Sunday 8 June 2014

Liaison and Future Planning

I cannot help myself from thinking about it.
In lieu of making amend to what I precariously brought upon myself,
There are two things that trudging back to my mind.

She was right by making that decision.
By disengaging herself from the people that she thought are pulling away from her,
At least she feels at peace knowing that nothing could harm her anymore.
Or the other way around.
If she feels happier and more secure this way,
I hope she feels more at ease.
I want her to be happy.
She deserves it.

And now I feel like that.
Probably because there were many incidents enough,
And now the lines are shouting "labile" and "breakable" and "fragile",
and "untrustworthy".

Maybe it is what time give to people in associates.
You just... see.

The second thing is future planning.

I finally found my partner in crime,
For travelling around the world.
Ricchan gave me his word.
With him having experience travelling,
It would be the coolest thing to go backpacking and seeing the world with him.

Ricchan promised me.
Florence, Venice, Rome, Italy.
Moscow, Vyborg, Petrozavodsk, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Istanbul, Turkey.

After I am not tied with IPG,
We only have to check the time we are going and collect ourselves some money.
Amir would kill me.
But I want to live.
I want to see the world.
It doesn't matter if the destinations are not popular,
There are precious things called experience.

And being tied up,
In marriage,
It is not what I include in my future.
In the distant future probably.
But not in the near 10 years.

Thinking about my aim in future give me jitters.
A good kind of jitters.
Imagining that when we check in to an alien place,
Where people don't speak our natives,
Go where our feet take us,
And just absorb everything.

I want that.

I want to go to Istanbul twice because first, Mom wanted to see the tulips.
I want to give her that.
Second is my own selfish reason. I want to see the farthest my feet could take me.

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