Friday 16 May 2014

Post- Graduation Bucket List

One year left before I have my teaching degree.
One year left and I will have adulthood stuck in my life.
It is easier to pretend I am still that 6-year old kid,
Who is always fascinated by things surrounding her,
Whether in amusement or bemusement. 

So here goes,
Post-Graduation Bucket List!

1. Get a Master and PhD
2. Backpacking around the world
3. Create personal library
4. Collect all kinds of books from every country
5. Skydiving
6. Live in a lighthouse (probably not possible, but worth a try)
7. See Trevi Fountain
8. Learn at least one musical instrument
9. Bungee-jumping
10. ........

One day number 10 will be added.
The rare posts where it's not about depression or angst,
Loss or vulnerability,
Hatred or regrets,
Simply innocence.

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