Monday 24 September 2012

Hari Terbuka IPG KDRI and other..

Two words: BOOKS BOOTH!!!!

JPP anjur Hari Terbuka IPG KDRI starting tomorrow.
Dengar ura-ura banyak booth akan dibukak.
But my only aim is the books booth.
Harap-harap buku yang dijual kat booth tu best.
Because other than movies,
That particular typed words on papers is my absolute haven.

And about Phonology quiz.
I actually thought I would do better.
Maybe even enough to not to repeat.
But maybe I was mistaken.
I overlooked that papers,
And I overestimated my strength.

Hopefully dapat better marks if Madam Sar decided to let EVERYONE re-take the test.
Because if even Gijoe didn't make it into half,
Let alone ME.

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