Wednesday 4 July 2012

Jai's taped drama drabble 3

my last drabble, focusing on Jai and her video-taped drama.
scene: someone messed with the video recorder and got Jai mad.
The loud squeal made everyone in the dorm look up, eyes wide with fear and surprise.

“Mmm?” Ana mumbled as she walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes and yawning lazily.
Once her vision was cleared of the crusty mucus stuck to the corners of her eyes, Ana squinted and saw the other members all sitting down on the couch in the living room, an angry looking Jai standing in front of them.

Scratching the shaggy clump of licorice black waves on her head, she looked at Jai and back at the other members and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

Jai shifted to one side, hands placed on the lean waist, and said between clenched teeth, “Someone messed with the video recorder yesterday… so when I played the tape today, THE SECOND HALF OF THE GLEE DRAMA, WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TAPED, WAS CUT OFF.” 

The sound of Said gulping loudly was like a gigantic tidal wave against the silence that followed Jai’s outburst.

There is a saying that people who are usually nice and never get mad, no matter how much you tease, annoy, or anger them, are seriously scary, because they have the potential of having a huge outburst when the pressure is too much to take or when something totally unforgivable happens.

Everyone knew better than to anger the angelic Jai, always only teasing her playfully during classes or at home, never daring to go any further.

But apparently someone had. 

And that someone was going to be in deep shit.

Especially when it was something as important as a Glee drama, and not just any Glee drama, but the final episode.

“Um… I was talking to Kuzec yesterday… and I came home around 11pm… took a quick shower and hopped into bed.” Said said quietly.

“Yeah, I got back from my recordings around 11:30pm and bumped into Said…” Saba said.

Rolling her eyes at the other two, Dila said, “It definitely wasn’t me either… I was in my room, studying…”

This made them all roll their eyes, as they knew the only thing Dila studied was R-rated material.

“What?” Dila yelled out, looking totally offended. “I was!!”

“Yeah, and I’m Jennifer Lopez.” Ana retorted, making everyone laugh.

“You wish, Miss Flat-Ass.” Dila mumbled under her breath as she smirked.
Although the tension eased slightly with Ana and Dila’s sarcastic remark, one person still remained serious, rubbing her chin with thought

“If it wasn’t the three of you… then who did it?” Jai mumbled quietly to herself.

All eyes turned to Ana, who looked up guiltily and squeaked, “I’m sorry?”


“Jai, let me explain…”  Ana pleaded, practically begging on her knees as she tried to catch up to Jai, who was walking at an incredibly fast pace down the street. “Please?”
“Fine.” Jai spat out, turning around so quickly that Ana almost ran right smack into her.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Jai tapped her foot impatiently and said, “This better be good.”

Taking a deep breath to steady her rapid pulse, Ana said, “I didn’t do it on purpose… you see, my friend said that she wanted me to return the DVD she lent me six weeks ago, but I haven’t watched it yet due to everything that has been happening lately… but I really wanted to watch it… so I just popped it into the player… but it didn’t work, so I pressed a few buttons on the remote control and suddenly it started playing… how was I supposed to know that you were taping…”


“Jai…” Ana said quietly, tugging onto Jai’s sleeve and giving her the “round-eyed-please-forgive-me-look”, commonly done by the Puss in Boots within the cartoon, Shrek. “You could always watch it online…”

forgive me?? pleeasseeeee~~~???

Brushing Ana’s hand away, Jai looked like she wanted to scream. 
But she took a deep breath instead and closed her eyes, telling herself to calm down.

“Na, it’s not the same. Watching it online and on television… the feeling is different. But since you don’t watch dramas, only those super cheesy shows, you won’t understand.”

“Fine. I don’t understand. But I really don’t see what the big deal is… I mean, whether it is on television or on the Internet, you’re still not watching it live… and TeniMyu is not a cheesy show. It’s a masterpiece.” Ana said, pouting.

“Aish, Dila’s right. You’re such a sappy, helpless mess. I honestly don’t know what I see in someone like you… I mean, you’re greasy, have bad hair and a foul mouth…” Jai grumbled, but Ana could tell her’s anger was slowly subsiding.

“That’s because you love me for being me.” Ana said cheekily, making Jai laugh and hit her on the arm for saying something as thick-skinned as that. 

“So… you’re not mad at me anymore?”

Glaring at her friend, Jai said, “Who said?  I’m still mad at you… but I still haven’t thought up of a way to get back at you yet… So you better watch out… because when I do think up of something… you’ll wish you never messed with me…”

Upon hearing this, Ana laughed, her eyes twinkling with humor.
 “Sure… I’ll wait patiently for your little ‘revenge’…”

It’s probably something as childish as stealing my toothbrush or something… or drawing funny things on my face when I’m still asleep… Ana thought to herself, chuckling slightly at the cute ideas.  I mean, what else can she do?

Little did Ana know what Jai had in store for her. 


  1. I KNOW this one.You took it from a YooSu fanfic,didn't cha? xP

  2. haha,u got me.i just changed the names.
