Monday 22 September 2014

Something Resembling A Review of "Friends and Family".

So yeah,
I've been re-watching the 2003's movie where they still wear big, black cellphone.

Not that I didn't notice this before,
But Stephen and Danny's on-screen chemistry were kinda...
Surreptitiously good and bad at the same time.

There was a time you could see the way they interact,
They are like an old married couple that knows each other's flaws.
That kind of married couple for more than 10 years,
And can initiate silent conversations using only face expressions and body language,
Instead of words.

And some other time,
They only look like a pair of friends that co-habit because it is hard living by yourself.

Except when I squint my eyes and see small gestures they made towards each other,
Like Stephen stealing Danny's food during brunch,
Or them trying to organize the event for Stephen's Dad.

The big gestures are made when Danny called Stephen "honey",
Danny knowing Stephen is an "autumn" and he is "spring" (What does that even mean?),
And the last romantic gesture about what Bruno said.

"In ancient Persia, when an artist creates something,
He would include a flaw on purpose.
Because it is only the Gods are supposed to be perfect.
So he creates something that otherwise would be perfect,
And added some flaws,
As if to say "not to offend the Gods" 
- Bruno

The part where Stephen traced a small part of frosting on Danny's nose and said,
"As to not offend the Gods",
And Danny reciprocated with ruining Stephen's hair and said the same words.

Other than that,
I was baffled whether the movie was trying not to make them look like ordinary run-of-the-mills couple,
By insinuating the mafia theme,
And Stephen being awesomely bulky and manly and oh,
Did I mention about them being ex-Army Rangers and then the head bodyguards of the mafia family?

That kinda cliche.

I understand about this movie trying to run away from the stereotyping part,
But then it was made too un-stereotype and ruined the motives.
Richard and Bruno was the thing that saved this movie.

And I liked the insight where Vito and Frankie,
Despite being the children of a mafia's boss,
Have their own route of being a pastry chef and a tailor,
Much to Don Patrizzi's demise.

Oh yeah,
Don't think I haven't realize the way Frankie looked at Vito at the end of the movie.
It wasn't a way some actor look at their fellow colleague,
It was a way someone who is crushing on someone else,
And have trouble keeping it down.

This radar of mine is nothing but trouble. 

Somehow I'd like to think if Stephen had a child, and his child had a child, it would be Derek.

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