Friday 3 January 2014

TW Drabble (More Like I Missed Cora So Much I HAD To Make A Drabble)

I swear this is going out of hands. But Charlie Carver (Ethan) said on an interview that Danny and Ethan will have more things on going in their relationship; namely trust. So we all can hold our breaths and hope that other than Dethan, there will be a little bit (or more,much more) Sterek coming to life. I swear I will give up on Hobrien (portmanteau of Hoechlin-O'Brien), just make Sterek happens. We all know Derek has shit luck with girls anyway, given with what happened with Paige (end up dead), Kate (crazy hunter killing all his family members) and Ms.Blake (who knows she was actually a Darach?), plus with him bickering with Stiles 24/7 like an old married couple, I just really REALLY wants to see Sterek happens. Very much so.

And I missed Cora so much since Derek and her went far away from Beacon Hills. But thank GOD season 3b for Derek's return. I just wish Cora would be back too. And I missed Boyd and Erica also.

“Where are we going?” Derek asked.
“Doesn't matter, hand me your phone,” Stiles answered, holding one hand out.
“You shouldn't use the phone while driving,” Derek said, handing the phone over anyway.
“I’ll stop when you do,” Stiles retorted, opening Derek’s contacts and locating his sister.
Stiles dialed Cora and held the phone up to his ear. The phone rang twice before Cora answered with an irritated huff.
“What could you possibly want now, Derek?”
“Well, that’s not a nice way to greet your best bro in the whole world.”
She paused before saying, “Stiles?”
“Hey Cora!”
“Why do you have Derek’s phone? What’s going on? Are you okay? Is Sadie alright? Stiles, I swear to God I’m going to punch you if you don’t answer me right now!”
“I’m fine, Sadie’s fine, I’m in Beacon Hills with Derek so I have his phone. I made the executive decision that the pack needs you home so they stop worrying about you and can focus on keeping your niece safe.”
“Why do they have to focus on keeping- I thought you said Sadie is fine!”
“She is fine, but she’s also potentially not fine. So you need to come home, because I miss you, and Sadie misses you, and the pack misses you, and your brother misses you, even though he won’t admit it. We need you, so come home. For me.”
She sighed.
“Fine, but only because you’re pathetic, and your daughter is adorable.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re the best ever, Cora!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you in an hour,” she said, hanging up. Stiles passed the phone back to Derek.
“One problem solved,” Stiles said with a grin, reaching to turn on the music. Derek caught his wrist, fingers holding his hand inches from the button.
“My sister knew about Sadie. She knew, and she never told me,” Derek stated.
“Yeah, she kind of hunted me down after I left. She found me in Seattle, right after I found out about Sadie, and she made me tell her why I left. She came around every month or so, just to check on me and Sadie. I thought, I thought you knew she was seeing me.”
“No, Cora and I don’t talk a lot. She’s hardly home anymore. She requests to check in with other packs and make alliances out of town. She reports back every couple of weeks and then she’s gone.”
Stiles couldn't think of anything to say. It was his fault that Cora had stayed away from her family when she had just gotten them back. It was his fault that Derek hadn't seen his sister in weeks, and why when he called she answered like he woke her up from a dead sleep.
“One call from you and she is running home. If I called her, she’d laugh in my face and hang up. But you, you’re the exception,” Derek said. Stiles kept quiet, glancing back at a disgruntled Sadie and reached for the play button on the stereo, turning The Wonder Years back on.

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