Tuesday 31 July 2012

Letihnya menangis Allah saja yang tahu,..
Letihnya berharap Allah saja yang tahu..
My soul feels like it's tearing apart.
Help me Ya Rabbi.

Monday 30 July 2012

I Need Help.

Today was exhausting.
Not just because we have BMK, Phonology and Literature's class.
It's also because of Zaki.

Can I just run him down with my car?
Now that I have a vehicle,
the urge to kill someone was greater.

I know he's only being facetious (also tedious) and only tries to tease me.
But his teasing is going overboard.

I think I need to be prepared to call the police.

He. Is. So. Goddamn. Annoying.

Well, thank God Abah has silat skills.
Maybe I just should tell Abah about this and with Abah's sense of fatherly-protection,
He can put some SENSE into Zaki's mind.
I am my father's daughter after all.

Putting Zaki's nonsensical whims aside,
I am being super crazy lately.
Not that I haven't been any crazier.

Part of me desperately needs to be free.
From agonies.
From tears.
From wounds.
From being hurt.

That's why lately I keep on going out with them.
If I stay in my room (or in this Godforsaken rundown IPG),
I might broke out and weep.
I feel pathetic.
I feel weak.
I feel stupid.
I feel................like I shouldn't exist in the first place.

I need help.
Professional help.
Mental support.
I need Allah SWT.
But I still can't help feeling dejected.
It's awful.
It's sad.
It's me.

I want to talk to him.
But I'm tired of our talk.
Because even if it ends okay,
some way or another problems keep butting in.
And the woeful story starts again.

It's tiring.
I can't keep dragging Saba to be our medium.
Saba also have her own problems.
And I'm tired being the one to initiates everything.
Like Dila said, "he's an idiot."
Well thank you.
I feel the same way.
But the thing is,

Tuesday 24 July 2012



Out of these people, I only recognize Kenken,Kane-san and Miyano Mamoru.
Of course, from TenMyu.

But still, I want to watch this!!


Another BL movie after Takumi-kun series!!!!
I can finally mend my broken heart after the end of Takumi series.
The main character on the right was Takasaki Shota, who played Kikumaru of 5th generation.
He also somewhat a cameo in Takumi-kun series 5:Soshite Harukaze Sasayaite.
I recognize his lips. It's a little bit similar to Seto Koji.

The other who is on the left, Arai Yusuke, who also was casted along Shota in TeniMyu.
He was Inui the 5th.
I think I know him from somewhere,...but I just couldn't remember.

Baba Ryouma also casted as a cameo in this movie. I just wish anywhere Ryouma is, there will be Naito Taiki. hohohoho~~~

I basically don't know this guy coz I haven't been paying attention to Seigaku 5th Generation but he is Kaido the 5th. In this story also need to wear bandana kah??



Myujikaru [Tenisu no Oujisama], Futatabi.
Musical The Prince of Tennis, Again.

So I return with another post about TeniMyu, the one thing that make perhaps the biggest impact on my life. Why the sudden entry, you ask? That will easily be answered by the fact that the run of this musical that started back in 2003 has finally come to end last Sunday with the Senshuuraku show of Dream Live 7th.

I guess this entry would be meant for my own personal thoughts as a fan. So here goes everything.

So as I may have mentioned in one of my previous Tenimyu-related posts, I only started becoming a rabid fan of this some two years ago. This in effect started a chain reaction that opened my world to not only this musical, but to the anime and the manga counterparts, as well as other projects the actors involved in this have. TeniMyu was literally what started everything. And I'm humbly grateful to have been exposed to this masterpiece.

I realized that in the span of those seven long years of TeniMyu's run, it brought so many people together, and some others probably closer than intended (can't blame me for fantasizing some nice TakiKime or ShiroAi or WaFuru here and there xP). You never really know. But this is one thing I do know; I've said it already before but it can't hurt to repeat it:It starts and ends with TeniMyu. I'm confident that even if things have officially ended it's not really over.

The memories will remain.... The unforgettable effort spent on perfecting a dance routine or sing a note on key for the actors, and even the opportunity of having met each other is a prized treasure for them, I'm sure. ^____^ Without them, TeniMyu wouldn't be held in much esteem, nor would be as epic as it has become.

(Translation: All of the cast members, I deeply thank you for everything!)

I salute Ueshima-sensei and his shining brilliance with this musical the past seven years. As TeniMyu's 'father', Ueshima-sensei guided this musical to become as successful as it is and will always be; engraving it deeply into the hearts and minds of not only the cast and crew involved in it, but the fans who support them as well. Myself included.

(Translation: Ueshima-sensei, I deeply thank you for everything!!)

Without all of you, I definitely wouldn't be half the person I could be today.
Thank you for all the laughs, the cries and the life lessons.
Thank you for the bonds.
Thank you for making me believe in hitsuzen.
Thank you for the memories until now.

(Translation: So, thank you. For everything.)

考えを俳諧。(かんがえをはいかい)Kangae wo Haikai.

Wandering Thoughts.

For the lack of anything else to do (and procrastinating while doing so), I decided to type a random entry today about my little inquiries concerning the group of people I've been a fan of for almost two years: the group that is TeniMyu. With the 21 musicals they's done so far (not counting Dream Live 7th that just finished its first run in Kobe), it's a wonder how close all those actors get in the time they spend with one another.

I was talking with Toru yesterday and he says he's quite a big fan of the franchise and was lucky enough to have watched a few musicals when they came out; particularly when Seigaku 4th cast took the stage (that's from Progressive Match Higa - Dream Live 6th).

He and I were talking about this little collage I made of TeniMyu that Yukio asked me to do for him composed of different pictures of the actors. Doing that little project helped me realize one thing: IT STARTS AND ENDS WITH TENIMYU. I've noticed in the line of musicals, dramas and what-have-you that goes on in the entertainment buzz of Japan, it all leads back to this musical where a grand cast of about 133 people (I counted xD) have starred in.

Putting into consideration the other projects these actors engage in before or after their time as part of the TeniMyu cast, it wouldn't be a surprise if they become the center of interconnections in the J-drama world. Each individual actor pulls in others not part of the TeniMyu franchise, and in contrast end up expanding their connections in the long run. A nice system, I'd imagine. ^___^b

Here are a few examples:
Shirota Yuu (but of course he gets first dibs!), 2nd cast Tezuka Kunimitsu, starred in quite a number of J-dramas and still continues to do so even today! Some of the dramas to mention would be: Team Batista no Eiko, the Koshonin franchise (series and movie),Rookies (and its movie Rookies: Sotsugyou) and Samurai High School (aka Samurai Seventeen).

Aiba Hiroki, 2nd, 3rd and for a short time 5th cast Fuji Syuusuke, has a few of his own movies and series to brag about: SukitomoTadashii Ouji no Tsukurikata and as Ikenami Ryuunosuke in the popular sentai series Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.

Watanabe Daisuke, 4th cast Tezuka Kunimitsu, is best known outside the TeniMyu universe to replace Kato Keisuke as Saki Giichi in the Takumi-kun Series movies 2 and 3. He stars opposite Hamao Kyousuke, 4th cast Kikumaru Eiji, who plays Hayama Takumi, as well as Agri in the newest sentai series Tensou Sentai Goseiger.

Furukawa Yuuta, 4th cast Fuji Syuusuke, starred in Fuuma no Kojirou and its musical counterpart, and will become a Kamen Rider in an upcoming Kamen Rider Trilogy movie.

Sakamoto Shougo, 4th cast Echizen Ryouma, won the role of Ciel Phantomhive in the firstKuroshitsuji musical, starring alongside Aoyagi Ruito, Original Hyoutei Cast's Mukahi Gakuto and Uehara Takuya, Shitenhouji A Cast's Oshitari Kenya.

Saito Takumi, Original Hyoutei Cast's Oshitari Yuushi, is most famous for his sash of yaoi movies, co-starring with Aiba Hiroki in Sukitomo, with Kotani Yoshikazu, 2nd cast Kawamura Takashi, in Boys Love.

It's sometimes interesting as well that there are some J-dramas or J-movies where the main cast is composed entirely of TeniMyu actors!!

Here's a few I know:
Tokyo Ghost Trip
Yagami Ren (Original Rikkai Cast's Yukimura Seiichi), JURI (Yamabuki's Original Akutsu Jin), Takiguchi Yukihiro (3rd Cast's Oishi Shuuichiro), Kiriyama Renn (Original Rikkai Cast's Marui Bunta) and Baba Ryouma (5th Cast's Tezuka Kunimitsu), plus Shindou Gaku(Rokkaku's Kurobane Harukaze)

Takumi-Kun III: Bibou no Detail
Watanabe Daisuke, Hamao Kyousuke, Takiguchi Yukihiro, Baba Ryouma, Acaba Mio(Rikkai 2 Cast's Marui Bunta), Saito Yasuka (Higa Cast's Hirokoba Rin) and Bishin Kawasumi (Shitenhouji B Cast's Zaizen Hikaru)

Cafe Daikanyama
Aiba Hiroki, Baba Toru (Original Rikkai Cast's Yagyuu Hiroshi), Kiriyama Renn andOokawa Genki (Original Rikkai Cast's Kirihara Akaya)

Life must be a hoot for them. xD

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Ce tengok betul-betul.
Ada rupa kanak-kanak ke?
Mana ada!
I'm 20 this year.
Of course I look like 20.
Ngok ngek punya kanak-kanak ribena.

Hati itu

hati itu
selalu cuba menipu tuan empunya badan
dengan niat mententeramkan dia
menipu sang otak
mencuba banyak perkara
menolak pelbagai kemungkinan

hati itu tidaklah sekuat besi
tidaklah sepandai sang otak
dia cuma mampu menahan
dengan pertolongan sang air mata

Tuesday 17 July 2012


I'm being biased.

Of course I am.

Although I promised.

But I still loved the previous fours.

Sorry guys.

I can't love the Seigaku regulars of 5th generation.

They broke my heart.


Monday 16 July 2012

Umi's Faith In Me

She knew.
Of course she knew, I practically tell her EVERYTHING.
But still,
She puts her faith in me,
Telling that I have to do what I think best,
And still gives her best opinion.

Even if my choice is wrong,
She'd say,
"everyone makes mistakes,
it's an experience in life,
but I don't want you to do something you regret".

In relationships,
She's my 1st adviser,
Telling me it's okay to do this,
or to do that,
but NEVER to go overboard.

Just keep calm and ignore everything.

Go with the flow but never lose yourself.

Thank you, Umi.

I love you forever and ever and ever and ever and for eternal.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Ketika Kelas Itu...

Tadi ada kelas PN ngan Mr.Mangla (his name is actually Mangaleswaran aka Manga, but since Zetty "ter"salah panggil Mr.Mangla, it became a tease for me)...

And I didn't pay attention.

At all.


But there's one thing I want to blab.

And it's about the crucial subjects (that,unfortunately, will be in exam).


Child Lit-------> Heh.

Phono---------> kene START awal!!! Bagi stress on this + banyakkan latihan

Metho---------> Doubtful.

PN------------> Lots and lots of notes, I presume.


* Tak boleh pandang rendah Phono although aku dah pass Lingo last sem. Kene start belajar / memorize / latih tubi ASAP!!
*Si Pakcik Metho tu dah bagitau RAMAI yang fail Metho. Tapi lecturer tak boleh pakai langsung. Kena xerox buku Asma jugak ni. Relying on books 100%.
*Child Lit. It's basically LITERATURE. DUH. Tapi jangan bongkak sangat Farhana, ingat tu. Be cautious.Just because you have advantage doesn't mean you're any better than anyone else.
*PN plak banyak persamaan ngan CD. Last sem, aku LANGSUNG tak  pay attention time En. Idrul ngajar. Tapi...TAPI. Buku CD nipis. Senang nak memorize. Buku PN ni,....mak aih...so, conclusion untuk PN ialah = BUAT NOTA AWAL-AWAL,BUKAN TIME NAK EXAM JE.

p/s: moga-moga aku sedar diri and start revising ASAP...amin.

One Of The Bad Days..Like Usual.

I don't know which is worse.

Money being sucked by the IPG ever since allowance was out,

Or being in the same group with 4 people I hate.

Thank God Abu wasn't in my group too.

Or I'd wish I had the superpower to wipe him off the planet.

I used to day dream about him being killed.

It was beautiful dream. So beautiful....*sigh*

I just hoped it was real.

I need to re-adjust my life, my allowance, and my car's oil tank.

If keep on busying myself,

Maybe I'd forgot that I was in miserable.

But I was a bit *terasa*.

Again, I was ditched from the group's assignment.

It was partly my fault too,

Relying on them for information,

Just because I'm afraid to re-activate my FB.

Tuesday 10 July 2012


MY circle of friends.

Basically, I have 2 circles of friends.
One is guys, and one is girls.

I'll babble about the girls' first.
In my circle of friends,
Each one of us is.... WEIRD. and INSANE.
But in good ways.
Like, we have one that can't stop talking (which is good,because if then the atmosphere would be super dull),
One that keeps everything to herself AND thinks that we don't know what's in her heart and mind (which is false, but we just kept quiet until she wants to tell us herself one day),
One that emanates SARCASM (and the least to be hurt by anything/anyone),
One that can remarks jokes without losing her poker face,
and ME.
How should I describe myself?
Introvert, perhaps?

And the other circle,
I think they're pretty the same.
They're ALL crazy.
I'm surrounded by crazy people.
And I wonder WHY am I crazy.
But nevertheless,
Because they are guys,
They tend to be more protective.
Especially THAT one.
Well, at least he's not violent like the OTHER one.
And full of sarcasm too,
Like the ones that always smile innocently (but EVIL, EVIL I tell you, in the inside),
And the last one,
The true nice guy,
But still,
Sometimes I just can't ignore the feelings I wanted to punch him.

But because we're different in every ways,
and we care about each other (in guys' circle, THEY tend to care about me),
That's why we're friends.

Monday 9 July 2012

"It" Came Back.

It's the same feeling.

What wrong did I do???

The first time this feeling came,
was when my first broke up.
With ASZ.

I should feel mad,I WANTED to be angry at him,
But I just couldn't.

One day,
I found out he had an accident.
Not a bad one,
But still,
an accident.
And the only thing that came in my mind was,
"Please be alright,please make it alive,please get out from there without any scratch,
I won't get mad,I promise,
Just,please, be alright".

It was stupid,right?
But,yes, I couldn't get mad at him.
And because of that,
we remained friends right now.
And I noticed that my feelings has subsided.
I'm content with our relationship.

The second one,
with HIM.
This person,
who once replaced the position of the other person,
And the only one whom I thought I would have a future with,
maybe it wasn't written in Luh Mahfuz,
of our story.

I was trying to get over it,
I tried.
I really did.
But lately,
the same thing happened again.


And I,
Tried to harden my heart,
So that I won't fill the remainder of my love for him with compassion,
Tried to ignore HIM and my FEELINGS.

But alas,
I can never control this feeling,
IT controls ME.
And all I ever wanted,
was for him to get better.


Sunday 8 July 2012


Sem ni,,....
aku tak sanggup nak hadapi sem ni.
Serabut byk sgt.
Ramai jgk yg sama mcm aku.
Tapi perasaan aku tak sedap je.
Macam ada something wrong yg akan berlaku.
Something yg aku akan regret.

Jadual padat sangat.
Sebab terbiasa hidup melenggang je sejak masuk sini.

Sebab kene crammed dengan kelas-kelas lain.
Dan buatkan aku rasa vulnerable,takut,anxious.

Sebab pandai mana pun aku cuba sorokkan,
I still look out,
searching for his silhouette,
Aku perasan,
tapi aku ignore perasaan aku,
Aku cuba distract agar feelings of love,of compassion, won't overwhelm me,
Aku cuba keraskan hati.
Setakat ni masih boleh...

Dan aku letih.
Menghadap muka yang aku tahu,
akan buat aku fail untuk kali pertamanya.
Jadi kenapa aku belajar?
Walaupun aku tahu aku akan fail?

Friday 6 July 2012

Cocoa Otoko

as concluded,
I am pretty obsessed with TeniMyu lately,
and in Hyoutei Gakuen,
I am particularly putting my focus on Atobe,Choutaroh, and Shishido.
A few days ago,
I found out Kenken (who plays Shishido) had a rock band called
which basically translated into...
"Cocoa Otoko"
The word "Cocoa" is because all members love chocolates (and chocolates are made from cocoas, duh).
Otoko in Japanese means - male,boys,men
But,when I was about to know this band better,
They were disbanded March ago.
I was late.
But I was able to hear and watch Kenken's singing skills not as Shishido,
but as himself.
And he is...awesome.Absolutely AWESOME.
Plus, I'm kinda addicted with their song "REBIRTH".
I loved Kenken's face expressions.
It's cute.

from left:kei,kou-chan,kenken,takuya,shogo

Another thing,
I googled about Hosogai Kei, who was one member of Cocoa Otoko,
and other than Okamoto Keito of Hey!Say Jump,
he speaks English VERY WELL.
It's not every day you see Japanese speaks English perfectly.
And Hosogai was in TAKUMI-KUN SERIES:NIJI IRO NO GARASU as Takabayashi.


Impression On The D-Boys

After balik dari prank Dila tadi,
Aku baca Ito Junji punya horror manga,
dengar Cocoa Otoko punya "Rebirth",
dan randomly browsing. 
Sekarang pukul 3:22 pagi,
Rumate masih belum pulang,
and I got things to blab


Endo Yuya- In TeniMyu, I can't remember much about my impression of him but in D-BOYS, I believe that he is Yanagi's other half.

Yanagi Kotaro-
 The first time I saw him, it was during the first TeniMyu and I definitely loved his voice and his cool dancing...  Then in D-BOYS, it was something like, "What are you doing?"

Igarashi Shunji- Such a naughty boy... based from the pictures in his blog...

Wada Masato-
 Athletic enough to run for 180km... I was able to watch DD-BOYS before the Yamabuki part...

Suzuki Hiroki- "Ore wa kakkoii~" (DD-BOYS again! I can't remember that in CinePuri)

Araki Hirofum
i- The Inui that lacks height... We laughed at him when we watch CinePuri because of that.. But the voice... *faints*

Kaji Masaki- Someone who don't stay and behave in one place...

Seto Koji- "Why is that D-BOYS is full of cute boys????"

Nakagawa Shingo- I don't remember much of him but I know his name and his face...

Yanagishita Tomo- Koji's other half. I only recognized him when Koji told something about him...

Makita Tetsuya -"Who are you again?" He was a new member when I left the fandom years ago...

Usui Masahiro - "Eh??? I'm older than you???"

Mikami Masashi- 
"What the--?! You're in D-BOYS too???" I saw him first in Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger VS Boukenger...

Adachi Osamu- 
"Why can't I see much acrobatics in you???? Kikumaru should, right?" (Can't remember much in CinePuri...)

Takahashi Ryuki- 
I saw him first in a magazine clipping that a senpai randomly bought for me... I was like "Hmmmm... Ryuki sounds like a Kamen Rider but... Don't know you" *Puts the clipping under Yanagi x Yuya's one...* I know I'm cruel but that's really what I did...

Hashimoto Taito-
 At first, I was like, "So cool!" Then when I got to know hin in TeniMyu as well as in D-BOYS, "KAZARI??? You're Fuji??? You're in D-BOYS???" I'm just so surprised because I LOVE Kazari so much in Kamen Rider OOO...

Yamada Yusuke- 
"What kind of face is that?" I told my brother when we first saw him in Kamen Rider OOO...

Horii Arata-  "Not bad, eh.." I saw him first in the PV of Day by Day...



Shirota Yuu- Someone who usually don't act his age... Always younger...

Nakamura Yuichi-
 He was so cool and seems to be easy to be with... I saw him first in Kamen Rider Den-O...

Minakawa Yuma- 
A very hardworking person... If I'm not mistaken, he was challenged to learn acrobatics in DD-BOYS...

Kumai Kouhei- 
He's the youngest D-BOYS member when I entered the fandom and I think he's cool at his age based from the pictures in his blog...

Nakamura Masaya -Just the same reaction with Makki...


A day to let it all out.
A day to forget our problems.
A day to bring smile to a precious friend.
Not just her,
but all of us.
Yes,a mishap happens.
But it doesn't mean I hate them.
I won't.
I can't.
And the good thing, the bad thing,
It'll be a memory,
One day,
We can laugh about it.
In the future.

I love you guys.Girls.Whatever.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Jai's taped drama drabble 3

my last drabble, focusing on Jai and her video-taped drama.
scene: someone messed with the video recorder and got Jai mad.
The loud squeal made everyone in the dorm look up, eyes wide with fear and surprise.

“Mmm?” Ana mumbled as she walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes and yawning lazily.
Once her vision was cleared of the crusty mucus stuck to the corners of her eyes, Ana squinted and saw the other members all sitting down on the couch in the living room, an angry looking Jai standing in front of them.

Scratching the shaggy clump of licorice black waves on her head, she looked at Jai and back at the other members and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

Jai shifted to one side, hands placed on the lean waist, and said between clenched teeth, “Someone messed with the video recorder yesterday… so when I played the tape today, THE SECOND HALF OF THE GLEE DRAMA, WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TAPED, WAS CUT OFF.” 

The sound of Said gulping loudly was like a gigantic tidal wave against the silence that followed Jai’s outburst.

There is a saying that people who are usually nice and never get mad, no matter how much you tease, annoy, or anger them, are seriously scary, because they have the potential of having a huge outburst when the pressure is too much to take or when something totally unforgivable happens.

Everyone knew better than to anger the angelic Jai, always only teasing her playfully during classes or at home, never daring to go any further.

But apparently someone had. 

And that someone was going to be in deep shit.

Especially when it was something as important as a Glee drama, and not just any Glee drama, but the final episode.

“Um… I was talking to Kuzec yesterday… and I came home around 11pm… took a quick shower and hopped into bed.” Said said quietly.

“Yeah, I got back from my recordings around 11:30pm and bumped into Said…” Saba said.

Rolling her eyes at the other two, Dila said, “It definitely wasn’t me either… I was in my room, studying…”

This made them all roll their eyes, as they knew the only thing Dila studied was R-rated material.

“What?” Dila yelled out, looking totally offended. “I was!!”

“Yeah, and I’m Jennifer Lopez.” Ana retorted, making everyone laugh.

“You wish, Miss Flat-Ass.” Dila mumbled under her breath as she smirked.
Although the tension eased slightly with Ana and Dila’s sarcastic remark, one person still remained serious, rubbing her chin with thought

“If it wasn’t the three of you… then who did it?” Jai mumbled quietly to herself.

All eyes turned to Ana, who looked up guiltily and squeaked, “I’m sorry?”


“Jai, let me explain…”  Ana pleaded, practically begging on her knees as she tried to catch up to Jai, who was walking at an incredibly fast pace down the street. “Please?”
“Fine.” Jai spat out, turning around so quickly that Ana almost ran right smack into her.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Jai tapped her foot impatiently and said, “This better be good.”

Taking a deep breath to steady her rapid pulse, Ana said, “I didn’t do it on purpose… you see, my friend said that she wanted me to return the DVD she lent me six weeks ago, but I haven’t watched it yet due to everything that has been happening lately… but I really wanted to watch it… so I just popped it into the player… but it didn’t work, so I pressed a few buttons on the remote control and suddenly it started playing… how was I supposed to know that you were taping…”


“Jai…” Ana said quietly, tugging onto Jai’s sleeve and giving her the “round-eyed-please-forgive-me-look”, commonly done by the Puss in Boots within the cartoon, Shrek. “You could always watch it online…”

forgive me?? pleeasseeeee~~~???

Brushing Ana’s hand away, Jai looked like she wanted to scream. 
But she took a deep breath instead and closed her eyes, telling herself to calm down.

“Na, it’s not the same. Watching it online and on television… the feeling is different. But since you don’t watch dramas, only those super cheesy shows, you won’t understand.”

“Fine. I don’t understand. But I really don’t see what the big deal is… I mean, whether it is on television or on the Internet, you’re still not watching it live… and TeniMyu is not a cheesy show. It’s a masterpiece.” Ana said, pouting.

“Aish, Dila’s right. You’re such a sappy, helpless mess. I honestly don’t know what I see in someone like you… I mean, you’re greasy, have bad hair and a foul mouth…” Jai grumbled, but Ana could tell her’s anger was slowly subsiding.

“That’s because you love me for being me.” Ana said cheekily, making Jai laugh and hit her on the arm for saying something as thick-skinned as that. 

“So… you’re not mad at me anymore?”

Glaring at her friend, Jai said, “Who said?  I’m still mad at you… but I still haven’t thought up of a way to get back at you yet… So you better watch out… because when I do think up of something… you’ll wish you never messed with me…”

Upon hearing this, Ana laughed, her eyes twinkling with humor.
 “Sure… I’ll wait patiently for your little ‘revenge’…”

It’s probably something as childish as stealing my toothbrush or something… or drawing funny things on my face when I’m still asleep… Ana thought to herself, chuckling slightly at the cute ideas.  I mean, what else can she do?

Little did Ana know what Jai had in store for her. 

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Dila's homework drabble 2

#2nd drabble. I think this is my last one.

Dila was in trouble. Yup, she definitely was. She nodded to herself and sighed as she sat in front of the computer. Unfortunately, this problem can only be solved by her lonely self.

Seriously, what help would the other guys be?

She pouted and stared at the screen. The message from her professor was glaring at her from her computer screen. Really…couldn’t the man give her a break?

First of all, she was a money-collector(from all her housemates).

Second of all, she barely sleeps.

Third of all, can’t she rest on her well-deserved vacation?

Concentrating on the message, Dila tapped her pen on the table underneath her hand while her foot tapped out an unknown beat.

Anthropology Class. Project: Study of a unique group of people. Make a journal and record your study of a group of people in their natural environment. Due by the end of the week.

Dila huffed, her free hand picking at her hair.

What the heck?

A study of a group of people.

Her nose scrunched up cutely as she pouted more in concentration. What the heck is a study of a group of people? She sighed again. What group of people can she possibly study?

Dila snorted at the image of her sitting in a park, all wrapped up and pretending to not be herself. This professor must be joking. If she even walked outside, a group of fanboys would mob her immediately. How is she supposed to study a group of people?

Tilting her head, Dila was at a lost. Okay. Whatever. It’s still homework and she had to finish it.

She sighed.

So all she had to do was a find a group of people, sit there and study them. She nodded.

Alright, she can do this.

Yup. Definitely.

She’s the genius after all. This was easy. Yup. Yeah. Alright then…

Dila sighed.

Damn she still is lost.

Dila growled quietly to herself.

This is easy. NOT.

“What are you growling about?” Dila heard before she felt a hand fall upon her head.

“Nothing.” She mumbled.

“Uh, yeah and I don’t believe you?” Ana smirked, leaning over the shoulder of her housemate to read the email on the computer. “Did you get dumped or something?” She raised an eyebrow as her eyes skimmed over the words.

“I wish. That would require me having a boyfriend to begin with. And we all know that I don’t.” Dila answered, looking up at Ana.
“Hmm…” Ana hummed out, straightening out her pose. “True.” She nodded. “Is this what is bothering you?” She poked at the computer screen only to have her finger promptly knocked away.

“No touch.” Dila frowned and patted her computer lovingly.

“Riiiight. Okay, Miss Video-Downloading Freak. Is this “anthropology class” bothering you?” Ana frowned, her eyes trailing back up to the screen again. Dila pouted at the reference towards her “special” videos

“Sort of.” She answered, her pencil starting to tap on her table again.






“Shut up, Ana.”

Ana smirked before ruffling Dila’s hair. “Genius-ah.” She sighed. “You’re thinking too hard.”

“Eh?” Dila looked up at the youngest. “What do you mean?”

Ana grinned and shrugged, straightening up from her position. “You’ll figure something out.” She patted Dila’s shoulder and started to walk out of the room.

Dila huffed. “That doesn’t help.” She glared at Ana’s back, turning to face her computer again. Okay…back to concentrating.

Dila bit her lip. In the distant background she could hear Saba’s voice calling out to Said.

“Eh?” She blinked in surprise.

Why didn’t she think of that?

Turning around quickly in her seat, Dila smirked as she watched Jai tackle Ana to the ground right outside her door.

A unique group of people…

Dila shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this.” She grinned and moved to find an empty notebook.

She definitely found a “unique group” for sure. Standing up, Dila pulled out a small notebook and a pen before walking out of her room.

Ah, anthropology class…

She smiled happily as she walked out of the room towards the living room. Settling down on the couch, Dila laid the notebook on her lap, patting the first page gently before writing neatly on the page.

“The Study of the Crazy Family”

Salah aku

salah aku
sebab took everything for granted
salah aku
sebab selalu wat jahat
salah aku
sebab tak penah fikir +ve
salah aku
semuanya salah aku

mesti kau hepi
tengok aku separuh gila macam ni
desperate sangat
kalau aku mintak nak mati
macam la pahala aku cukup nak angkat aku masuk syurga
tapi sekurang-kurangnya
tolong aku lupakan kau

sebab keadaan sekarang tak membantu
aku tak tahu aku boleh tahan sampai bila

Saba's cooking. drabble 1

I wonder what will happen when all of us left the hostel and live in apartment? So I made a drabble on US.

#Drabble 1-scene:kitchen, when Saba is preparing meal for all of us.

It’s a battle of pride when it comes to defending her kitchen, and Saba does it like a mother lion kills for her cubs. Said is first to go down.The last thing she remembers before lifting the cover off the pot of stew that had been bubbling wafts of aromatic nabe for the last twenty minutes was a sharp pull from behind, and strong arms pinning her down to the floor so fast it happened in a blur.

nabe a.k.a sukiyaki

"You are not laying a single fingernail on that soup," Saba warns in a tone that borders on growl.

 Her triceps flex splendidly and Said is surprised she even has the guts to be staring at them.

"But Saba, I only wanted to try," she squeaks, her belly growing cold from the diffusion happening between the frozen tiles and her exposed skin. She tilts her head backwards as far as it would go before any more would twist it the wrong way permanently.

"More like destroy," Saba bites back, releasing Said from her painful hold. The leader groans, waggling her arms to get the blood pumping. "Shake them outside," Saba orders. "The last time you came in here I had things falling all over the place. Big actions are meant for dance stages, not kitchens."

Said crawls out, tail tucked between her legs, sitting appropriately outside the unseen line Saba had drawn out for them many times before. She watches Saba bustle about the small area, commanding the atmosphere. She cooked, she cleaned, she cared - and she amused – because at this point Jai walks in with drool sliding down the corners of her open mouth.

"What’s for dinner~" she asks jovially, before shrieking like a banshee. 

"Yah! Yah SABARIAH KESE! Put that down! Yah! Are you insane?!"

Said plays Peeping Tom from afar, safe behind the wall of support she had clung to as she watches Saba turn into Rambo cum Terminator I-kill-you. The eldest brandishes two spatulas in her hand like butchering knives, aiming them at Jai like machine guns ready for target practice.

"Dinner’s not ready till half an hour," Saba grits in her most sinister Johnny Depp voice ever. She makes a psychotic dash for Jai, who banishes all thoughts of snacking before mealtime. 

"Yah damnit! I’ll be back!" Jai yells, frightened yet unwilling to surrender. Said grins stupidly when Jai sprints across the invisible line, because Saba stops right in front of the barrier, guarding the entrance to her kitchen like a demented dragon. Jai sticks her tongue out at her senior from behind the “safety” of that line, and gets a she-should-have-seen-it-coming knock on the forehead from Saba’s spatula. 

"Asta la vista baby~" the oldest member calls after as Jai runs off to complain to Ana, who – smart at all the wrong moments – knew when to keep out of restricted zones established by Sabariah Kese.

The leader had been about to walk away and find something less interesting to do when Dila ventures bravely into the lion/tiger/jaguar den. "Saba, I demand food," she hollers boldly, Tarzan style.Saba’s back is to Dila, but Said should have guessed the look of pique on her face as the last of the dumb fools walks into her sacred shrine of herbs and spices and instant noodles.Unaware in her search for RUSKI and the likes, her head plunged deep in the cupboards, the younger doesn’t sense Saba’s stealthy approach. She captures only a flicker of movement after she closes the swinging doors – then lo and behold – Saba has her wrists held in a vice-like strangle.

Dila laughs, thinking it funny, but Saba’s grip tightens. Said from another dimension can see the terror that flits across Dila’s eyes when she realizes her friend is going to eat her up like the Black Widow Spider sucks blood out of its prey.

"Saba, why are you holding me so lovingly?" Dila asks, still capable of making sarcastic remarks despite the situation. "Let me go."

"I’ll let go if you promise you won’t disturb the kitchen until dinner," Saba retorts. 

"Say it!" Dila’s expression turns helpless as she struggles against Saba, whose might still surpassed her by a matter of one year.

"Help~" Dila cries as loud as she can, her plea ricocheting off the walls of the kitchen – an animal about to be slaughtered. Said doesn’t dare try. 

"Jai!~ Help me!~" the younger continues, although Jai from not so far away has moved on to things other than food, discussing anime with Ana like they hadn’t been informed of Dila’s fight for survival.

"Promise me, and then I’ll let you go," Saba threatens, eyeing her boiling soup. She twists Dila’s wrists together menacingly –"Yah okay forget it dinner’s ready," she snaps, letting the younger member go. She had spent the past half an hour restraining idiots.

 Ana crosses the line immediately at the sound of "dinner’s ready" and is the first housemate who doesn’t get attacked.

"Smarty-pants," Dila taunts, and Ana wriggles her fancy behind in Dila’s face. Said comes out of hiding, clasping her hands together in thanks for the food. She heads straight for Saba, who scoops soup into her bowl until her rice turns porridge.The older members take their food out to the balcony, absorbing the calm that seeps out of the frosted air, steaming their faces with smoke from their bowls.

"Saba, are you sure you’re only human?" Said teases, her lips swelling from the truckload of red hot chili pepper Saba must have thrown in.

"What?" the eldest inquires, giving Said a questioning look. "What did I do?" she asks precariously. Cast under the full moon, Saba is a brand new discovery - rare and precious - more costly than gold.

"No Saba, you didn’t do anything," Said replies, wiping tears of love and burning spice out from under her eyes.

And sometimes, she thinks, Saba doesn’t even have to.