Saturday 23 June 2012

Halloween Party

I am so going to hell for ruining the "friendship image" of these two.
But last night, when I scrolled down searching for "Golden Pairs", I stumbled upon a blog who recommend a videoclip cut from doujinshi, pairing the "Golden Pair". I can't watch the vid, considering now I'm using IPG's line (damn!I can't download all the Jdos too!!wuwuwuwuw), I can't watch the vid. But I already told Adinda to download it for me.So I'm going to upload one of the pic I founded.(Eiji / Oishi's fans are out to kill me someday)

From this pic, I think the doujinshika is Kazuma Kodaka (Border,Kizuna:Bond of Love)

It's like a dream came true!!!!!!!!!!!weeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

And whenever I see the Golden Pair, I remembered Halloween Party. I don't know, it just occurred to me. Like the "Titanium Pair", I remembers beach. The "Silver Pair", I think I recalled Choutaroh's head.(well,their pair was nicknamed "Silver",which is similar to his hair color).The "Jimi's", I remember DUCK. Because Yanagizawa is practically a DUCK.Or so Ishida said.

Well, I loved this pair because their story was kinda similar to mine. You know, cliche childhood friends who, while growing up, develops feelings for each other.All that bla bla bla blaa...

So, in tribute to KIKUMARU EIJI and OISHI SHUICHIRO, the GOLDEN PAIR, I am going to make a drabble (not a fanfic) on Halloween Party!!!!!!!

Drabble #1


The music had stopped. They were standing on the dance floor amidst couples, some still dancing, caught up in their own worlds where their own music played on, others were cuddling or whispering soft words of love to each other.

Ryoma could see Oishi-sempai and Kikumaru-sempai from the corner of his eye. Kikumaru-sempai had both arms around Oishi-sempai's neck, his head of wild red hair resting on Oishi's shoulder. Oishi leaned forward, towards his doubles partner, eyes full of meaning.

"Che," Echizen muttered under his breath. Another couple had moved to block his view. When they finally moved off, Kikumaru-sempai was blushing but beaming.

Those two were not shy about their relationship. They did not hide their affection from others the way Tezuka and Fuji did. Ryoma wasn't sure if he was supposed to be disgusted at such relationships. He didn't really feel disgusted. He didn't really feel anything special about them at all. After all, he wasn't the one in a relationship with them.

It was horrible,but bear with me a little.Hihihihihihi~~~~~`

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