Sunday 24 November 2013

Redemption: Chapter 4 - A Chance At Redemption

“Well, aside from your rather heavy handed ways, I think it went well.” 
Stark moaned in bliss as he stood under the scalding spray. “Damn skippy it went well. The good thing about dealing with a bunch of superheroes; they see the fantastic everyday.” He could hear his imaginary man chuckling.
“Maybe it was your winning personality.” 
Grumbling, he lathered himself up for the third time “Didn’t think delusions could be so sassy.”
“Finish your shower smarty pants.” 
Grinning, he did just that.
Feeling more human than he had in a long while. He was clean, he had soda, and more importantly he had saved Steve. It gave him hope that he could do this, that he could change the future.
“Tony, if you succeed in this, what becomes of you?”
The man from the future paused, toweling himself off, “Well…if I do change things, I guess I just cease to exist.” He looked at the pale dead man, seeing the sorrow in clouded eyes. He offered him a sad, resolute smile, “I’m not afraid love, neither should you.”
Turning away, he moved to the stack of cloths sitting innocently on the bench. With nothing more than combats to wear, Agent Hill had been good enough to scrounge him something.           
Sans underwear, he tugged on the faded jeans, surprised they fit rather well. The shirt baby blue had him grinning when he saw the picture on the front. “Girl has a sense of humor,” it was the Avengers in battle pose. The sweater was a SHIELD one, gray and simplistic, but he’d given up caring about his clothing long ago.
Dressed, he pocketed his armor, tucking the rest of his clothing away in a backpack he slung on. Mentally going over what he needed to do, listing the tasks in his mind. Get the rucksack from the abandoned SUV, and then start correlating his data for the next phase of his plan. Nodding, he ran absent fingers through shaggy wet locks. Moving to the mirror, he pulled his hair back, tying it off in a small ponytail.
Hesitating a moment to adjust the eye patch, it wasn’t a traditional like Fury’s, it was square, black and utterly plain. Making sure his mechanical eye was hidden, he looked away.
“Don’t know why you wear it, your eye is fine.” 
Snorting, Stark fished out his leather glove tugging it on his metal hand, “Really? Pretty sure I freak people out.”
“Should never be ashamed of who you are.”

 He gave the dead Cap a mock salute, “Too late for that, my love.”
Ready, he zipped up his hoodie heading out into the hallway only to collide with a very real, very warm, very handsome Captain America. “Whoa,” he staggered back, feeling big hands settle on his shoulders. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to run into you,” the soft voice was balm to his wounded soul. He’d been imagining seeing Steve again for so long.
“No prob Cap, just wasn’t expecting you to be right there,” he managed as the big man released him, blushing faintly. 
“I just thought you might like some company.” Blinking surprised, he felt scarred lips twitch, he knew he should say no, but the offer was far too tempting.
 He heard a faint chuckle in his mind, “Should I be jealous?”
He sat unmoving in his darkened lab.
Mind churning ceaselessly as he stared unseeingly across the room. Today had been a hell of a trip. He was having problems processing. There were millions of unanswered questions. He wanted to interrogate his future self, but at the same time he was terrified to approach him. 
He was scared to know what had happened to him.           
Even more then that though, he could not stop thinking about his chilling prophecy. Steve was meant to die today. It clawed at his mind.
How could he possibly survive something like that?
He couldn’t think on it anymore, didn’t want to think on it anymore. Grabbing his jacket and his keys he jumped in one of his sports car, “Going out JARVIS.”
Steve glanced sidelong at the man sitting placidly beside him, staring serenely out the window, a small wistful smile on his face. A hundred questions rolled through his head, the blond man was dying to ask, but far too polite to pester.
“Ask,” the strange man said softly, turning to regard him amused. Steve blushed beet red, could he read minds?        
Stark watched him grinning, feeling giddy and light head. Unsure if it was the sugar rush from the Coke or sheer relief that he had stopped the single most horrendous moment in his life from happening.
“I wasn’t…I mean I can’t…” Steve stuttered at a lost.
“You have a million questions for me, I’m sure. Here, pull over, let’s get some food and I’ll answer everything you want.” Nodding the blond did just that, Stark out and headed for a fast food joint, mouth watering happily.
Steve fell inline beside his companion, “Are you sure? We can go somewhere nicer…” 
The future Tony shook his head empathetically; “I haven’t had fast food in a century.”           
Steve ended up paying as the smaller man got enough to satisfy Thor and the Hulk. Settling in a booth, the Cap watching astounded as the small-scarred man packed away the food, looking utterly content and happy.
“Fire away Cap,” he said around a mouthful of something.
 Steve chewed his own burger thoughtfully, wondering where to start, “You really can’t age?”
“Oh I age, just extremely slowly, sort of like you do. Only I don’t have crazy healing powers.” 
The blond nodded understanding, before taking a deep breath. “Is it bad in the future?” he asked softly, wanting to take back the words as soon as they left his mouth. It had been the one thing he wanted to know most, needed to know.
The man before him was a roadmap of pain and anguish. One look told Steve he had seen more then any man had right to. Yet he had to ask, needed to know the truth no matter how terrible it was.
“The world as we know it ends. This empire of materialism and capitalism corrupts and collapses. It becomes a time of martial law where only the strong survive.” He looked away from stunned blue eyes swallowing his mouthful.
“It’s bad Steve, it’s bad for a long time. The worst of it…no one believes in superheroes anymore. We’re blamed for the world ending. For failing humanity.” He gives the man a sad, self-deprecating grin, “I think in the end, it was only right we shouldered that.”
Steve studied him a long moment, “That’s not true though, is it? You say ‘we’ but your eyes say you. You’ve carried this burden a long time, haven’t you?”          
Stark closed his good eye, “You always knew how to see right though me,” he whispered softly. Reopening his eye he offered Steve a smile, “It doesn’t really matter now, because it’s not going to happen. The future is already infinitely better. You’re still here.”
Steve didn’t know what to say, they finished their meal in silence.
He wasn’t thinking anymore. His mind and body blessedly numb.
The exclusive club was bumping and pounding as he downed another drink.
A tall blond woman slid up to him, too drunk to really understand, he smiled sloppily at her as she said something he couldn’t make out. He didn’t really care, she could just go away, all he wanted to do was drink and stop feeling.
“Well this is a spare room, I’m pretty sure,” Steve explained opening the door, of a small, rarely used Tower room. “Sorry it’s not very big.”
The dark headed man shrugged, it had a bed, he wasn’t fussy. He gave Steve a grin, “Thanks, it’ll do just fine.” Suddenly he was incredibly weary; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept.
“JARVIS will help you out if you need anything,” Steve explained. Surprised dark brows rose as a genuine smile crept across the well-worn face.
“JARVIS,” he breathed happily.
“Here sir, I have been filled in by the SHIELD computers on the circumstances. I am at your command.” Still smiling, he sat on the bed shaking his head, how long had it been since he’d heard that wonderful, pain in the ass AI? He had lost him long ago, like everyone else. The programming corrupted and destroyed when the world had fallen apart. He’d made him again but something had been missing, it was no longer his JARVIS.
“Well, I’ll let you get some rest then, good night umm…Stark,” he offered.
 The other man locking eyes with him, “To you I’ll always be Tony.”
Stunned, blue eyes blinked before Steve silently retreated, the door closed quietly.
Alone, Stark was kicking off boots lying back on the soft bed, a few hours sleep would be awesome. Closing tired eyes, he was out seconds later.
His nightmares for the first time since Steve’s death, left him blessedly alone.
Steve did not sleep well that night.
He had wanted to talk to Tony; his Tony from this time but JARVIS had said the genius had left earlier. That never meant good things. Confused and worried, he gave up pretending to sleep, heading for the gym at 0500.
It was usually silent at this time, the others running on their own schedules, but on this occasion he could hear noises within. A steady thump, thump accompanied by a soft grunt of exertion. Someone was working out.
Curious, he poked his head around the corner. Recognizing the dark headed man, it was Stark, or Tony he guessed but he was having trouble reconciling the two as the same man.         
Watching for a moment, Steve realized several things at once; the first was this man was well trained. He gracefully moved about the floor in a series of complex exercises that left the soldier both awed and impressed. The second was he was shirtless, a familiar blue glow in his chest, but why was wearing armor on only one arm?
Across the room the man stopped, whirling suddenly falling automatically into a defensive crouch.
Steve held up his hands in a placating gesture, “Sorry, just me.”
Stark straightened slowly nodding, “Couldn’t sleep either?” he asked softly, turning away moving to his discarded shirt, back to the other man as he tugged it on followed quickly by a hoodie. Steve frowned curious.        
“No, not very well, lot on my mind I guess,” Stark hummed in agreement, “Didn’t mean to interrupt your workout.”
Shrugging, Stark grinned lopsidedly, “I was going to work on some weights anyway.” Steve grinned happily; it would be nice to have some company.        
The stayed in the gym an hour more before making their way up to the kitchen, talking about nothing in particular. Tasha, Bruce, and Clint already at the table eating when they joined them.
“Never thought I’d live to see the day Stark would workout,” Clint jested.
Careful to keep his left hand tucked in his pocket Stark sat. “Surprise, surprise,” he mumbled, frowning when he didn’t see his present self. Although that was nothing to be surprised over. He had once held a silly notion he didn’t need them; he was better on his own.
That he could fight his own demons.
He could avenge Steve alone; he had paid bitterly for his arrogance.        
They heard a noise then, all turning in time to see a long legged blonde, dressed in cloths from the night before disappearing down the hall towards elevators. She gave them a smug wave on the way by.
Stark felt his blood run cold, he didn’t want to see Steve’s expression. Didn’t want to look; but he did. The utter anguish and betrayal he saw made him want to kill his present self.
“Handle with care love,” the voice of reason spoke up.
Standing slowly, he headed out pausing in the doorway, “No matter what you hear stay away, I won’t kill him.” He spoke softly, calmly, but his tone left them with no doubt.
Steve watched him go, not sure if he should be worried or not.
He headed for Tony’s room…his room, door automatically opening for him. JARVIS could not deny his creator. It was dark, reeking of booze, and the women’s perfume, but not that musky smell of sex.
He hadn’t, so he wasn’t going to beat him too bad. Still, he was going to give his past self the single thing he had wished someone had done for him his entire life.
Striding across the room he reached the bed, his naked self lying vulnerable and open. He couldn’t remember when he used to look like that, when the only scars he bore were the ones on his chest around his inlay.
He was beyond angry with himself, why couldn’t he see how much Steve loved him? Would do anything for him? Didn’t he realize just how precious the man was?         
“Be gentle,” the voice reminded.
“I will just need a wake-up call. JARVIS, lock us in.” He could hear the door bolt, as he reached out with his mechanical left arm. Without a moments hesitation, he yanked himself off the bed marching towards the bathroom.
“Wha’s going on?” the man he carried slurred, completely disoriented.
Stark didn’t answer, turning on the shower ice cold as he threw the drunk in. Watching in satisfaction as he came around then.
“What the fuck!” Tony yelled, sputtering trying to get out from the icy spray, the man from the future pushed him back. “Goddamn it you mother fucking-” he trailed off as a fist connected with the side of his head.
Stark had seriously contemplated using his metal one, but goody two-shoes in his head had said no. Grunting in pain, the sopping man stared silently at the man, so eerily similar to himself, barricading him in the shower.        
Tony’s head was still swimming with the booze; he had drunk himself stupid last night. Truthfully he wasn’t even sure how he’d made it home. Or why he was now on the receiving end of what had to be the scariest motherfucker he’d ever seen.
“Why-” he began when his future self popped him another one.
“Shut up, for once in our miserable existence, shut your goddamn mouth and listen.” His voice was deep, husky, and Tony couldn’t help thinking sort of cool despite the situation.     
“You can’t bullshit me Tony, I am you…” he smiled then, and it wasn’t pleasant. The scars on his face pulling tight, as he unzipped his sweater, tossing it aside followed but his t-shirt, and eye patch.
For the first time he faced his past, all of his failures on display.
Brown eyes stared at him in disbelief; his smart eye telling him the man was sobering by the moment.
“What are you?” Tony whispered eyes lingering on the mechanical arm, the metal wires attaching it to his chest. Moving to the glowing red eye set back in the socket, his torn drooping lid doing little to conceal it.
“A chance at redemption Anthony Stark.”

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