Sunday 10 June 2012

TenimYu Dream Live 4th

Seems like my addiction to TenimYus aren't subsiding, yet.
I DON'T want to go back to IPG, but I NEED to go back to IPG.
Not out of obligation to study, but to download all TenimYus.

So before I go out of my mind, I'm just going to quote verbatim on Dream Live 4th.

Dream Live 4th
Since I saw only Musical with 4th generation of Seigaku, I was curious bout the generation before. And since I like Dori Sakurada, Hiroki Aiba, Yukihiro Takiguchi, Tomo Yanagishita and Keisuke Minami, I couldn´t refuse to watch it.
The opening was great, with all of teams come up onto the stage. Seigaku, Fudomine, St. Rudolph, Yamabuki, Hyotei, Rokkaku and Rikkai. Well, pretty much all of the teams seen in the Prince of Tennis anime. Now I write what I thought about teams individually and compared to their anime self
Seigaku – I thought Seigaku would be there more, but I didn´t care much later, they showed they can be good even if they aren´t there much.
Keisuke Minami wasn´t that bad as I thought before I decided to watch it. He was quite good at role of Tezuka, but still I think that the 4th Tezuka was the best.
 I was quite laughing at regulars how they make fun of Echizen, who seems to grow more. It was because Dori Sakurada as Ryoma was the tallest Echizen in all generations. I couldn´t help myself, but I didn´t enjoy Dori´s singing. Still I think (after watching Super Handsome Live 2011) he doesn´t sing well. But he still has time to improve himself. But I must admit, that his acting skills weren´t bad and played Ryoma well. But still, I think that Shogo Sakamoto is still better, however Dori´s Ryoma is the cutest.
I was also happy to get to hear Best Actor Series 005, Sakurada Dori as Echizen Ryoma. Well, as I said, I don´t like Dori´s voice. Exception is one song that I really like and I think Dori´s voice fits perfect for that song. It is „I want it all“ where he sings also in English along with Echizen´s phrase „Mada mada dane“
Takky played Oishi and I must say he was great. He really seems to be into that role and played very good. He and Koji Seto as Eiji were really good. Like I said before, I fell head over heels with this guy. It strucked me hard when I see him 180 degrees differ with his character in Takumi-kun. Koji was great Eiji and I must admit that he was better than Mao in the generation later. However, Mao was the cutest Eiji.
Hiroki Aiba played Fuji. In the anime, Fuji is animated as small and friendly boy. Well, who knows Aiba then he knows that his tall height is not very good compared to anime Fuji height. But he was perfectly fitted in this role. He was also hilarious when he scared Echizen, there he showed his dark side.
Since I like Tomo Yanagishita, I was looking forward for this Kaido also. I don´t know, since anime Kaido is grumpy and not ever smiling, slightly friendly, I wasn´t really enjoying Tomo´s acting here since his Kaido was more friendly and seems to be going well with Momo. I thought be would be more in character. But when he played Kaido, I must say I´ve never seen such cutest Kaido
Kouji WatanabeMasei Nakayama and Shinpei Takagi played roles of Kawamura, Inui and Momoshiro. Watanabe´s  „Burning“ didn´t seem to be so enthusiastic as Teyu Kon (who played Kawamura in late 4th generation) but still in character. Nakayama´s Inui was good. I must say more than the 4th generation. And Takagi as Momo seems be almost the same as Tomo as Kaido. Not very much in character, not even fighting with Kaido and having good relationship with him.
Pink picture - Dori, Keisuke and Hiroki. Yellow one - Masei, Tomo and Shinpei. Green - Kouji, second Kouji and Takky. Blue - Masaki Hara, Yuya Mori and Yuki Okamoto

Rikkai – This is the first play I saw all Rikkai in action so I was really looking forward to it. I don´t want to admit it, but I am starting to like Rikkai more and more…
Captian of Rikkai, Seiichi Yukimura, is slowly becoming my the most favourite character in Prince of Tennis. Until then it was Eiji and Fuji, even Eiji is still number one, Yukimura is catching up with him. He is played by Ren Yagami. Wow, Ren is absolutely great as Yukimura. Casting people did good job to cast Ren as Seiichi. He is as fluffy and feminime as anime Yukimura. I love the scene with Rikkai regulars making speeches, ignoring their captian. But when is captian finally supposed to talk loud, so everybody could hear him, he almost faints. Also the scene with Sanada making other Rikkai repeat sentences that he said was pretty hilarious, as Yukimura watching them from a distance, then joining them and faints this time for real. Ren done amazing job as Yukimura, I am looking forward to see him as Rikkai captain more.
Another great job was done by Kentaro Kanesaki as vice-captain, Genichiro Sanada. I am starting to like Kentaro more and more, he was really great as Sanada, very into the character. Really great actor in a good role which suits him very well. He has very nice singing voice too
Other thing I was looking forward was duo Masataka Nakagauchi as Niou and Toru Baba (since he is my second favourite japanese guy ever) as Yagyuu. These two were great and funny as their anime charactes. Masa was really good looking with his white hair and Baba looked just… weird, I don´t like his costume since he doesn´t look sexy at all :D. But when they change their costumes, Baba with white hair also looked weird, so I don´t know whether is it me or him :D. Masa looked handsome in both of the costumes, so there is nothing to complain about.
Kento Ono played Renji and he was good. Renn Kiriyama played Marui Bunta andJutta Yuuki played Jackal. They were also good. Since I don´t know these actors, I don´t have many things to say about them. Only that they were good.
Genki Ookawa played Kirihara and he stole the show, like seriously. I never saw a small,cute but vicious badger-like men before, or so I think. But I fell in love with his flailings and worthless attempts to run away whenever Marui and Jackal tried to shove him to Sanada. 
From left to right - Ren, Kentaro, Kento, Toru, Masa, Genki, Jutta and Renn
Hyotei – I was really looking for this one as well. Since I watched Kamisama help! and started to like him, I was really pleased that he was playing there. But I was quite disappointed…
Gakuto Mukahi was played by Ruito Aoyagi. This is the first time I saw Ruito as Gakuto and he was really great and funny. He dance beautifully, he really is great dancer and casting Ruito (who does acrobatic dance) is perfectly fitting as acrobatic player Gakuto.
As I said, I was looking forward to Keigo Atobe and his best musical portrayal Kazuki Kato. How disappointed I was when I figured out that he wasn´t playing there live but only in some screen when he sent some messages.
The other actor I was looking forward and me ended up disappointed as in the first case, was Takumi Saito. Takumi played Yuushi Oshitari, a blue-haired best friend of Gakuto. He was doing the same as Kazuki, so he wasn´t even in the stage.
The last actor I know, slightly, is Kenta Kamakari who played Shishido. He was good as I don´t have much say about him either. He was into character too.
Ryo WashimiKoji DateRyunosuke Kawai and Takuya Konma played roles of Kabaji, Chotaro, Hiyoshi and Jiroh. Everyona here was good in their roles, but I would hightlight Takuya as Jiroh. Jiroh is becoming my favourite Hyotei  player for his naive and for his sleeping abilities during tournaments such as friendly attitude towards his teammates and opponents.
Standing ones - Takumi, Ryo, Ryunosuke (I guess) and Kenta. The sitting ones - RuiRui, Takuya, Kazuki and Koji

Yamabuki – I don´t know much about this school, even when I watched anime with this school.
The only actor I know in this team is Takahiko Yanagisawa who played Muromachi Toji. I can say that he dances more than great. I didn´t know that he is that great, also in singing. Yes, he danced and sang in Super Handsome Live 2011 but in this play he did both things great
Iori HayashiHiroshi YazakiMasato Wada and Yuki Kawakubo played roles of Higashikata, Minami, Sengoku (Lucky) and Dan Taichi. They were good. I liked the way Sengoku runs here and there on stage, self-claiming that he's the Captain and Minami being repressed. I personally liked Sengoku because he's so active and cheerful,a complete opposite of myself.
The one with sunglasses is Takahiko, Yuki Kawakubo is the one without jersey,and my absolute favourite,Sengoku (orange-haired)

I don´t know any actors in teams Rokkaku, St. Rudolph and Fudomine, but I´ll write their names at least
Rokkaku – Friendly team
Actors Kazuma KawaharaKanata IreiRyosuke KatoAiru Shiozaki,Gaku Shindo and Shoma Ikegami played roles of Aoi, Saeki (childhood friend of Fuji), Amane, Kurobane and Itsuki
My favourite is Bane x Davide pairs, Davide is the last one in right.

St. Rudolph – Team with white-brown jersey
Kenji AokiMitsuyoshi ShinodaRyosuke Kato and Yuki Ohtake played roles of Akazawa, Yanagisawa (guy who keeps saying „dane“), Kisarazu and Kaneda
I don't see the guy who plays Yanagisawa,He's Atsushi (the guy with the duck) pair.I like the way he always add "da ne, da ne" in his speeches.

Fudomine – Team who for the first time seriously faced Seigaku
Actors YOHYuki FujiwaraMamoru Miyano and Shun Takagi played roles of Tachibana (captain), Kamio (rhytm guy), Ishida (brother of Shitenhoji´s Gin) and Sakurai. It´s shame that Ibu wasn´t here, he is really hilarious, my favourite player from Fudomine. Guy who always says his thoughts, not keeping anything from his teammates nor opponents or ordinary people. He always keeps cracking me up :D For example…
In anime, when some of the teams were at Junior Selection camp to get played against American players, there were match against Atobe and Sanada. Each player is put into three groups lead by diffrent coach. First group is lead by Hanamura sensei (there is Ibu), something-sensei (he is cach of Hyotei) and Ryuzaki sensei, since she is ill, Tezuka has got her place. Each group was at different place and when Ibu heard about Atobe and Sanada, while they were looking on match between Sangoku and Kabaji, this is what he was thinking… Aloud…
Ibu: These two are playing a good match, but…
Honestly, my mind is more on Atobe-san and Sanada-san´s…
Besides, Atobe-san is Hyotei´s captain and Sanada-san is Rikkaidai´s vice-captain… (Rikkaidai – alternative name for Rikkai)
Should I slip away from here and go see, I wonder…
However, if I go, sensei will probably get angry…
But I want to go…
This all he was saying with dreamy and distantly voice, not noticing anyone near him, while looking on the match, not noticing them either I guess… I just love this guy :D
I couldn't find the live action pics. Sorry..DX

Songs were nice, video with Rokkaku on the beach was funny as well. The final ballad sung by Seigaku was beautiful and Dori was sexy with white clothes :D
It was nice to see something old since it is from 2007
Interesting fact: Director of the Prince of Tennis musicals, Yukio Ueshima, also played the role of Nanjiro Echizen, Ryoma´s father


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