Saturday 2 November 2013

Ana Transferring Her Colds To Jai

on top of tomato: Jai and Said, dead-looking person: Zetty, Bored: Saba, Sleeping: Ana, Looking-crazy: Dila

“FARHANA!” A screaming voice could be heard across the girls' apartment. Ana, who was playing a game on her laptop rushed towards the voice which happened to come from the living room. It was Saba, the lovable, gentle and responsible Saba. But, by looking at her fierce face then, Ana knew that the eldest had turn to an ogre, troll and not-to-be-crossed Saba, which made even the great Wan Nur Farhana afraid. 

“Yes, Saba?” Ana said between her coughs.

“Who are you?” asked the eldest.


“Answer me, who are you?” the eldest asked, using an ogre voice that made Ana even more scared.

“Wan Nur Farhana?” after saying that, Ana coughed again. Damn this cold.

“And who the hell is Wan Nur Farhana?” she shouted, and Ana took a few steps back. Her other group mates have entered the scene and were now looking back and forth between the troll and the youngest.

“Wan Nur Farhana, of the Potato-oh-oh eh-yoh?” She made her famous trademark with her hand.

“Are you trying to be funny, Ana?”

Ana looked at the rest of her mates and castes a confused look. Hoping that anyone of them could at least tell her what in the world has she done wrong to deserve such crazy questions from their not-to-be-crossed eldest. Then, right at that moment, Jai coughed too.

“What did Jai just do?” asked the fierce Saba.

“Coughing?” Ana answered and looked at Jai and then their eldest. So, now, is it a crime to cough? Ana wondered.

“Zetty!” the eldest looked at Zetty and asked, “Who is she?” while pointing at Ana.

“Ana?” Now, Zetty and the rest of the living souls in the room shared exactly the same facial expression. Had their Saba gone mad? 

“Yes, I know! What is she?” she threw Dila a fierce answer-me-now look. 

“Human?” Dila said and then she backed off and hid behind Said, cursing the fact that Said's body was not as big as her butt to hide all of her.

“You guys are hopeless. Ana is your youngest! That’s the correct answer and none of you can give me that simple fact.” She flipped her arms which make her look like a fish out of  water. Obviously, she was a madman(?) by now.

“What should the youngest do?” the madman asked Ana.

“Make sure that everything runs smoothly, no one gets hurt, follow schedules and speak on behalf of everyone else whenever necessary, which I definitely do”, Ana murmured the last part to herself.

“Yes. And what did I tell you or your members to do whenever one you guys catch a cold?”

“Wear a mask?” Jai answered on behalf of Ana.

“Did both of you do that?”

“No,” they both answered.

“But I was eating alone in the kitchen, it wasn't necessary.” Jai continued.

“And I was playing games by myself in the room,” Ana pointed to the direction of her room.

“It was you, Ana, who first had the flu,” she walked closer to Ana, “and I remember telling you to take extra precautions so that none of your members would get infected by you~” she pointed to Ana’s chest, “and now, the youngest has been infected, would you care to tell me why?”

“I did wear the mask whenever I’m with them, and you know that Saba, you saw me with one today, in fact during the whole day,” Ana defended herself. It’s the truth, anyway. She is a responsible person(sometimes), and that was a fact that everyone knew or should know.

“Said, Dila and Zetty, have you been infected by the youngest?”

“No!” Said and Zetty practically shouted while Dila muttered.

“Not yet.”

“This is where I’m getting at,” she walked away from Ana and sat on the sofa nearest to Ana, folding her legs and putting on a more serious expression, surprising the girls. They cannot believe that she can turn from worse to nightmarish looks in just one night.
“Why, Ana, that Jai, and only Jai gets infected when you have obediently wore your mask?” she threw Ana a death glare.

“Eh?” terror surfaced on Ana’s face.

“Eh is not an answer.”


“That’s not an answer either, Ana, and here I am, thinking that the smartass of this household has the answer to everything…” she smirked, which looked disgusting on an ogre face.

“That’s me.”Dila suddenly interrupted.

“You what?” asked the confused eldest, and the puzzled girls looked at Dila's direction.

“It’s me, not Ana, who has the answer to everything.”


“Back to you, Ana…” Said broke the silence.

“I don’t know…” Ana answered quietly and to her frustration, she coughed again and Jai followed and both of them covered their mouth with their hands.

“Oh God of the Gods of the East, should I answered my own questions every time?” she rolled his eyes, “Ana, as a youngest, you should have a total control of yourself, this is not the first time. Do you think that I don’t notice that every time, whenever one of you had a cold, both of you will end up having the cold, do you get what I mean?”

“That both of them have weak immune systems?” Dila said, still half hidden behind Said.

“No. That’s you! And stop trying to protect your friends from me...” she paused, fishing for reactions and when there were none; she rolled his eyes again and continued, “I know what you do behind my back.”

“Saba~” Ana laughed nervously, what is that suppose to mean?  

“I know, but, Ana, as the youngest, you should learn the act of self control…” 

“Saba, you’ve apparently misunderstood here, I mean like, what in the world are you talking about?” Ana quickly rephrased her words.

“I’m talking about how you transfer your cold to Jai.”

“I did not transfer my cold.”

“She is the leader of the household, Ana. We cannot afford her to sound like a dolphin which caught a bad flu.”

“Is it normal if I feel offended?” Ana asked Zetty and Zetty nodded.

“I’m warning you,” she stressed the last word, that her voice sounding like a dolphin which caught a bad flu, and Ana knew better than to say, ‘Aha-, that’s what you mean by sounding like a dolphin having a bad flu’, “the next time you catch a cold, stop your ritual for God’s sake, and wait patiently until you’ve completely recovered before you go crazy and sticking to your so-called wife,” there she said it and was proud of herself for not blushing at the word.


The eldest then stood up, walked to the front door, turned to face the girls and smiled before she shouted,

“Good night and remember…self control…and that’s to… all… of… you…”while pointing at each and every one of them.

After she went out to get them some food and closed the door, Zetty, Said and Dila all went back to their room after patting Ana’s back. Jai then went beside Ana and said cheerfully that at least their eldest did seem to approve of whatever crazy acts was going on in the family.

“I know that,” Ana coughed and Jai too, “but still this is so not right.”

“What do you mean?” Jai pouted.

“I, Wan Nur Farhana, as the youngest, have a total control of myself…” she put a hand on her chest and looked at Jai and placed her other hand on Jai’s head and continued,

“…it’s you who don’t.”


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