Monday 18 June 2012

Yamapi and Ryo-chan

Well,lately aku agak down bila Pi ngan Ryo-chan left NewS.
So,untuk feed aku punya so-called loneliness I'll make a cute fanfic of Pi and Ryo-chan.

Pi was going to drive Ryo nuts. Presuming he wasn't there already, given the years they've known each other.

"Ryo-chan! Ryo-chan! I'm hungry, but my mom took my car to run errands!" Yamapi's whining voice came through clearly over the phone. "Drive me? Ne? Won't you drive me?"

"Take the bus. No, even better, walk. You've been getting a bit podgy recently."

"But Ryo-chan! That'll take too long, and I'm hungry now~"

"Then cook something for yourself. Make that famous omelette and toast you're so good at." Ryo suggested in a bored tone. "Unfortunately for you, Pi, I am not your chauffeur, despite evidence from past events."

Ryo could practically hear the pout on Yamapi's lips. "But Ryo-chan! I wanted to eat with you! It's been so long..." Pi trailed off as the sound of annoyed tapping fingers came over the phone. A sigh escaped his own lips. "Ah, well, I guess I'll just call up Jin. He's never refused me yet, especially when it comes to food." Another sigh. "Aa~h, I do love the guy, but I've been meeting up with him everyday these past few weeks! Just yesterday, he kept me up all night for ero-ero things!"

Ryo nearly dropped his phone. "W-what?!" He sputtered. It came out oddly squeaky.

"You know...his hip-rolling thing? The one he practices every night? He made me watch him and give him pointers." Yamapi's voice turned smug. "I guess he's finally realized who the better dancer is! Ah, maybe tonight, I'll show him how to-"

"I'll be there in five minutes." Ryo interrupted. "Be ready."

"Whoo-hoo! Lucky! Okay then, you're treating! Seeya!" Yamapi hung up quickly before Ryo could change his mind.

Ryo let out a slightly exasperated sigh. Pi was driving Ryo nuts, but as long as it was only Ryo, he would bear with it.

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