Saturday 27 September 2014

Like Crazy Review.

There are reasons why single people should never watch romance movies.
And that is why I am binge-watching the series Gayko (nickname Jowy gave him),
I'll stick with "Eko" then,
- gave me.

At first I was engrossed with "Orange Is The New Black".
I might even have had a girl crush towards Alex Vause during the first season.
And correctional officer John Bennett.
I can't help it okay,
He is cute.

But then,
I just popped up "Like Crazy" and watch it (while analyzing it).

At first,
This is just some normal couple who are just starting to know each other,
And is in honeymoon phase.
The main obstacle here,
At first I thought was the long-distance relationship.

But then it spiraled into some more.
Long-distance relationships can be work out,
With strong wills on both sides.
What disappoints me,
Is that the girl who seems like a smart person,
Falls in love naive and stupidly,
While the guy only seems like a temporary summer fling,
Does not have the ability to uproot his life to be with her,
Or even do anything other than the visa thingy,
Which takes up a large amount of time and money.

When they are not together,
This thing they agreed to be with other people,
Maybe because of loneliness when being apart from each other.
But that doesn't mean they could pick someone else up just to fill the emptiness.
Because there are other hearts involved in the story,
Not just theirs.
But from the audience's view,
I see that Jennifer Lawrence (or Sam) knew about Anna,
And she should be prepared for the worst,
For who will Jacob choose in the end.

This story is a relatable love story,
For many of us normal people experience in life.
But to sacrifice the life you have,
To rotate the feelings you had during the puppy-love stage of relationship,
Is it worth it?
Because in life,
Nothing is sure.

I mean,
What if Simon was The One for Anna?
And Sam was it for Jacob?
Okay this I can relate.
Because for me,
Even if I want him back ( I so want him back),
Will we able to replay all the good memories we had before?
Because let's accept it,
I will NEVER turn back to who I was before,
So little by little,
Even if it sometimes seems impossible,
We have to move on...
He and I will never return to the people we was when we were together.

I knew this but I couldn't accept it.

But this pair of lovebirds,
They know what they want.
They just doesn't know HOW to get it.

There are many possibilities in life,
There are always options,
We just have to choose.

And frankly,
Even though I don't really like the end,
But it is the real life,
And no fairy tale.

How far would you go for someone you love?
And how sure are you that the feelings can remain the same throughout time?

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