Tuesday 3 July 2012

Said,Dila,Jai,Saba and Ana's childhood(?)

Well,hari ni letih. Ada ceramah kat Wisma Kuala Terengganu and we got back to hostel at 4 pm. Then dapat notification yang BM class was canceled tonight. So, aku buat fiction pasal bebudak ni.

It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining brightly overhead, there was a cool breeze, and the only clouds in the sky were the fluffy ones that looked like giant cotton balls fresh out of the bag. It was the perfect day to play in Dila's awesome new sandbox, as had apparently been decided when Saba, Jai, Said, and Ana all appeared on the doorstep of her house and proceeded to drag her to her backyard.

"You guys better not leave me to clean everything up like last time." Dila glared at her four friends as they all ignored her and tumbled into the sandy pit.

"What game should we play?" Jai asked as she dove headfirst into a particularly tall mound of sand.

"Follow the leader!" Said answered immediately. "I'll be the leader!" And no one protested because Said was always the leader.

"I'll play!" Saba jumped up and flailed her arms about for no reason. "Dila, are you playing too?"

Dila glanced up from her corner of the sandbox and pointed to the pail in her hands, then at the growing mound of sand in front of her. "No. I'm using the sand to sculpt Michelangelo's David."

"Who's David?" Saba blinked at her with wide, curious eyes.

Dila heaved a long, exaggerated sigh and decided she wouldn't even grace that with an answer. They were stupid. They were all stupid.

"I LOVE follow the leader!" said Jai, "I'll play, Saba!"

"Jai can't play!" Ana said, and stuck her tongue out at Jai's offended expression.

"Why not??"

"Because you're stupid and slow and we always have to wait for you. So you don't get to play!"

"But that's not fair!" Jai whined. She crossed her arms and collapsed onto the sandy floor, glaring her feet. It was true that she sometimes lagged behind, but she wasn't that slow! Stupid Ana! Ana was just jealous of how cute and perfect she was.

Jai took out the black crayon that she always kept in her pocket and drew on the wooden ledge that made up the border of the sandbox.

"Eukyangkyangkyang," Jai snickered as she looked over her artwork. One day, she would show them all. One day...

Said jumped onto the wooden border, then turned back to the other two. "Hop on one leg twenty times without falling!"

Said started hopping. Ana and Saba jumped up next to her and did the same.

"Saba, you have to raise your knee up higher," Said said, feeling very leader-like whenever she gave out orders like this.

Saba raised her arm.

"No, Saba, I said to raise your knee!"

"I AM raising my knee!!" Saba stretched her hand as far up as she could.

Said stopped hopping and the other two stopped with her. "Sorry Saba, but you're out. You raised your arm when I told you to raise your knee."

"...But isn't my knee on my arm?" Saba asked innocently. Ana and Said stared at her blankly.

".......No, Saba. Your knee is on your leg." Said pointed to it. Saba looked back and forth between her elbow and her knee, eyes widening as realization dawned on her.

"SABA DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A KNEE IS!!" Ana burst into hysterics, falling off the ledge and rolling around with laughter on the sand.

"B-but but... but I... but," Saba pouted and her loosely balled fists shot up to her chin, "But Said, they look so SIMILAR!" Saba looked at Said with impossibly big, teary eyes.

Uh oh, Said thought. "Saba," she said gently, "It's okay. It's just a game. We can play something else."

Saba stared dejectedly at the ground. "It's okay, Said. You don't have to stop playing just 'cause of me." But she continued to sniffle pitifully, and Said's little heart melted at the sight.

"Okay, Saba," Said said with a defeated sigh.

"Okay what?" Saba asked and added an extra sniffle for good measure.

"Okay, I'll let you back in the game."

Saba brightened up so suspiciously fast that it was almost as if she hadn't even been sad in the first place. "SAID!♥" Saba yelled as she launched herself at the other girl and tackled her onto the sand.

"Saba...can't...breathe..." Said gasped as she slowly suffocated under the crushing weight of Saba's hug.

Ana snickered from where she sat a few feet away. "Saba likes Said! Saba likes Said! Saba and Said sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-"

Saba pushed Said away from her so fast that the wind was knocked out of her for a second time.

"I do not! Said's a GIRL!"

"And Saba is a BOY! A boy who likes Said!"

Saba growled and immediately gave chase. Ana ran away just as quickly while chanting, "Boyish Saba likes Said!"

"Ana," Said said once she could breathe again, "You should say sorry before Saba beats you up again-" But before she could finish her sentence, it was already too late.

Jai looked up from where she was writing DIE ANA DIE on the wood to see that very same girl running towards her with a PO'd Saba close behind. And she was suddenly struck with a brilliant idea: she stuck her leg out.

"JAI WTF!!!" Ana screamed as she crash-landed onto the torso of David. Saba leapt onto her back, effectively pinning Ana as hit her on the head over and over.

"My masterwork!" Dila yelled indignantly. She threw her pail dangerously close to Ana's much-abused head. "Now I'll never be a famous artist!"

Dila huffed as she watched Saba slap Ana into submission and promised to herself that she would never ever ever ever let her friends come within a one-mile radius of her house again.

When Saba brings a batch of homemade cookies the next weekend, that promise is mysteriously forgotten.


  1. ehem. aku nak watak banyak lagi boleh? -.-

  2. hahaha,gila femes nampak?kasi arr idea.nanti aku buat.

  3. aku nak jadik lemah lembut. hahahahahaha

  4. miahahahahaha...terbaik la!..suka2..homemade cookies...hik3
