Monday 18 June 2012


I don't have a clue what I just wrote in the title.
All I know is, I'm thankful for Sierra Mikain for sharing with us all the TeniMyu lyrics!!
Huahaha...if it's not because of her, I won't be able to sing along so smoothly.
I remembered I got tons of Japanese dorama to download.
But now too lazy to do anything.
And my position in class, I have NOTHING to complaint~!!
After being a secretary and a PKU, I finally got NO position~!!
Hohohohohho~~ore wa hontou ni ureshi you!!!
Heart to "gyuun" to mitai ni~nyan nyan~~<3<3<3
Satu benda je yg tak best.
Kene face muka-muka yang aku tak suka.
Boleh tak shuffle kelas lagi?
Tak kisah arr,asal aku tak payah tengok "muka-muka" yang aku tanak tengok,iaitu muka-muka;
2)buat aku marah
3)aku tanak tengok sampai aku mati


satu lagi bende yang aku nak blab,
pasal writing addiction aku.
Dulu ada fesbuk,budak-budak ni cakap aku selalu update status setiap 5saat.
Pastu aku deactivate fesbuk and beralih ke twitter.
Kat situ pun banyak mengarut,tapi takde orang bising.
So I kinda like it.
Time cuti baru-baru ni,takleh LANGSUNG log in twitter.
Diari tertinggal kat IPG, so tangan tengah menggatal-gatal,
aku pun on la blog ni balik.
Blog yang aku buat time semester 1 PPISMP dulu ni.
Padahal aku langsung tak reti pakai blog.
And when I was accustomed to blog,
Twitter seems.......................unimportant.
Well,my train of thought IS weird.

And,well,this is not something unusual for me to say,
but I think I have fallen in love with Atobe.
Not the REAL Atobe, but the actor who plays Atobe.
his name is.....*badum tch!*

Mr.B:well,sebelum ni kau bising-bising wat announcement yang kau fall in love with Tacky.What happened?
me:aku still suka Tacky.Heck,aku suka SEMUA yang terlibat dengan TeniMyu.
Mr.B:so you're no different than an asshole.
me:this is the purpose of being a FANGIRL,you dumb scumbag brain.

I LIKE the other actors, but the ones I have fallen in LOVE are only Tacky and Kazuki.
I like Tacky because of his looks, but I think I seriously liked Kazuki's behaviour as Atobe.
Does this mean I'm a masochist?
Oh no.
And all this time,I thought I was a sadist.
Kyaaa~~!!Atobe in school uniform!!*dies of nosebleed*

Saigo ni,...hmm..apa eh aku nak cakap?
Oh ye...sebenarnye sebelum ni aku tak berapa suka manga / anime Pince of Tennis (PoT) sebab banyak sangat watak dan the storyline mainly focus on tennis.Bosan...
Tapi lepas tengok TeniMyu,ter-desired la pulak nak tengok anime die...
Sebab selain aku,a closeted otaku, the other otaku that is not so closeted I know is Hasif.
Aku ingat dia ada anime ni.
But no luck..

So,bulan ni/7, wish aku ialah:
1)download semua JDo yang aku dah list before balik cuti
2)save duit
3)start exercising (with the amount of fat I gained,..well,..TERPAKSA lah)
4)cari anime PoT

Nanti update kalau ada apa-apa.Hohohohhoho~~

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