Monday 25 November 2013

Redemption: Chapter 11 - Been Waiting On Him A Long Time

*sobs* This is the end, I cried during typing.

“What are you doing? Stark?!”
The voice rang out angry and worried through his helmet, yet it remained distant, faraway, and completely meaningless as he looked upwards into the vast gaping hole in the sky. The terrifying maw looming larger and larger over the lone figure, still he stood tall as the world disintegrated into panicked chaos around him.
People fled for safety in droves as a single lone figure in the black and silver metal armor, stood motionless, waiting. A familiar iconic shield on his back, now tarnished, and faded with age. He made no move to get away, staring calmly towards inevitable death.
Just like before, it had all happened so fast, the gathering storm over the city erupting violently. A large gaping hole between worlds meant to bring about the end of days. And it had all occurred exactly as he had predicted.
Only he’d neglected to tell Avengers the entirety of it.
He had lied to them about exactly when the attack would happen, and he’d felt not qualms with that. This was his fight. 
As the hour had drawn near, he’d quietly suited up, waiting patiently under where he knew the storm was going to break.
“Stark, get out of there!” the voices in his helmet were ceaseless, pointless noise. His entire being focused on the space above him, the black oblivion opened wider.
“What the hell was he thinking?” Clint yelled through the link as they flew at top speed towards the figure.
“It looks like Stark plans to take on the entire invasion himself,” the archer grunted, trying to focus on getting them there quickly.
The others grew grimly quiet, as they got their first sickening look at what was to come.
Suddenly, a crackle of static broke sharply across the link, a voice so different yet so familiar to them. It came raspy and low. “Are you with me, love?”
The question was so quiet and tender it was heartbreaking. Steve felt his breath hitch in his chest. 
All eyes focused on the solitary man in the heart of the storm. The comm crackling again with static, hissing as if it was malfunctioning. Yet, under the back feed, very quietly they heard another voice; one they knew all too well.
To hell and back.”
His blood turned to ice as Steve Rogers gasped, freezing and unable to look away.
“I’m seeing double,” Tony breathed, landing next to his lover heavily, trying to reconcile his mind to what his eyes were seeing. Stark wasn’t standing alone anymore. Another person was beside him, hazy and indistinct, yet wearing a very distinctive suit. Only the red, white and blue were covered in blood, dark gaping wounds visible on the back of his costume.
Steve opened and closed his mouth several times, but no sound came out.
The portal was open now, he could see them beginning to crawl outwards. Stark tightened his hand around the small device. Taking a deep breath, he pressed several buttons, watching as the timer began to tick down.
Without hesitation, he took off straight into the portal. Pushing higher, he made directly for the main ship, that ever-present voice in his head.
“I’m with you, love.”
Clenching his jaw, he put all power to his thrusters, the large warship growing bigger in his field of vision. Chest aching, heart thrumming, he tasted blood. Gritting his teeth, he used the last of his strength, hurling the device at the hull of the beast. Flipping out of the way as several smaller ships took exception to him.
Turning, he began falling back through space, a smile curling his lips as he plummeted towards Earth. An ironic sense of déjà-vu pulling at him. In his head he counted down. “Showtime…” he muttered, a scant second before the yellow and red explosion engulfed the war machine.
Laughing, he closed his eyes, stretching his arms outwards as the blast rippled through him.
The Avengers stared uncomprehending upwards at the spot where the dark metal figure had disappeared. Tony swallowing thickly as memories boiled in his mind, it had seemed like yesterday he’d flown that nuke.
They couldn’t see Stark, but they could see the enemy coming. Each crouched hands tightening around weapons as they readied for battle. Steve was all business, working through a strategy as they approached, preparing for a hard fought siege.
When the explosion threw all his plans to hell.
Shocked, they watched as no more than a dozen or so small vessels made it through before the large ship ponderously approaching, dissolved in a ball of fire. The ominous portal in the sky disappearing instantly.
“Holy shit…” Clint breathed, as the few attackers disoriented and confused by the sudden turn of events hesitated.
“Well, let’s deal with these guys,” Steve said softly, managing to collect himself.
Tony paused a moment. “Steve, I’m going to see if he made it through,” he spoke softly, his voice saying he was not all that optimistic about the possibility.
“We got this Cap, you go too…” the Black Widow was already moving Hulk, Thor, and Clint hot on her heels.
Without a word, they were off. Iron Man flying the perimeter of the blast radius, carefully checking from above, as Steve worked from the ground up.
“Anything?” Tony asked a while later, disheartened to hear Steve replying in a negative.
The Cap was slowly beginning to think Stark hadn’t made it back. Trying to come to terms with the idea, he hesitated when something caught the corner of his eye.
Turning quickly ready to fight, he paused lowering his shield cautiously, spotting the shadowy figure several feet away. Raising his shield again, he carefully approached but whatever it was seemed to grow more insubstantial as he got closer.
Beginning to think it was some sort of trick of the light, Steve was turning to resume the search when he thought he heard the small moan. Freezing ears straining he waited, barely daring to breath. It came again, faint, barely there, but discernable.
Quickly, he was amongst the rubble of the collapsed building. “Stark?” He called, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. The noise was fainter this time, but Steve had finally spotted the battered figure.
“Stark! Tony, I found him!” he yelled over the comm, hurrying to the man’s side. It took the soldier a moment to realize what he was seeing. The metal clad man lay amongst the debris with a large iron bar jutting through his chest, very near where his heart would be.
“We need medical,” he said shakily, falling to his knees beside the other. Carefully, looking for a way to remove the helmet, before finally just using a tear in the metal to pull it the rest of the way off.
The familiar scarred face was deathly pale, as Stark panted breathing shallowly. Blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, making a startling contrast to his gray complexion. “Stark? You with me?” he asked gently, reaching out to touch that beloved face.
Slowly, the injured man opened his eyes, the glowing red orb whirring as he painfully turned to the big blond beside him. The blue glow in his chest flickering weakly. “Steve…” he murmured, normally sharp gaze hazy and unfocused.
“I’m here,” he said softly taking a metal hand in his own.
His eyes closed, before struggling to open again. “…did…it…” he wheezed, chest hitching as he struggled to breathe around the metal bar running through his lung.
“You did, you saved us,” Steve confirmed before pressing on. “Why, Stark? Why didn’t you wait?” He couldn’t help it, why had the man done something so foolish? It had been a suicide mission.
The pale, scarred lips pulled in a smallest of smiles. “Make things right.” He coughed, the wheeze getting worse, chest pumping hard trying to work.
“Steve!” Tony cried, landing beside them tugging his helmet loose. “God…” he hissed, face grim as he spotted the metal bar pinning the man down. Red staining the concrete below him.
“S’ok…alright,” Stark managed, eyes drifting closed again. He squeezed Steve’s hand in his tightly, gasping, gurgling as his chest filled. Steve held back just as tightly, tears gathering in his eyes.
He could feel his Tony pressing close to him, as the man who saved them all gasped wetly, one last time chest stilling. The flicker fading out completely. The tears fell as Tony, his Tony, held him tight.
“I’ll take it from here.”
Both men started at the voice, staring uncomprehendingly as a man crouched opposite the body of Stark. Steve shocked to find himself looking into his own eyes, cloudy and lifeless. He jerked back into Tony, who was eyeing the apparition before them.
It was Steve, Captain America, or at least at one time it had been, before the three large gaping wounds in his chest.
“Tony...” the man said, looking at the dead man pinned by the bar. Lovingly, he reached out, touching him briefly.
The pair watched, detached as the body disappeared, leaving only the iron bar. 
“Thank you,” the dead man said, standing slowly as those dead eyes turned to look towards a figure standing a few feet away. Steve and Tony glanced as well.

“Been waiting on him a long time,” the dead Cap grinned at them.
Steve finally managed to find his voice. “It was you, wasn’t it? The one he was always talking to.”
The ghost simply smiled. “Good bye, Tony and Steve…he gave us a second chance, don’t waste it.”
He was walking away, towards the waiting other.
As they watched the pair clasped hands before fading out completely, leaving them alone amid the debris once more.
Tony exhaled, feeling like he’d been holding his breath for hours. “I’m not sure what just happened…but after the last couple weeks, I’m willing to believe in the impossible,” he mumbled
Steve nodded slowly in agreement.
“It feels like it was some sort of dream,” Steve mumbled, speaking for the first time since they had left the ruins. Tony hadn’t forced him, as he too was still trying to come to terms with what had transpired.
After all, it wasn’t everyday your future self showed up to save the world, and a dead Captain America talked to you.
The pair were currently cuddled together in Tony’s bed, the TV playing softly in the back ground as Steve lay with his head on his chest.
“I know what you mean,” Tony mumbled, running callused fingers through blond locks.
“Do you think we changed the future?” Steve asked hesitantly, giving voice to his true fear. Thinking of the things Stark had told him, of all the horrors that lay ahead.
Tony was silent a long moment. “I’m not sure if we can fully. Everything we do impacts our choices and decisions. Fate, destiny, cosmic interference, whatever you call it, argues what will be and we can do nothing to change it.”
Steve was looking at him now, face solemn, drawn and worried. “What I do know, is he saved you. Gave us a fighting chance, and I hope to God wherever he is…he finally found the same happiness I have.”
 Steve was smiling softly, beautifully. “Never knew you were such a romantic.”
Tony shrugged pulling him in for a sweet kiss. “Only for you.”
They kissed again, losing themselves in one another, the future unknown save one simple truth, whatever it brought they would be together.
Tony Stark had found his redemption, and he was not going to waste it.

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