Saturday 23 November 2013

Redemption: Chapter 2 - Think You Will Believe You?

New York 2013
“When did we get the signal?” Fury demanded as he strode through the SHIELD headquarters Agent Hill hot on her heels. 
“At 2100 last night Sir, Agent’s locked in one the signal locating an unconscious man. They brought him to be interrogated at the New Mexico field office.”
“He, ummm…he escaped sir.”
 That stalled the Director, “He what?”
She shifted on her feet sighing heavily, “He escaped sir.” 
The man in black narrowed his good eye, “Is he a threat Agent Hill?”
She shrugged helplessly, “We have no idea Sir. He was only in custody for an hour.”          
Fury could feel a headache forming behind his eyes, “Assemble the team. Tell me we at least got some video on this guy.”
She nodded, “Yes Sir, we do.”
“I can’t believe it worked,” the beloved voice said. Sounding far too surprised for the brilliant man’s liking.
“What is that supposed to mean? You still doubt me after all this time?”
“Nope, never doubted you for a moment,” chuckling, unperturbed by the disbelief Tony Stark downshifted the stolen SUV as they sped down the long stretch of empty highway.

“I think though, you were maybe a little heavy handed during your escape. You could have just explained yourself.”
“No time, I need to get to New York tomorrow by 15:42, make sure I get you out of harm’s way.”
“You laid down a beating, Tony.” 
“I didn't kill a single one of them, just incapacitated them. Not my fault they’re poorly trained.” 
The dead man chuckled hollowly before speaking again, “You think they’re going to believe you?”  
Snorting, the man from the future leaned back in the SHIELD vehicle, “I don’t know. You think you would believe me?”
“I might, you think you will believe you?”
“Doubtful, but then again stranger things have happened I suppose.” He flexed his gloved hand on the steering wheel, checking to see if anyone was following them in the rear view mirror.
He had figured the power needed to thrust him back in time would draw the attention of a hyper alert SHIELD  so soon on the heels of Loki. If he hadn't been unconscious at the time they never would have gotten to him.
As it was though it hadn't taken him long to bust out, and he really hadn't enjoyed beating the Agents but he had a timeline to adhere to. He was working in seconds not minutes.
“I think I’ll believe you, I always believed in you Tony.” 
The brunette smiled sadly, glancing at the cloudy dead eyes staring at him in the mirror. Tony knew he wasn’t there, not really, just a delusion he had never wanted rid of.
The words came from his own desperate unconsciousness, “Let’s hope.”
Steve was worried.
He watched concerned as the dark headed man dozed, leaning heavily on one arm. They had hastily gathered at SHIELD, answering the summons of Agent Hill. A supposed emergency, yet here they sat cooling their heels.
Sighing, he glanced around before once more settling his eyes on Tony. He’d all but dragged Tony out of the lab in order to get him here. The genius had been working on something with a one mindedness that bordered on obsession lately. No one, not even Bruce knew what he was up to, but whatever it was it had consumed the billionaire’s life. 
Steve was worried it had something to do with Pepper and him separating, she had been unable to bear the worry of waiting and hoping he would come home.          
“Avengers,” Fury announced briskly entering the room. Already hitting buttons as the screen descended, and pictures came up.
“Last night we picked up a massive energy spike near New Mexico. Agent’s investigating discovered an unconscious man taking him into custody. Unfortunately, he escaped soon after. We do have some video,” he hit the play button then, Steve focusing on the grainy, somewhat fuzzy security images.          
Two suited men flanked a third as they lead him down the long hallway, hands cuffed behind his back, dark hair obscuring his features. Without warning, the man snapped into action. Hands free he grabbed each of the agents banging their heads together without effort.
Shocked Steve could do no more then watch in stunned silence as he stepped over their unconscious forms. The unknown assailant paused to grab a rucksack off one before jogging down the hall.
They could hear the alarm sounding in the video, other agents appearing in an effort to apprehend the escapee; none of them succeeded. Steve unable to help his amazement as the man moved through them with a deadly finesses and grace.         
The angle of the camera changed then and they could see him from the front. He was wearing a uniform of some kind, all black, similar to Clint’s but the sleeves were long. He passed by the camera closer this time but still too obscured to make a positive id.
Seconds later he was in the parking garage, then driving away in one of the SHIELD vehicles.         
The screen went black and a stunned silence descended on the room. Fury turned the lights up.
“Is he a hostile?” Clint finally asked, breaking the tension. His voice echoing their own worried thoughts.
Fury looked uncomfortable for the barest of moments, “We don’t know,” he grudgingly admitted.
Tony snorted, “He made your Agents look like a joke.”
Bruce looked thoughtful carefully considering, “He didn't kill anyone though, did he?”
Fury nodded, “No casualties, couple of broken bones but nothing that won’t heal.”
Steve frowned then thinking ahead, “Do we know where he’s headed?”
The Director shook his head, “North, but we aren't sure where exactly.”         
Doesn't seem like you have much,” Tony said rubbing his face, dark eyes overly bright. Steve knew that look, he was already thinking. Speeding ahead of them. 
“We don’t, he could be a friendly for all we know, but beware Avengers, something big maybe coming down.” Dismissed, they all stood mumbling to one another as they exited the conference room.
Steve making a point to fall in step with the inventor, Tony looked pensive and thoughtful. “What do you think Tony?” he asked softly, wondering if the brilliant man had some insight.
The shorter man shook his head, “I’m not sure…I had a weird feeling though, almost like I knew him.” He mumbled his frown getting deeper.
Steve cocked his head, “Really?” 
“Yeah, crazy isn't it? Must be working too hard.”
Steve nodded empathetically, “You have been, should eat something, take a rest.”
The dark haired man grinned, “Brilliant idea Cap, let’s get some dinner.” Steve couldn't help the warmth that flooded his chest, as he found himself eagerly agreeing. Trying to hide his blush as he followed the other onto the elevator smiling as Tony began rhyming off various restaurants.
“I should tell him, why don’t I tell him?”
“I don’t know Sir,” JARVIS responded blandly. The owner of Stark Industries wishing he could give the sassy AI a look.
“It wasn't a question JARVIS,” there was no answer that time. Huffily Tony spun the newly designed prototype of his armor, he had just finished overhauling the entire thing. Making it more streamline, sleeker; he would be better, faster, and stronger.
Next time he’d be faster.
During their last mission Steve had gotten trapped in a burning building; Tony hadn’t been able to get their fast enough. Luckily the stupidly heroic idiot had got himself out. But it had been far to close.         
The whole incident had shaken Tony Stark to his core. He’d been so close to losing the man who’d become his best friend, his confidant…his reason.
He wasn’t sure when, or how it had happened, he just knew Steve Rogers had firmly situated himself in his abused heart and showed no sign of leaving. He was in love with Captain America. He couldn’t lose him. So he had to make Iron Man better…himself better.         
Despite his conviction however, Tony still hadn’t been able to confess.
Worried he’d lose what they had, more worried his feelings wouldn’t be returned. Every time he thought he was close, he chickened out every time. Sighing, he scrubbed his face tiredly, “I’m going to do it,” he mumbled to no one in particular. Decision made, he stood quickly, feeling a rush of nervous energy.
“I’ll tell him,” jaw set he headed to the lab doors mind already skimming ahead to the possible outcomes of his profession.
So far in his own head he didn’t notice until he collides with the very man he wanted to see.
Steve had been standing outside the lab undecided. 
He wanted to talk to Tony, yet he hesitated uncertain. He wanted desperately to confess to him. Reveal the secret he’d been keeping close to his heart for months now. Somehow, somewhere along the way he’d fallen hard for the amazing engineer. 
He’d been trying to tell him for weeks now, but every time he’d chickened out just as he reached the lab. So he’d stand in front of the door, worrying; just like now. 
Until Tony collided with him.           
Surprised, Steve automatically reached up to steady the man.
“Steve,” Tony huffed, smiling, “Just the man I wanted to see.”
A blond brow ached, “Oh?”
Nodding, the inventor looked away awkwardly clearing his throat, “I, ummm…wanted to talk to you about something.” Steve caught the tension in the air, knowing it was important, he waited, barely breathing.
Dark eyes seemed to dance around before finally capturing his gaze. “Steve, I wanted to tell -“ his words were cut off by the blaring alarm.
They looked at one another ruefully, “To be continued, Spangles.”
The vehicle slid to a halt on a small scenic off shot on the outskirts of the city.
The black clad figure hurried out of the SUV, beginning to feel that all too familiar rush of adrenaline kicking in.
Quickly he was pulling out his rucksack, digging for the small black metal box. Fingers closing around it, the man from the future tugged it out, dropping it on the ground.
The innocuous looking cube sprang to life, opening and unfolding as it attached to the man. The black metal locking into place around him. The last of the plaiting moving up his neck, as his face-plate closed over his face, eyes within the metal shield lighting blue.
Slowly he turned to look at dead eyes smiling softly at him, “Good luck, love.” 
Nodding once, he leapt upwards flying with incredible speed towards the city under attack.
“Steve, you need to get out of there, you’re out of time!” the frantic yell cut across the com, as the man in red and gold armor sped towards the red, white, and blue figure holding back the oncoming machine.
“I got this! I can get you more time,” he grunted back, shield slicing the air again and again.
Iron Man pushed harder, “No time, get out!” JARVIS was in his ear, telling him what he already knew; he was rapidly losing power.
“All power to thrusts, shut up JARVIS I know the math,” he also knew the odds, but he was hoping for a little divine providence.
“Please Steve, get out,” Tony begged plaintively, the plea far too soft to be heard.
“I can ge-” the blond was cut off, by a sudden explosion.
 Tony screamed over the link, “STEVE!” static the only response.
Steve coughed weakly, shaking his head in an effort to clear his vision. His ears were ringing and his chest was bruised and aching but nothing that wouldn’t heal. Slowly, disoriented he sat upright looking around at the wreckage.
“Are you ok?” a voice asked nearby. It was an unfamiliar one; Steve blinked, looking at a man clad all in metal. It was Iron Man; only it wasn’t Iron Man. Not the red and gold he was so familiar with but this one was black and silver. Shocked, Steve tried to get his mouth to work.
Suddenly there were metal hands on his chest touching gently, as if checking for something. “Who are you?” he finally managed to croak, staring into the expressionless mask. The hands pulled away, as the unknown Iron Man titled his head to the side.
“I’ll explain later,” the voice said gruff, gravelly, but vaguely recognizable.        
Without another word he was straightening, turning to face the still lumbering mechanical beast. Steve watching amazed as he took three steps before leaping onto the thing.
“Steve!” he could hear the yelling on the comm now; the familiar red and gold landing nearby in a stumbling run.     
Tony’s knees wanted to collapse from under him when he Steve staggering to his feet. The blond looking a little bedraggled and dirty, but hale and hearty.
“Steve?” Iron Man was before him touching him, affirming he was ok.
“I’m fine, Tony,” he assured the other, smiling at the man in the metal suit.
The others where joining them then, “Steve, you ok?” Clint asked as he and Natasha approached. Hulk roared his concern.
“I’m fine guys, I was saved,” that had them all pausing.
“Saved?” Tony asked curiously. Nodding Steve pointed to the large mechanical creature roaring and thrashing as if in extreme pain.         
As they watched it shuddered several more times before lying still. Something flew upwards then, away from the pile of junk. All watching in tense anticipation as the figure flew back towards them landing some distance away.
Tony Stark blinked in shock; it was his Iron Man…only it wasn’t. The design was somehow slimmer, sleeker, the coloring black and silver. He raised his hands bracing for battle, noting Clint leveling his bow, Tasha raising her hands, and the Hulk shifting.
The only one who remained still was Steve.         
It was a standoff. Only the fake Iron Man made no move to attack; instead he reached up tapping his chest. Dumbfounded,  the Avengers watched as the armor folded back revealing a man. He was clad completely in black, long shaggy dark hair obscuring his features.
They all recognized him in an instant; it was the man from the video.        
Tony slowly lowered his arms watching amazed as the armor finished folding down to a small cube the size of a cell phone. The man bending unconcerned to pick it up, tucking it away in his pocket.
The others were slowly lowering weapons, warily watching the unknown man approach. Hands stuffed in his pockets, his head turned this way and that as if he had never seen the city before.
Steve slung his shield stepping forward to meet him.        
The other got three more steps before all hell broke loose.
The jets circled, SHIELD Agents dropping from the sky weapons leveled  Yelling at the man in black to drop to the ground, hands raised.         
Steve was horrified, “Wait, don’t,” he tried to stop them but the man was calmly following the orders, letting himself be cuffed and chained.
Tony reached out gently, taking the Cap’s arm, “Hold on Steve, I think he wants to be taken.” The blond looked at him, dumbfounded.
“He has a point Steve, we saw the video, and what he just did. If he didn’t want to I don’t think he’d still be here.” Clint confirmed slinging his bow a contemplative look on his face. Captain America sighed, relenting with a grudging nod.
Tony watched them lead the man away, that nagging familiarity tickling at his mind once more, “I think we better get to SHIELD.”

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