Saturday 15 September 2012

Why Did I Fell In Love With Him, Again?

He sighed.

Turning to his right, there were Sho and Aiba browsing the internet,giggled stupidly.
Turning to his left, MatsuJun was humming their latest song, Face Down and struggled with Sho's rap parts.

He sighed. I'm so bored.

Then, he heard a faint music somewhere in the hotel room. His was supposedly to be shared with Aiba, but Nino didn't approved it (Sho also,but he didn't shows it on his face),so he bribed Aiba in giving him his latest video game, which was a successful attempt. But as always, the five of them stays in one room, because it felt awkward, and lonely without any one of them. They were together for 25 years since their junior years, after all.

He searched lazily for that faint sound, and found Nino on veranda, playing his latest PSP.

Woke up from his bed, he walked toward Nino unconditionally. It's always like that. Whenever he can't detect Nino's presence, he would feel....anxious.

Outside at the veranda, he sat quietly beside Nino, who was still immersed in his Mario Cart game.

Nino was always like this.

Doesn't pay attention to literally ANYTHING if he's playing games.

A complete opposite of himself.

So why did he fell in love with this bratty prince, Ninomiya Kazunari, again?

He sighed.

Nino stole a glance from the corner of his eyes and see him yawned in boredom.
He puts down his treasured PSP and reached for his Leader's pair of cold hands(because of the air-conditioner) and rubbed them to make them warm, pulling to his cheeks.

"Is something bothering you?" Nino asked him.

"I was just thinking..."

"About what?"

"Why did I fell in love with you?"

Nino laughed softly. Ahh, he's so cute. I can't stop teasing him.

"Well, wasn't it obvious? I am FABULOUS,REMARKABLE and any other great adjectives you can think of."

Hearing Nino's reply, he chuckled.

Nino held his face tenderly, his warm hands just melted his cold cheeks and Nino kissed his forehead before he can even blink.

"Is there a reason to fall in love,Oh-chan?"

No, there is not.

author's note:my obsession is still not over. Mada mada dane!!