America talked to you.
The pair were currently cuddled together in Tony’s bed, the TV playing softly in the back ground as Steve lay with his head on his chest.
“I know what you mean,” Tony mumbled, running callused fingers through blond locks.
“Do you think we changed the future?” Steve asked hesitantly, giving voice to his true fear. Thinking of the things Stark had told him, of all the horrors that lay ahead.
Tony was silent a long moment. “I’m not sure if we can fully. Everything we do impacts our choices and decisions. Fate, destiny, cosmic interference, whatever you call it, argues what will be and we can do nothing to change it.”
Steve was looking at him now, face solemn, drawn and worried. “What I do know, is he saved you. Gave us a fighting chance, and I hope to God wherever he is…he finally found the same happiness I have.”
 Steve was smiling softly, beautifully. “Never knew you were such a romantic.”
Tony shrugged pulling him in for a sweet kiss. “Only for you.”
They kissed again, losing themselves in one another, the future unknown save one simple truth, whatever it brought they would be together.
Tony Stark had found his redemption, and he was not going to waste it.

Redemption: Chapter 10 - This Whole "Mysterious" Thing Is Going Thin

p/s: I've made it explicit more than my other fics. So, caution: It has sex-scene. There, I said it... *blushing*

Bypassing the main elevators, he made for the quicker service elevators. “Can you stall them, JARVIS?” the AI was silent a long moment. Stark shifting uneasily foot to foot, as the metal device whisked him downwards.
“Sorry Sir, he’s on the phone with Captain Rogers,” the computer finally returned. Clenching his jaw, Stark flexed his fingers both metal and flesh, willing the elevator to hurry. It seemed to take ages for the doors to clang open.
“Time?” he hollered, running all out.
“One minute thirty seconds…” the rest of the explanation was cut off as he burst through the door, chest heaving. Completely oblivious the odd, concerned looks he was getting from the smartly dressed business people flowing in and out of the Tower.
He spotted the sleek black SUV just pulling up, his past stepping out of the vehicle automatically. He looked immaculate, cool, and utterly in control with his cell to his ear. Tony hadn’t noticed him yet, but Stark’s attention was drawn beyond the man, focusing the dumpy white car careening towards the unsuspecting man.
Tony had no idea what happened, one minute he was on the phone with Steve making dinner plans, and the next he was being physically tossed aside.
People where shirking, running, the scene utter chaos around him. Winded, Tony tried to regain his balance, thinking to get to his suit. Rolling to the side he froze, mind trying to come to terms with what he was seeing.
A man with a ponytail atop his head, wearing a cardigan, and of all things, pink bunny slippers, was standing directly in the path of the oncoming car. The billionaire saw a bare flicker of irritation on the eerily familiar face as he waited for the vehicle to get close.
If Tony hadn’t seen it, he wouldn’t believe what happened next.
Calmly, Stark brought his metal arm down on the hood of the car; stopping it dead in its tracks. The crunch of metal and sequel of tires was deafening for a heartbeat before all was silent, smoke curling from under the hood.
Grunting, the man in pink slippers rounded the now pile of scrap metal collaring the man driving before he could run off. With one solid hit, he cold cocked him, looking far too satisfied.
By now the cops had arrived, and no doubt SHIELD was on the way as well. Tony finally managed to get to his feet, looking completely bewildered as his future self appeared before him.
“You ok?” the husky voice asked.
“I…yeah…” he managed, shaking his head he stared at himself. “What the hell just happened?”
Excitement over, the older man was tucking his hands in his cardigan, “It was a thing.”
Running a hand through dark hair, he huffed in disbelief. “This whole ‘mysterious’ thing is wearing thin.”
Chuckling, the man in monstrous pink slippers shrugged, “Always thought it made me look cooler. Talk to Steve before he goes into cardiac arrest,” he said, gesturing to the phone. Both could hear the man yelling frantically. Tony gave him a tight smile, and a grateful look.
Turning back to the chaos, Stark watched at the cops rounded up the unconscious man with the busted jaw. “Well that was close call.”
Stark sighed, tugging his ponytail. “Was afraid of this,” he whispered miserably. Unable to help the frown that settled on his features.
“Afraid of what?”
“Things are changing. Change the past, influence the future…I was never meant to be out here today, doing work. After the gala, I tried to…” He whispered brokenly, hand self-consciously touching the deceive that thrummed so warmly in his chest. His ever-present companion said nothing. “This was never meant to happen.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Lock them all in the Tower until this is over.”
“You play like a grandmother Barton…”
“You have to be cheating, no way your kill count is that high!”
“Zombies piece of cake, keep up, Hawkeye or I won’t re-spawn you.” Arguing and cutting one another, the two men focused on the large scene TV, working their way through the Nazi zombie horde.
“I don’t recall soldiers rising from the dead and coming after me.” Tony chuckled, manipulating the control with a single hand easily.
“He’s literally beating you with one hand Clint,” Bruce couldn’t help but comment from across the room, where he was pretending to read.
 Stark grinned, eyes on the screen. “Probably using your robot eye too, cheater…” Clint sulked.
“I prefer cyborg, thank you very much, and how can my eye influence a video game?”
“I don’t know what kind of wizardry you have!” Laughing, their mirth was cut short as the TV flipped to the news.
“Wha?” Clint whined, rounding on Natasha holding the remote.
“Look at the news,” she said, just as Steve and Tony entered the common room. The nice looking woman was just finishing up, talking about some sort of trouble in the Middle East before switching to breaking news.
“More news from the Stark front, apparently eccentric billionaire Tony Stark has hired a new body guard.” The footage rolled, and no one made a sound as they watched a man in a cardigan, sweat pants, and pink bunny slippers punch a car.
“Not sure what Mr. Stark is thinking in terms of uniform, but he seems to be doing a good job…” she smiled winningly.
Stark bit his lip trying hard not to laugh. “You are such an old man…” he lost it then, giddy laughter bubbling up, everyone turning to him. Steve the first to crack a reluctant smile, followed slowly by the others.
Subsiding, Stark cleared his throat trying to get his laughter under control. Glancing down at the innocent pink slippers still on his feet, he shook his head at the ridiculousness. “Fucking slippers…” he was off laughing again, the others unable to help themselves either.
It was sometime later when they finally managed to get it under control. Settled in the living room, smiles slowly slipping as reality intruded on the brief moment of levity.
“I wanted to ask Stark, what happened today? You never mentioned an attempt on Tony’s life before,” Steve asked hesitantly, regarding him intently. Sighing, the man from the future slumped. He’d been dreading this conversation.
“There was none…until today. The past is changing, the future is changing…unforeseen events are now influencing what may happen. I was never meant to have been out of the Tower today, working, or otherwise. After the massacre, I didn’t leave until we got the call about the invasion…” he muttered looking away, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze.
If Steve didn’t know any better, he would have sworn there was a flush a shame on those scarred cheeks.
Bruce however, couldn’t leave well enough alone. “Why?”
Stark stiffened. Sadness, shame, guilt, flashing quickly across his features before they closed down completely. Standing slowly, he cleared his throat, smoothing the front of his old man sweater, “I was trying to kill myself…”
Steve felt his Tony stiffen beside him, dark eyes wide, as the other man moved out of the room without looking back. Silence reigned as they listened to him shuffle up stairs, and out of earshot. No one said anything for long moments.
“I think we should stay in…until this is over,” Bruce said shakily, as he too departed. Clint and Natasha following. The atmosphere heavy, and thick with tension. Alone, Steve turned to Tony, heart beating brokenly in his chest.
“Tony?” he asked softly, the genius refused to look at the big man. “Tony,” he tried again firmly, this time reaching out, cupping a warm cheek as he turned Tony to face him. Steve could see the tangle of emotions swirling in dark eyes, hard to discern and define.
It was too much for him.
Today had been too much.
Since this man had appeared from the future claiming to be him, Tony had been in an emotional hell. He hadn’t thought he could feel like he was, and the worst part…the worst part of all of it; the man was horrifyingly right about everything.
Those big blue eyes were looking at him in concern. “We live so close to the edge,” he mumbled, blinking at the truth of it. Slowly, he leaned forward kissing the big man hesitantly, softly, as if afraid he would shatter the moment.
Steve had been waiting for him, big arms encircled the smaller frame pulling him tight as he deepened the contact.
The soft chaste kiss turned desperate, there was no promise of tomorrow for any of them.
Lips fused, they stumbled towards the nearest bedroom, tumbling onto Steve’s bed as they moved together frantically. Big hands tugging off the suit Tony hadn’t managed to change out of yet, the darkened room filling with blue glow.
Kiss swollen lips moved to lavish attention on the scar tissue around the metal, making the man shudder. Gasping, he tugged off the bigger man’s t-shirt, needing to feel that warm, taught skin against his own.
“I need you,” Tony managed against beautiful lips, shuddering at the vulnerability of the statement. Hands shaking as tried unsuccessfully to get his own belt off, normally clever fingers refused to co-operate.
Steve seemed to understand. Carefully freeing him of the belt, he pushed rumpled dress slacks down slender hips. Seconds later, he was tossing aside his own jeans. Clad only in underwear, they lay tangled together, grinding slowly. Tony, a drowning man clinging the last lifeline he had.
Those hands were on his hips again, hesitating, until the shorter man arched against him begging. The final layer between them shed, as they pressed from lips to ankles. The genius was losing his mind. He couldn’t voice his inner turmoil, but he never wanted anything as desperately as he did to be with Steve.
Steve ran curious hands across smooth planes of muscle, content to take it slow. His lover seemed to have other ideas. Pulling away, Tony rolled to the side table frantically looking for something, anything to use for lube, momentarily surprised to find some, he grabbed the tube and rolled back. Blue eyes regarding him curious and lust filled; Tony wasn’t going to explain he was going to show.
He kissed along that strong chest, moving lower, looking up at the passion flushed Steve through thick lashes as he licked his straining erection very deliberately. Teasing a little more before swallowing as much as he could, moaning around the substantial mouthful.
“Tony!” the other man gasped, reaching a big hand out to running through dark hair, as he tried to refrain from bucking into the wet mouth.
Mouthing his soon to be lover, Tony slicked up his own fingers reaching to slide them inside himself, working quickly, as he sucked expertly. Shuddering in anticipation, he wanted to feel him, every inch of him…alive and with him.
Almost sobbing with his need, Tony was letting the heavy rod fall from his lips, moving quickly to straddle those muscular hips; bracing against the strong chest he impaled himself without preamble.
Steve bit his lip, steadying the other man’s hips as Tony paused, face somewhere between pleasure and pain, as he panted heavily. “Steve,” he breathed rocking ever so slightly, shivering at the sensation.
Stretched almost beyond capacity, he could feel Steve acutely, their heart beats beginning to sync. He moved again, the pain receding, leaning forward he was kissing the blond hungrily as they rocked together, finding a slow steady rhythm. Steve wrapping his arms around his lover tightly, rolling them he moved between Tony’s legs, swallowing every muttered word, gasp, and groan.         
Neither was sure how long they moved, it could have been hours or seconds, as they rocked in a rhythm as old as time itself. Tony’s mind was long gone, all he could do was feel, the voices leaving him blessedly alone as his world narrowed to only Steve moving in him with maddening slowness.
Sweat slicked their bodies, as his painfully hard cock rubbed between them, providing a delicious friction. Steve shifted a little, his next thrust sending fission of intense pleasure racing across his spine, he cried out breathily. “Steve!” he thrust again, Tony tightening impossibly around him.
Hitting that sweet spot again and again, Tony bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he spilled between them hot, and fast. His orgasm trembling through his body. With a couple more erratic thrusts, Steve was following him over the edge.
Collapsing together, they rode out the last of their pleasure, as they lay together in a sweaty, sticky mess. Steve pressed against the cool metal of his newfound lover’s chest, a rough well-worn hand gently running through his hair and down the strong back. They said nothing for long moments, neither wanting to break the silence.
Tony’s mind was once more buzzing, never ceaseless thoughts turning over, worrying about the next few days. What if Steve died? What if he failed? He’d seen the results of his character failings and hoped to God that he was going to make it through this.
He kissed sweaty blond hair softly, closing tired eyes. “I love you,” murmured, his chest tightening and constricting as he bared his soul.
Steve shifted slightly to look at him tenderly, “I love you too, Tony Stark.”
A floor above them in the darkened room, a man from the future watched the storm roll across the city, lightning crackling through the sky seconds before rain began to pelt the windows. Dark save for his own blue glow, he watched the fury of Mother Nature with awe. Storms were few and far between in his nuclear damaged sky.
For once, Stark’s mind was still and silent, as he held a small device, no larger then a cell phone, gently in his hand.
“Are you really going to go through with it?” the voice in his mind asked, dead eyes watching him closely.
“Yes.” He said without hesitation, the conviction ringing in his tone.
Slowly, he turned to look at his silent companion. “You’ve followed me this far…” he said softly. Dark eyes searching lifeless depths.
“I’ll follow you until the end, Tony.”

Redemption: Chapter 9 - It's Done

Across the city, Iron Man landed beside Captain America, unable to shake a nagging suspicion. “Steve,” he said over the comm as he blasted another of the bizarre machines out of the air. Grunting in acknowledgement, Steve tossed his shield catching it again. “Doesn’t this seem like it would have only needed three of us at most to handle?”
Neither spoke for a moment, taking down several more of the enemy. “You’re right, I think we were set up,” Steve admitted quietly.
“Set up?” Clint picked up over the chatter.
“Stark wanted us out of the party,” Tony’s voice was tight, strained. “I’m going back.”
 Steve slung his shield, “Me too, the others can handle this.”
Thor landed nearby, swinging his hammer. “Indeed friends, we shall see you soon.”
Grabbing Steve, Tony blasted off, both men silent and worried.
He had never taken pleasure in killing; it had unfortunately become a cruel necessity in his life. Stark however, was willing to make an exception tonight.
The aliens had panicked; their grand plan collapsing around them as they looked to their leader for direction. The woman though was at a loss, he could see it, and before they could rally, Stark was on them.
With the element of surprise on his side, he leveled his guns. Shooting three in quick succession; dropping them where they stood. Recovering from their initial shock, four more rushed him, fists cocked; he obliged.
Bones snapped like kindling under his onslaught, he tore through them easily. Undeterred as he bore down on his target, mechanical eye never leaving Eva. Disgusted as she used those around her as shields, scrambling for the doors.
Stark quickly put down the last of her group, ten in all. Leaving just him and the bitch. Terrified, she pressed her back against the barred exit, cowering as he approached.
“Please,” she begged, her voice lithing unusually. “Mercy!” she looked at him wide eyed, as he hunkered down before her.
“Mercy? Really? Were you planning to show any of these innocent people mercy tonight? Are you planning to show mercy when your entire civilization attacks my planet?” Her already unnaturally large eyes went wider. She worked her mouth, eventually slamming it shut.
“How you know?” she managed, disbelieving.
He shrugged off the question. “Why? Why do all this? Why take Earth?” She looked at him steadily, as if weighing her options.
“Water,” she finally said, looking away face red with suppressed anger. “Avengers only threat…kill myth, kill hope.” Seeming to realize her death was at hand, she turned ugly. Her countenance sneering and hate filled as she spat at him, “They come, and you die.” 
Stark was inches from her face, “We’ll see about that, bitch.” Reaching out, he gripped her head in his hands, staring into big eyes for a long moment. Grip tightening, he gave a quick jerk snapping her neck easily. A single dark eye watching dispassionately as her lifeless body slid to the floor.
Tony Stark stood slowly, ears ringing, adrenaline pounding as he surveyed his handy work. The truth slow penetrate, the only dead in the ballroom were Eva and her minions. No walls covered in blood, no mutilated bodies of what had once been Earth’s diplomats. No mass slaughter.
Blinking slowly, he turned to his dead hallucination. Steve staring silently back at him, clouded eyes just as unfathomable as always.
Silence stretching out impossibly.
At the far end of the room, the door burst suddenly inward. Iron Man and Captain America appearing ready for battle. Dazedly he turned to them, just as they lowered their guard. “Stark, you ok?” Steve called, glancing around at the unmoving bodies.
“It’s done,” he whispered. Reality finally colliding with him full force. His chest seemed to cave inwards, as his hands and knees began to shake uncontrollably.
 “I…I..” he stuttered, managing three steps before his traitorous legs gave out and he collapsed to the floor.
Sinking to his knees, he could hear the others calling to him, but their voices sounded miles away. “It’s done, I stopped it,” he gasped, gulping for air.
“You did love, you did.”
He hadn’t cried since Steve had died. Didn’t think he had any more tears left to cry. But as he clutched at his arc, dead companion beside him, the tidal wave of emotion flattened him. All the guilt, the sorrow, and agony he’d been carrying…that monumental burden was lightening. Sobbing raggedly, he tried to pull himself together, the tasking seemly impossible; he was drowning.
Steve reached him first, worried Stark had been injured, he dropped to his knees before he reached out for the trembling figure. “Stark?”
Suddenly he was looking into a familiar dark eye, and an unfamiliar glowing red orb. Strong hands were on his arms, his metal one squeezing painfully.
 “I did it!” he hissed, Steve didn’t move. He could see tears tracking from his good eye, but something told the big man Stark wasn’t really seeing him.
He smiled hopefully at the dead men before him, blue eyes set in that unnaturally pale face, but those bloodless lips would not smile back at him. He clutched at the strong arms desperately, “I did it, don’t you see, I stopped it from happening.” He blinked, frowning when Steve seemed to split, one so very much alive the other...
He shook his head, trying to clear his muddled mind. His eye alerting him to the man slowly beginning to rise behind them, one of the aliens was going to try and shoot him in the back.
Before Tony or Steve could blink, Stark was up, snagging the shield off the Cap’s back, he turned firing it off with an ease that Steve himself didn’t think he possessed. It arched perfectly, catching the injured man square in the chest, dropping him for good.
Ricocheting off, it returned to the man who had thrown it. Stark catching it easily with his metal arm half crouched. Ready to throw again if needed.
“Wow, that was amazing!” Clint, Tasha, Thor, and the Hulk had returned just in time to see the throw.
Embarrassed, Stark quickly returned the shield. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
Steve accepted it, looking thoughtful. “You’ve had some practice,” he commented shrewdly. The man from the future shrugged, looking away, eyes landing on the large green man.
Stark smiled widely, moving towards the far end of the room, “Hulk,” he said approaching the angry green man without fear. Growling, a massive head turned to him, eyes narrowing as he shifted agitated. The future man didn’t back down, and much to everyone’s surprise, the Hulk did not lash out.
Stepping before him, they stared at one another for long moments, something unspoken passing between them. Then, much to everyone’s surprise the big guy actually chuckled patted the other; a motion that would have creamed a lesser man. 
“What the hell was that about?” Clint muttered, glancing at the others. Stark was carefully shrugging back into his uniform jacket, tugging his hat back on as he buttoned up smoothing the material.
Trying to mask the trembling in his right hand as he pretended not to pay attention to the others. The Avengers murmuring together, a dazed looking Bruce now among them. “Probably talking about me,” he muttered.
“Since when does the world revolve around you?”
He laughed loudly, “Love it when you belittle me.”
“You love the abuse.”
“I do, I really do,” he mumbled, hesitating in joining the little group. They regarded one another solemnly, as they spoke in low tones. The scene made his chest ache terribly. A more ragtag bunch he’d never known…and never loved so much. Friends like that…he couldn’t have asked for better.
“You’re getting eccentric in your old age,” the dead Captain said, standing beside him, as he awkwardly stood outside the others.
 “If I am I’m entitled.”
Just then Steve turned to him, beautiful, wonderful Steve. “Stark, you ok?” slowly, carefully he moved to stand before him smiling softly.
Stark’s eye told him how healthy and perfect the man was. “Not yet, but I’m getting there.”
“You called me an old man all the time.”
“You were an old man.”
“I didn’t wander around dressed like that.”
“What is it with you and my cardigan? I’m one hundred and thirty-eight years old.” He said defiantly, tugging it closer about his scarred body, waiting for his coffee to percolate.
“It’s not the sweater…” cloudy blue eyes dropped to the others feet, currently sporting monstrously pink bunny slippers.
“Ok, I’ll give you that one…but they are warm,” sniffing, he picked up his cup mustering what little dignity he had left before heading out to the common area.
The Tower was remarkably quite today, the Avengers off attending to various missions and assignments. Not that Stark minded, it was nice to just be able to relax, not constantly having to be on the defensive.
It had been two days since the night of the gala, and if the timeline held, in three days the invasion would commence. And so far everything was going a hell of a lot better then he had anticipated.
Stark headed towards his room, contemplating a nap, it would be a shame not to make use of the fantastically luxurious bed. Sipping his coffee, he set the cup on the nightstand shuffling around the room tidying up.
“You think they are still going to attack?”
“She said they were coming.” Stark answered, pausing as his brilliant mind kicked over. “I wonder,” he mumbled moving to his bag. Rooting around in the duffle a frown knit his brow. Hearing the crackle of paper, he tugged out a small stack of articles.
“I know that look, you’re onto something,” Steve commented, sitting on the bed watching him with those vacant dead eyes.
“I…maybe,” he muttered absently, looking over the headline of the first article. It had at one time reported the tragic news of an American hero’s death. Now it heralded the triumphant victory of the Avengers lead by Captain America.
Excited, he hurried over to the imaginary companion. “Look, the article changed,” gleefully he held it up.
The next had been about the gala, now instead of ‘Massacre at Stark Gala’ it was ‘Attempted Assassination Thwarted.’ It was tangible proof that he was changing things, that terrible bleak future was slowly dissipating.
“If the newspaper clippings are changing…then why aren’t you?” sometimes he wished his hallucination wasn’t so perceptive.
 “No idea love, perhaps it has something to do with the uncertainty of the future? I haven’t stopped the invasion yet, so the future hadn’t fully changed.” Chuckling, he flipped to the next article. “I could also be making shit up too…” he trailed off, eyes widening as he read the next headline.
 Instead of another clipping about the gala, this one talked about the untimely death of billionaire Antony Stark, “Oh shit…” 
“What?” he ignored the question for the moment, quickly reading the article, detailing the assassination of the man as he got out of his car and as headed inside the Tower. A madman was going to run him down.
His good eye flickered to the date; “Fuck!” he hissed, it was today. “Give me a time,” he begged but the article didn’t say.
Mind racing he adapted, “JARVIS, where is Tony now?’ Stark already running.
“On his way to the tower sir,” cursing a blue streak, he rounded the stairs, dashing towards the elevators.
There was a pause. “Five minutes, sir.”