Monday 18 June 2012

A Little Story of Mine...

Jumpa sikit pick-up lines kat internet and I've decided to use it in my fanfic.
Pairing:Masuda Takahisa x Tegoshi Yuya( NewS )

It’s been months since NEWS have seen NEWS gathered in a dressing room. Today, they’ll have a group photo shoot for something. And, as usual, someone is late.

“Good morning!” Masuda says, breathless, which earn him a hiss from Nishikido, a reply from Koyama and Kato, a nod from Yamashita and a hug from Tegoshi.

“I don’t know which is more beautiful today; the water, the sky or your eyes,” Masuda whispers in Tegoshi’s ears. Tegoshi giggles, “Did the sun come up, or did you just smile at me?”

“Oh my God!” Nishikido groans, “Don’t start that stupid game!”

Masuda’s cheeks blush, Tegoshi just shrugs, “Don’t listen to him Massu.”


The stylists just finished styling everyone and everyone has their own business. Nishikido is bullying Kato’s hair while Yamashita sings some of his songs quietly and Koyama talks to one of the photographers.

Tegoshi is checking his reflection in the mirror when Masuda approach him, “If you stood there, in front of the mirror, and held up 11 roses, you will see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.”

Tegoshi stops fixing his hair, to take a look at Masuda, “There are 20 angels in the world, 11 are playing, 8 are sleeping and 1 of them is standing in front of me.”

“Itai!” Kato shouts, “Stop that you two!”

“Shige? But you never care?” Tegoshi asks, slightly confuse.

“Not until Nishikido spank my head!”


It’s lunch time now, so everyone is gathered around the table to eat their bentos. Nishikido tells Masuda to seat at the other end of the table, near Kato while Tegoshi seat beside him. They oblige, seeing nothing bad with the seating arrangement. They are eating peacefully, not until Tegoshi stands up from his chair, “Massu! I think you stole something from me!”

Masuda, who just swallowed what he was eating, asks, “What?” with a confused and surprised expression in his face.

“My heart,” Tegoshi giggles.

Nishikido chokes, Yamashita giggles, Koyama worries and Kato laughs so hard.

After eating, Kato receive another spank in his head.


When their manager called them to resume the photo shoot, the stylists re-touch the members. When the stylist goes out of the room after checking Masuda’s lips, Tegoshi is approaching him but was stop halfway by Nishikido.

“Where are you going?”

“To Massu.”


“I have a question for him.”

“What is it?” Nishikido asks, makes a gesture to Masuda.

When Masuda is standing there beside Nishikido, Tegoshi looks at him and asks, with a smirk, “Massu, I was just wondering, does your lips taste as good as they look?”

Masuda blushes, Nishikido groans, Yamashita shouts “Tegomass – 4 points!”


The photo shoot ended peacefully. Well, for Nishikido, it’s stupid, for Kato, it’s painful, for Yamashita a good laugh and for Koyama it’s… really mixed. And for Tegomass, it’s cheesy.

The photographers, stylists and the other staffs bid their good work and see you soon before leaving while NEWS is still there in their dressing room, removing their make-ups and preparing to go home now.

Nishikido was no where to be found, so Masuda takes this opportunity. He taps Tegoshi’s back, “I lost my teddy bear,” he says, “Will you sleep with me?”

Tegoshi wraps his arms around Masuda’s neck and whispers, “I wish that you were my homework, so I could do you on my table.”

“Oh my God! Stop putting things in my head!” Nishikido shouts.


The next day, NEWS is gathered inside their own dressing room. Everybody seems occupied with their own business. Suddenly…

“Shige!” Nishikido shouts.

“What?” Kato asks nervously surprised.

“I lost my trumpet, can I blow yours?”

Kato stutters, Koyama, Tegoshi and Masuda laughs, Yamashita shouts amidst laughter, “Nishikido Ryo – 1 point!”

Tegomass = love

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