Sunday 24 November 2013

Redemption: Chapter 7 - And What I Am Will Never Be

He woke suddenly, adrenaline flooding his system, chest thrumming, eyes wide he waited, barely breathing.
The sound came again from below, faint but discernable. Forgetting where and when he was, he automatically fell into battle mode.
Up out of bed, he moved without thought, following lessons learned long ago. Grabbing only his Kevlar, he was out of the room, covering the glow in his chest as he went. On silent feet he moved down the stair, pausing when a crash came again. Taking a deep breath, he soundlessly rounded the corner, spotting the dark hulking figure rearing out of the blackness.
In three steps, he was on him. Bringing his metal arm around quickly, he landed a solid blow, sending the unknown assailant into the far wall. With a roar, the figure un-phased from the hit, turned on him delivering his own punch, tossing Stark clear through the far wall.
The battle was on.
The ensuing ruckus woke the others in short order. Everyone grabbing weapons as they hurried below stairs readying for an attack.
“What is going on?” Steve asked, raising his shield at the sound of glass shattering.
Showing immense foresight, Bruce called out to JARVIS, “Lights!”
The sudden flare of illumination threw the scene into sharp relief. It was utter chaos. Large holes and dents in the plaster, ruined furniture, broken fixtures littering the ground. A very epic struggle had taken place and the two combatants where still standing toe to toe with one another. One in nothing, save Kevlar and underwear, the other in his Asgardian robes.
The lights brought Stark back. 
With sudden horrible clarity, he recalled this was not his own, hostile time; and he was looking at a very angry demi-God. 
“Oh…” he managed weakly. Thor delivered a hard blow to the side of his head, knocking him dazed to the floor.
“Friends, I have defeated the intruder!” he bellowed victoriously.
“Not on your life, Hanson,” Stark grunted, swinging his legs to drop the God beside him on the floor. Cracking him in the chest with his metal forearm. The big blond wheezing, clutched himself rolling to the side.
“Ok, we need to break this up,” Tony said, moving towards his future self, the man already rising slowly his knees. Pausing, he watched carefully as a shaggy dark head shook wearily, a palm gently tapping his temple.
 “You ok?” Tony asked, kneeling before him, concerned.
“Yeah, had worse,” he mumbled, blinking at his younger self, trying to focus his mechanical eye. The picture phasing in and out. “Damn eye.”
Bruce and Clint were helping Thor up, Stark gratified to see the man looking rather dazed. Both trying to explain the presence of the other man but neither sure it was penetrating.
Standing wearily, Stark turned his attention to his metal hand flexing the fingers, turning it over to make sure there was no damage.
“Nice fight, love,” a familiar voice teased. He glanced at the dead man out of corner of his eye, sending him a smile.
“That’s not part of your suit,” Steve blurted, looking horrified he’d said the words aloud. Stark looked up at him, wincing as blue eyes almost recoiled in horror. No doubt he was seeing the glowing red under the drooping scarred lid.
“Oh, right,” he muttered dully, panning around for something, anything to cover up with. It was too late at that point though; the others having heard Steve’s declaration were taking note of the barely dressed man. Uncomfortable, he tried to tuck his mechanics into the vest, but Bruce was at his side, gripping the limb fascinated.
Around the same time, Thor finally understanding what had happening, lit up. “Future friend Anthony!” he bellowed.
 Just as Bruce was asking, “How did you get it to connect-”
Clint tying to butt in, “What’s going on with your eye?”
Thor not missing a beat, plowed on, “Most glorious fight, you are a worthy opponent.”

Tasha was telling Clint to shut up, Tony and Bruce were arguing over his arm. As his past self tugged the vest to the side, showing where the arch connected to the limb powering it. 
For a man who’d spent the last decade all but alone, the attention was overwhelming.
Beginning to panic, he looked up seeing Steve, two Steves. One beautiful and healthy, the other watching with dead eyes and hideous wounds dripping red. The cry for help stuck in his throat.
Steve saw that panicked dark eye lock on his, so familiar yet so foreign. It was and wasn’t his Tony. “Help him,” the whispered voice came from nowhere. He frowned, it seemed vaguely familiar…he acted on the advice.
“Enough!” he said firmly, the voice of Captain America commanding the room instantly. They all quieted, and the relief on Stark’s face was palpable. Without a word, he gently set big hands on the scarred silent man’s shoulders.
“What do you need?” the blond asked softly, watching the red eye flicker.
“Umm…if I could use the lab,” he managed dazedly.
Tony nodding instantly, “Yeah for sure, come on.” The billionaire turned, and his future followed.
Bruce tried to as well, Steve stopping him with a firm but gentle grip, “Let them go.”
The others knew better than to argue. “Thor, you ok?” Steve asked rounded on him, the big man grinning jubilantly.
“Most invigorated Steven, shall we celebrate with a meal?” Nodding, Steve scratched the back of his head, still hearing the echo of that voice in his mind.
“Might as well, don’t think I can sleep anymore tonight.”
Down in the lab, Tony was carefully trying to extract the small glowing device that served as Stark’s eye. Eventually, with a wet sounding sort of pop it came free. Grossed out, Tony let go, stepping back, horrified as it dangling from the dark socket by a cord.
“Think I’m going to be sick…”
Chuckling, the older man reached up gently, tugging the orb free of the cord before moving to plug it into to the computer.
“I don’t know how you do it,” the younger man muttered, curious to see exactly what he had done to make himself an eye. Lines of complex evolving code quickly moved across the screen. Stark manipulating it with ease, hampered only by the fact he had to turn his head to see.
“I have everything on the right in my lab,” he joked. Chuckling, Tony watched the programming unpack, as his older self delicately opened the device holding it up to his good eye, “Just knocked a wire loose. Good thing have such a hard head.”
Tony snorted, “Very true.”
With the precision of a surgeon, Stark reattached the wire. “So, how did it go last night?” the man from the future asked causally, a dark brow arched.
Tony Stark was having an incredibly surreal moment, sitting in his lab, talking to himself…from the future…wearing nothing but Kevlar and boxer briefs. It was up there with insane moments in the life of Iron Man.
“Well you definitely got the ball rolling, we kissed…”
Stark grinned, “Awesome got further then I ever did. Only kissed him once, and I’m pretty sure he was already dead.”
Tony flinched, silent a long moment. “I’ve been thinking, about this whole changing the course of history thing,” He finally said, hesitantly, unsure of himself. If you’re here changing the past, trying to prevent the future that results in this,” he gestured vaguely at Stark.
“Then, what happens to you if you succeed?”
Stark shrugged, “My best guess is that once we prevent the invasion…I cease to exist. The past changes, the future changes, and what I am will never be.”
It was enough to make the Tony’s analytical brain spin wildly out of control.
 “I know, right?” Stark chuckled, snapping the eye together again before deftly he reattached it to the wire hanging from the empty socket. Popping it back in Stark blinked, shaking his head settling it into place.
Satisfied, he turned to his other self, pausing when he saw the dark haunted look on the face so similar to his own.
“Why didn’t you…after he died?” Tony asked voice soft, refusing to meet his gaze, “Why hang on so long, suffer so much?”
Stark knew exactly what he was asking, why hadn’t he ended it all…“Believe me, I thought about it. So easy, right? Just pull that arc out and let the inevitable happen.”
Slowly he looked to his ever-present ghost, the haunted eyes staring at him steadily. He smiled at his Steve, “He wouldn’t have liked that…wouldn’t have wanted me to do that. So I waited. For old age or some ill-fated attempt at saving the world. When I learned about the side effects of the arc it was like some terrible cosmic joke. So I just waited for that one last fight, that final battle.”
Stark sighed wearily, “Too damn stubborn to die, I guess.”
Tony returned the fragile smile, “I think I can understand why you’re doing what you are….It’s nice to know that I have that sort of inner strength.”
Slowly, they made their way out of the lab, a thick anticipation settling on Stark, “I just hope you’re never going to have to use it.”
“It looks like its going well, doesn’t it?”  
Stark nodded in agreement, a soft expression on his face as he watched Iron Man laugh and joke with the bright patriotic coloured figure of Captain America.
“I always thought our colours complemented one another.”
“Bit of a fanciful though, love, but they do. Iron Man all flash and modern, while you’re the old traditional.”
“Sometimes the world needs a little traditional.”
“They always will,” Stark returned, settling back. Together they sat on a park bench, watching the Avengers move around the park expectantly, waiting for the envoy to come. Despite the wariness of everyone, it was a beautiful day. Sighing, he turned his face towards the sun, closing his eyes in bliss, mind drifting.  
The past week had flown by for the man from the future. Being back in this time again, there was so much Stark wanted to see and do. Things he’d never found the time to do. Taking for granted, it would always be there waiting.
He’d gone to museums, the tourists spots, wandered streets for hours, just taking it all in. The noise, the people, all things he had once hated so much. Laughably recalling a time when he would have killed for some peace. Now New York in all it’s over the top bustle was a little slice of heaven. And while he’d been finding himself once more…a romance had been taking place.
“You jealous, love?” the teasing tone brought a grin to his scarred lips.
“If I am, is it weird?” they both chuckled, the dark headed man tucking his arms in his vest. The others were in their suits, ready for any eventuality. His own armor a comforting weight in his pocket, but he knew he wouldn’t need it today. Instead he wore his usual black combat suit, without any weapons.
“I think you enjoyed the pat down from me a little too much.”  
Captain America had strip-searched him before they’d headed out, blushing furiously the whole time.
“Highlight of my century.” Laughing, he checked the time. “Here we go…3, 2, 1…Showtime.”
The ground began to tremble, the Avengers shifting around worriedly. Unconcerned Stark sat back on the bench, eyes fastened on the space no more the fifty yards from him. A ripped formed in the air, making everything around it hazy and distorted. Colours flashed Earth’s defenders assembled.
“Easy love,” Steve soothed as Eva appeared looking regal, and detached. Stark ground his teeth, barely managing to hold his emotions in check.
Fury was entering the scene then to cordially ass kiss. “I could just save us a lot of trouble, and just kill the bitch now,” he muttered, watching as they escorted her and her alien henchman towards the waiting vehicles.
They would keep her at SHIELD for the time being. “Well, at least that went a lot smoother than last time,” future Stark sighed, running a hand through shaggy locks.
“How could it not? Last time you flew into a building. Caused thousands of dollars of damage.” 
He shifted uncomfortable, “Don’t suppose you could give me a mulligan on that one, could you? I did just lose you and I didn’t deal well with the grief.”
Excitement over, the others approached his bench. “Well, you were right, Stark, down to the second,” Clint said, seemingly impressed.
“You doubted the great and powerful OZ?” he teased, holding his arms out with a shrug.
“I got that one! I got it,” Steve announced looked pleased, Stark tossed him a wink.
“So, what did the bitch say?”
“Pretty much what you already told us. Came to Earth as a peace envoy, wanting good relations between people. Talk of a potential alliance,” Bruce answered, cleaning his glasses.
“I do not know of her people. They are not of a realm I am familiar with.” Thor looked apprehensive, “Friend Stark, you say she will bring with her an attempt to end this Earth?”
Stark nodded, “That about sums it up big guy.”
Steve spoke up then looking firm, “That’s not going to happen, we have the advantage, we know what she’s planning, and we’ll be ready to stop it.”
They all muttered agreements, Stark caught dead blue eyes, “And this time we have Captain America.”

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