Tuesday 3 July 2012

Dila's homework drabble 2

#2nd drabble. I think this is my last one.

Dila was in trouble. Yup, she definitely was. She nodded to herself and sighed as she sat in front of the computer. Unfortunately, this problem can only be solved by her lonely self.

Seriously, what help would the other guys be?

She pouted and stared at the screen. The message from her professor was glaring at her from her computer screen. Really…couldn’t the man give her a break?

First of all, she was a money-collector(from all her housemates).

Second of all, she barely sleeps.

Third of all, can’t she rest on her well-deserved vacation?

Concentrating on the message, Dila tapped her pen on the table underneath her hand while her foot tapped out an unknown beat.

Anthropology Class. Project: Study of a unique group of people. Make a journal and record your study of a group of people in their natural environment. Due by the end of the week.

Dila huffed, her free hand picking at her hair.

What the heck?

A study of a group of people.

Her nose scrunched up cutely as she pouted more in concentration. What the heck is a study of a group of people? She sighed again. What group of people can she possibly study?

Dila snorted at the image of her sitting in a park, all wrapped up and pretending to not be herself. This professor must be joking. If she even walked outside, a group of fanboys would mob her immediately. How is she supposed to study a group of people?

Tilting her head, Dila was at a lost. Okay. Whatever. It’s still homework and she had to finish it.

She sighed.

So all she had to do was a find a group of people, sit there and study them. She nodded.

Alright, she can do this.

Yup. Definitely.

She’s the genius after all. This was easy. Yup. Yeah. Alright then…

Dila sighed.

Damn she still is lost.

Dila growled quietly to herself.

This is easy. NOT.

“What are you growling about?” Dila heard before she felt a hand fall upon her head.

“Nothing.” She mumbled.

“Uh, yeah and I don’t believe you?” Ana smirked, leaning over the shoulder of her housemate to read the email on the computer. “Did you get dumped or something?” She raised an eyebrow as her eyes skimmed over the words.

“I wish. That would require me having a boyfriend to begin with. And we all know that I don’t.” Dila answered, looking up at Ana.
“Hmm…” Ana hummed out, straightening out her pose. “True.” She nodded. “Is this what is bothering you?” She poked at the computer screen only to have her finger promptly knocked away.

“No touch.” Dila frowned and patted her computer lovingly.

“Riiiight. Okay, Miss Video-Downloading Freak. Is this “anthropology class” bothering you?” Ana frowned, her eyes trailing back up to the screen again. Dila pouted at the reference towards her “special” videos

“Sort of.” She answered, her pencil starting to tap on her table again.






“Shut up, Ana.”

Ana smirked before ruffling Dila’s hair. “Genius-ah.” She sighed. “You’re thinking too hard.”

“Eh?” Dila looked up at the youngest. “What do you mean?”

Ana grinned and shrugged, straightening up from her position. “You’ll figure something out.” She patted Dila’s shoulder and started to walk out of the room.

Dila huffed. “That doesn’t help.” She glared at Ana’s back, turning to face her computer again. Okay…back to concentrating.

Dila bit her lip. In the distant background she could hear Saba’s voice calling out to Said.

“Eh?” She blinked in surprise.

Why didn’t she think of that?

Turning around quickly in her seat, Dila smirked as she watched Jai tackle Ana to the ground right outside her door.

A unique group of people…

Dila shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this.” She grinned and moved to find an empty notebook.

She definitely found a “unique group” for sure. Standing up, Dila pulled out a small notebook and a pen before walking out of her room.

Ah, anthropology class…

She smiled happily as she walked out of the room towards the living room. Settling down on the couch, Dila laid the notebook on her lap, patting the first page gently before writing neatly on the page.

“The Study of the Crazy Family”

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