Friday 14 September 2012

He's My Boyfriend

author's note:Been watching OhMiya SK lately.Non-stop.So I can't help myself.

Ninomiya Kazunari is my boyfriend.
"Stop touching my butt in front of others!" Ohno finally bursts out to Nino after they finished their program Arashi ni Shiyagare. Sho who was tailing them since he saw their Riida being more silent than usual, rolls his eyes.

"Why not?It's fun~" Nino singsong, not caring that Ohno is mad. He didn't understand, he touches Ohno's butt since 8 years ago in front of many,many viewers and Ohno never complain or even against it, but why now?

"I don't like it." Ohno mumbles slowly, but it didn't escaped Nino's ears.

"If you don't like it, why tell me now? Why didn't you told me when I first touched it?" This time, Nino bursts out too. Sho, being the smartest of all, ran to Aiba and MatsuJun. He doesn't want to be in the middle of lover's spat.

"It's different now. We used to do it as fan services and passing it as jokes,but...." Ohno's voice trails off. Nino, watching the small guy blushes in pink, had an evil idea in his head. He scooted closer to Ohno, closer,  closer, until Ohno realized he was being cornered by Nino at the end of the room. There was no escape.

"But what," Nino whispered softly into Ohno's red ear.

"You're my boyfriend now.It's different." Ohno mumbles.

Smirking at the elder's remarks, Nino pulled Ohno's slender waist into a hug and put his head on Ohno's shoulder.

"That's why I'm showing to the world you're MINE. All mine." He said with a relieved sigh.Ohno, who was red with delight and embarrassment replied Nino's hug with his pair of hands on Nino's shoulder.


"Really really."

In the other room, the three members were already dozed off because they were too scared to enter the other room because an exhausted Ninomiya is a scary Ninomiya. Plus he already declared that no one can see Ohno naked except for him.

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